AUDITION Flashcards
what is the difference between dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei?
dorsal projects to inferior col, ventral projects to medial and lateral olivary nuclei which is where bilaterality begins.
what structures compare the timing and intensity of the sound?
the timing is done by the medial superior olive, the intensity by the lateral.
where do the different types of auditory input join together ultimately?
inferior colliculus.
what structure integrates the input sound and controls the visceral noises for better hearing?
inferior colliculus dampens down visceral noises .
what are the primary auditory areas?
A1-transverse g of heschl
A2-planum temporale.
what’s the function of descending pathway?
it sharpens the sound by cortical projections to olives and then to cochlea to dampen down other sounds in surroundings.
what is the pathway of core and belt audio processing?
core goes from central inferior col to to ventral medial geniculate, then to A1 to process intensity, frequency and timing.
belt goes from dorsal inferior col to dorsal/medial medial geniculate and then to A2- for integration and association with somatosensory, visceral and emotional.
how are sounds localises?
due to their intensity and timing which is compared between ears. intensity pathway is on lateral olivary nucleus which goes to A1, timing pathway is on medial oliv nucleus which also goes to A1.
what are types of deafness and what is their cause?
- conductive: external acou meatus/middle ear damage, cant transfer mechanical sound.
- sensorineural: inner ear/organ of corti damage normally with aging/ pathogenic killing of hair cells, the problem is irreplaceable.
- Pure word: cortical/wernicke aphagia- understanding problems