Audit Risk Flashcards
IR is the ..
Succeptibility of a relevant assertion to matetial mistatement
If substantive provedures cannot provide details do..
Bentuk subtantive test apa aja?
Dual process
TOC and test of detail
Control risk is assed based on
Fs assertion
Ultimate purpose of CR
Contribute to audit evaluation of the risk that material mistatement exist in FS
Before the BS date means..
More interm than at year end because IC is effvtive
Obtaining a letter is what form of precedure?
If you want to rely on the IC what u hve to do?
Test if control
NOT analytical procedures
Even if cr is low still have to do..
Some Substantive test
Complexity if computer system, document electronic, which risk?
If CR high PDR?
Pdr low, substantive testing increase
CR is low what have the audited done?
Test of Control
Required to evaluate the operating effectiveness of IC
True or False
False only need to unserstand the design and implementatin
Audit risk is judgmental so what procedures should they do?
Perfom substantive test for all relevant assertion
CR at max what to do?
Doccument the assesment
If the auditor asses risk base on effectiveness of controls auditors need to
Identify specific IC control
Perform TOC
Risk assesment
Which are must?
Risk assesment
And analytical procedur
Which of the risk can be tested in nonquantitative
Ir cr pdr
Is toc required for every internal control
No, if IC not effective no need to test
Reperformance is form of