Augustan Age Flashcards
the chronological and geographical context of Rome in the Mediterranean and the Near East, key
powers in the region and the nature of contact with other societies (Survey)
impact of death of Caesar, early career of Octavian, Second Triumvirate and Civil War (Establishment of the principate)
consequences and significance of the Battle of Actium (Establishment of the principate)
development of the principate: settlements of 27 and 23 BC (Establishment of the principate)
titles, honours and images of the princeps (Establishment of the principate)
Augustus and the Senate: roles and responsibilities (The Augustan principate)
roles of magistrates and officials (The Augustan principate)
significance of equestrians and freedmen (The Augustan principate)
Augustan reforms: political, social, legal, religious and administrative (The Augustan principate)
opposition to Augustus (The Augustan principate)
Augustus’ building programs: the Forum Augustum, the Ara Pacis, Pantheon, Campus
Martius (The Augustan principate)
literature and propaganda: Virgil, Horace and Livy, role of Maecenas (The Augustan principate)
imperial family and problems of the succession, role of imperial women: Livia, Julia (The Augustan principate)
role and contribution of Agrippa (The Augustan principate)
death of Augustus (The Augustan principate)
Augustus and the army (Augustus and the empire)
provincial government: imperial and senatorial (Augustus and the empire)
frontier policy (Augustus and the empire)