Austro-Prussian rivalry 1849 ~ 1868 Flashcards
What was the Erfurt Union?
- Kleindeutschland under Prussian leadership
- Frederick and his big head liked the idea of united Germany under his leadership, being offered the crown just hurt his ego
- 28 states agreed to join
What was the Frankfurt Bundestrat?
- Grossdeutschland governed jointly by Austria, Prussia, and larger German states
- larger states e.g. Hanover, Saxony, left the Erfurt Union and joined this instead
- summoned Bundestrat from the inactive Confederation
Describe the humiliation of Olmutz
- 29 November 1850
- Manteuffel (new Prussian prime minister) and Schwarzenberg (Austrian prime minister) arranged to meet at Olmutz
- Prussia agreed to abandon the union plan, under pressure from Russia and to not antagonise Austria
- Austria hoped for all the German states and the Habsburg Empire to merge, which was not accepted by the smaller German states
What happened in May 1851?
- German Confederation re-established
- alliance formed between Austria and Prussia for close cooperation
- many opposed Austria’s plan of merging, Prussian resentment to Austria for humiliation, some supported Prussia in ruling united Germany
What were some problems Austria faced?
- 1855 concordat with Catholic Church, alienated German Protestants and anti-clerical liberals
- proposed Zollunion, extended customs union between Zollverein and Austria, this failed
- tried to establish customs union with those not in Zollverein, also failed
- Metternich left a large gaping deficit in government finances
- underfinanced, antiquated army
Describe Prussia’s situation now
* countryside
* towns
- Zollverein helped start up the economy
- good education system from primary to university
- plentiful supply of coal, iron, and chemicals
- impressive railway system (5000+ km in 1850)
- Alfred Krupp, main manufacturer of weapons for the Prussian army
- growing liberalism, emergence of great national liberal associations and liberal journals
- right wing liberalism and left wing liberalism, both regard national unity as a top priority
- Manteuffel imposed strict censorship, but also believed that he had a duty to govern in the interests of all the people
- reforming military after the humiliation
* low interest government loans available for peasants to buy land
* overpopulation, government provided peasants financial help to move to less populated areas of Prussia
* standard minimum wage encouraged
* inspectors to improve working conditions
* children under 12 forbidden from working in factories
* industrial courts set up to settle disputes
Austria vs Prussia when it comes to relations with European powers?
Prussia remained strictly neutral, maintaining good relations with other European powers, especially Russia, Britain, and France.
by 1856, Austria lost friendship with Russia, and did not gain the friendships of Britain and France