August 29 Flashcards
at what age is the zoster vaccine recommended?
screening for diabetes?
FBG or HBA1c in everyoneover 40 every 3 years
where do you report improper conduct of another physician?
College or regulatory body of the health professional
which preop investigation should you get on a woman of childbearing age?
preg test
what drugs should be stopped preop?
ACEi, ARBs (dont take the morning of)
Warfarin and anticoags
Oral antihyperglycemics
Herbal supplements (stop one week prior)
when to stop smoking before surgery?
8 weeks if possible
if not, try to abstain for 24 hours prior
what can you give to someone with asthma preop?
short course (1 week) oral steroidsto decrease risk of bronchospasm
normal PR interval on ekg?
<0.2 (less than one big box, or five small boxes)
when considering a panic disorder what should you also test for?
when do ovarian dermoid cysts commonly develoo?
redroductive years
A 12 year old can be sexually active with someone of which age?
less than 2 years older, and no authority dynamic
All patients with diabetes above 40 years old should be on…
In the case of an unexpected death, who should be notified?
the medical examiner or coroner
People who work with batteries are at risk for..
lead poisoning
which is more indicative of a MEDICAL issue, visual or olfactory hallucinations?