Augustines Terms For For Persons Of The Trinity Flashcards
Augustine’s terms for the persons of the Trinity
Lover (F), beloved (S), Love (HS)
Luke’s version of Jesus’s last words on the cross
Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing
Service for
Good deed toward another person
Service with
Being present with one another in authentic encounter
Cheap grace
Forgiveness without repentence
At-one-ment, talking about relationship with God
Art of making decisions
Positive reaction toward something.. bringing up good emotion
negative reaction associate with bad or bringing up bad emotion
Tell me things that you learned from class about the historical practice of crucifixion
Humiliation, if you mess up that’s you,
To set an example of the criminal, public entertainment
A deterrent, to send a message, showing control
To inflict pain on the ones who sinned against Roman command
State the three things I said we can say about the work of the cross. Be able to state them and explain them.
Cross is art of solidarity
(Derives of same status as people he came to be with)
Death as an act of liberation
(Being on Passover)
(Jesus is Jeshua which means savior)
Death provides radical forgiveness
(From Luke, “Father forgive them”)
State Jesus’s Post resurrection message to his disciples (I’m looking for his first and last words in Luke that we discussed in class)
Peace be with you, forgive people, mission, and evangelism
Peace with suffering, repentance (turn to God and away from sin) and forgiveness
State and explain the mission Jesus gives to his disciples (Again, I want to see Luke’s wording of their mission). Tell me how the disciples will be equipped for this mission.
“You are witnesses”
Witness, someone who saw something and tells it to others
Equipped by the holy spirit
Know the two Christian claims/beliefs that Dr. Kelly mentioned about Jesus’s resurrection and be able to state why and how that caused early Christian communities to live differently. You will also want to be able to provide an example
- Reveals God’s power over death
- Raise hope for everyone’s resurrection
ex. Antioch plagues where only Christians went to help/support. This is due to the hope that people had in terms of risking their lives because now they believe we could have life after death.
Name and explain in your own words Gaillardetz’ three arguments for the institutional church
(Jesus) modeled practicing in institution and engaged in it
There Is a (tradition) of community participation in religion. Starts after Pentecost
Particularity of incarnation (take on flesh), we continue the mission to keep God’s presence on earth
Know MLK’s requirements for a just vs. unjust law. I will likely provide you with a law and ask you to determine if it’s just or unjust based on King’s 4 criteria.
Everybody follows just laws, only the minority follows unjust laws
Just laws uplift, unjust laws degrade
Was every voice heard?
Is it only just on its face? What about application?
Provide one theological argument about why the human person should care about justice and actively work towards it.
We are all created in the image of God
Define discernment and when discernment is used according to Ignatius.
Art of careful decision making
According to Ignatius we used it when we need to decide between two goods, appears good vs what’s actually good
Name and explain the three factors considered in the discernment process (Note: factors are different than the attitudes, but while we are on the subject, you might want to be able to identify the attitudes.)
Internal movements = affective pulls
Forces of habit = informs decision making process (Risk taker or not?)
Community influence = who do you listen to when you make decisions