Australia’s role as a penal colony from 1788 Flashcards
What date did Cook’s expedition claim Newfoundland, what did they report favourably of, and why was Botany Bay chosen?
22nd August 1770, reported favourably of its emptiness and fertile land, Botany Bay was chosen due to the possibility for flax growth.
Why did Pitt’s government want to establish a penal colony?
prisoners were becoming increasingly overcrowded. And, after the American War of Independence, prisoners could no longer be shipped to America.
How much did it cost to fit out the fleet?
What date did the first fleet set sail from Portsmouth, and how many ships did this include?
13th May 1787 - 6 convict ships - 775 convicts, 3 supply ships and 2 navy ships
How many miles was the journey, and how many days did it take?
15,000 miles, it took 252 day, and they stopped in Rio de Janerio for supplies.
What date did the fleet arrive in Botany Bay?
18th January 1788
Records suggest how many convicts arrived?
732 - including 543 men, 189 women and 22 children
Why was the intital settlement as Botany Bay so bad?
- Sydney was a challening environment
- within 6 months livestock that was brought with the Fleet had either
been eaten or disappeared - settlement relied on supplies that they had brought with them and by trading w the Aboriginal pepople who had superior hunting skills
After realising Botany Bay wasn’t suitable, what date did the fleet sail to Port Jackson, and where did they land?
26th January 1788, they landed in Sydney Cove.
What years was Arthur Phillip governor, and what is notable about him?
1788-92, he was responsible for the success of the First Fleet and the survival of the colony. He gave the first land grants to ex-convicts and had a non-confrontational policy with the Aboriginals.
What years was Willian Bligh governor, and what was notable about him?
1806-09, he suffered 2 mutinies and was removed by the New South Wales Corps. However, there was little punishment for the perpetrators because London recognised Bligh’s errors - he’d attempted to curve their privileges.
What years was Thomas Brisbane governor, and what was notable about him?
1821-25, he reversed the paternalistic approach of Macquarie, limiting early pardons and land grants.
Many feared the colony would have the same fate as the settlement where? What happened?
In Raonoke, Virginia, 1587-90 (-when relief arrived) all 107 settlers had perished.
Why did Phillip often have to rely on his own judgement?
communication to London took long time
Because convicts weren’t necessarily the best team workers, how did Phillip try to ensure a cooperative system?
By trying to allocate the convicts with jobs based on their skills.
What was the building/housing like by the time Phillip returned to England (in 1792).
All were in proper housing, and there was a brick-built governors mansion.
Phillip’s preparations for the Fleet were a success, how is this evident?
In the ships log records of the survival rate - only 3% of all on the outward journey died. And the arrival of the Second Fleet it also, arguably, a testament to the success of the first.
When had the Home Secretary wanted the Fleet to set sail, but what did Phillip insist on?
The Home Secretary had wanted the fleet to set sail in December 1786, but Phillip insisted on 6 months to prepare. Without the extra 6 months, the fleet might have failed.
In 1790, what did Phillip do, and what happened eventually?
He sent 183 convicts, 28 children and 81 marines to establish a second colony in Norfolk Island. This meant there’d be less people to feed, so rations would be stretched less. However in 1807 the colony was forced to evacuate.
What date did Phillip make rations equal, and what did he hope this would ensure?
1st April 1790, equalising rations meant that marines would no longer get more, thus ensuring no riots about the matter and that there’d be enough to last until the arrival of the Second Fleet.
Phillip decided to settle the colony 16 miles away, where? Why did he do this?
Parramatta (Rose Hill), because it had more fertile land and land available for grants.
In what year was the first land grant received, and by who?
1791, James Ruse (who’d been a farmer before his conviction and transportation) was given the first land grant of 30 acres, where he successfully grew wheat and other crops.
What date did the Second Fleet arrive, what was it called, and how many female convicts did it carry?
3rd June 1790, the Lady Juliana arrived, carrying 222 female convicts. At least 1/4 of those on the outward journey had died.
What year was the Rum Rebellion, and what happened?
1808, the New South Wales Corps took over from Bligh and ran the colony.
What years were the Rum Years, and what did this mean?
1792-1808, the New South Wales Corps dominated the colony controlling ports and paying alcohol merchants their wages. Because silver money wasn’t introduced until 1812 and rum was used as currency the New South Wales Corps, therefore, effectively dominated the economy.
After the Rum Rebellion, who was dispatched from London?