Augustine's teachings on human nature Flashcards
Who was Augustine?
His lifestyle changed after reading St Paul’s letter to the Romans: “clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.”
Then became a priest and preacher, Bishop of Hippo and a recognised Doctor of the Church.
Are human beings born sinful? (Rousseau, Hobbes, Dawkins and Locke).
Rousseau - “Nothing is as gentle as man in his primitive state.” (Humans are born selfless and then corrupted by society).
Hobbes: “The life of man is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” (Humans are born selfish and need discipline from society).
Dawkins: “We alone on earth can rebel against the tyranny of our selfish replicators.” (We are able to develop a selfless morality - unlike animals).
Locke: “Tabula Rasa.” (We are born ads a blank slate - all learning is through experience).
What is Augustine’s view on human nature?
Humans were created in the image of God, but at the Fall, human nature was damaged, resulting in us being born in to a state of Original Sin, inherited by Adam and Eve.
What does Genesis 3 say?
Born ‘Imago Dei’ - in the image of God. As a result of their decision to eat from the tree of knowledge evil, suffering and sin are bought into the world.
What does Augustine think evil is?
Evil is not a ‘thing’ itself but a ‘privation’ of good (‘privatio boni’).
How did Augustine think Original Sin was passed on?
Through sexual intercourse. All people are conceived as a result of lust - shown in concupiscence.
What is concupiscence?
The idea that our natural perfected state has been wounded so that we are not bad, but always inclined towards sin.
What is Augustine’s quote about concupiscence?
“For a runaway horde is better than a stone.” (Meaning God lovingly gave Adam and Eve free will because it was the most loving thing for him to do - he wanted them to love him by choice).
What did John Hick say about free will?
Why is God’s grace important?
It is freely given to undeserving humans, for example, as seen in the sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross - Augustine believed that God elects some people to go to heaven (this is evidence of his benevolence).
Who was Augustine’s contempary who saw of flaws within Augustine’s theology?
Negatives of Original Sin:
Genesis 3 is metaphorical
Is the consequence actually proportional?
If God is omniscient he must have know what Adam and Eve were going to do, so why didn’t he intervene to stop it?
Reasons why Original Sin is fair:
It may seem unfair, however it represented them disobeying God.