Aug 13 History Flashcards
Summarise 18th century teaching worldwide and US
18th century: studied in Edinburgh or learned as apprentices
Medical College of Philadelphia was founded in 1765, and became affiliated with UPENN in 71
In New York, King’s College established in 1767, and in 1770, awarded the first American M.D. degree
Smallpox history
Smallpox inoculation was introduced early to mid 1700’s, well before it was accepted in Europe
who is Ben Rush
Signed declaration, from Philly, Father of Psychiatry, Founded Dickensin College
Advised Lewis and Clark, gave them mercury for poisoning, could follow by following mercury
Homeopathy: Individual and Original Reasons
Hannahman codified in 1796, although didn’t make its way to US until 1825
A reaction to heroic medicine, stressed nutrition/exercise/minimal medicine, a taste of holistic med
Doesn’t kill patient, body can heal itself (hints at osteo)
Sam Thomas
Botanical Medical College
Founder of nineteenth-century medical sects, the “Thomsonians.“ Cure Disease with Vegetable Medicine.
“Democratic” style of practice in which “every man [was] his own physician.”
All disease was due to the body’s inability to maintain its natural heat. Used six plants that caused sweat and vomit.
Defeated restrictive licensing laws, opening up US medicine to everyone.
Said throw medicine into sea
Anaesthesia HIstory
1842, Crawford Long performs first surgery with ether. IN 1879, he was declared the discovered of anaesthesia
In 1846, a dentist also did a surger with ether, WIlliam Morton
First woman to get med degree
1849, Elizabeth Blackwell
First womens college
Philly, Female Med College of Penn, later WOmens Medical COllege
Joseph Lister
Father of modern antiseptic surgery
1867- publishes Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery, based partly on Pasteur’s work.
Diff than homeopathy (homeo was main competitor to allopathy)
Thomosians joined
Eli Jones is big name, used herbs to treat cancer patients
Popular health movement: Names and for and against
SYlvester graham (graham cracker, hygeniest)
FOr: Bathing, exercise, nutrition, fresh air
Against: bad dress (hot clothes), meds, gluttony, sexual permissiveness, unheathy food (meat, eggs, milk, coffee, tea, pastries)
AMA founding and summary
Wanted to create an authorotaive base, were accused by rivals of being‘hard drugging’ “allopaths
Jonathon Taylor Still
- his edu and degree
- Why interested
- Beliefs
- Why muscularskeletal
- His college
Founder of Osteo
EDU was preceptorial, common at time
Frustrated with modern medicine after losing family to meningities, specifically drugs and unnecessary surgiers (all since which abandoned)
Believed in immunity, body had natural pharmacy
Had an MD, yes MD, degree from Missouri
Cured headache by falling asleep over rope, led to muscularskeletal interest
Tried without success to get Baker college to use his ideas, and then founded college in Missouri that gave out DO degrees (American school of osteo)
Died 1917
osteopathy means
Osteon- [Gr. “bone” ] the basic unit of structure of compact bone
Path(o)- [Gr. pathos disease] A combining form denoting relationship to disease
Pathos- [Gr. pathein to suffer]
Many believe Still used the suffering of the musculoskeletal system as his definition