Audit Responsibilities and Objectives Flashcards
What is the purpose of an audit?
The purpose of an audit is to provide the financial statement users with an opinion by the auditor on whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial accounting framework, which enhances the degree of confidence that intended users can place in the financial statements.
What happens if the auditor believes the financial statements are not fairly presented or if there’s insufficient evidence?
The auditor must modify their opinion in the audit report and inform users accordingly.
What is the auditor’s best defense if facts emerge after the issuance of an audit report suggesting that the financial statements were not fairly stated?
The auditor’s best defense is that they performed the audit procedures in accordance with auditing standards.
Who holds primary responsibility for preparing and presenting financial statements according to the applicable financial reporting framework?
The management of the company
What are the additional responsibilities of the management of a company regarding financial reporting? List them (MPG).
Additional responsibilities of the management include:
a. Establishing and maintaining internal controls to ensure financial statements are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.
b. Adopting sound accounting policies based on the applicable financial reporting framework and making reasonable accounting estimates.
c. Assessing the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
What are the responsibilities of the management of a company regarding the audit of financial statements? List them (IA).
In connection with the audit of the company’s financial statements, the management is responsible for:
a. Providing the auditor all information from documents and records relevant to the preparation and presentation of FS, including additional information the auditor may request.
b. Providing the auditor with unrestricted access to personnel within the organization from whom the auditor deems it necessary to obtain audit evidence.
Who is responsible for overseeing the company’s financial reporting process?
Those charged with governance, such as the company’s board of directors (BOD)
What obligation does management have under the Securities and Regulation Code (SRC) regarding audited annual financial statements submitted to the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippine SEC)?
Management is required to attach the Statement of Management’s Responsibility when submitting their audited annual financial statements.
Where must management submit their audited annual financial statements in accordance with the Securities and Regulation Code (SRC) where they are also required to attach the Statement of Management’s Responsibility?
Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippine SEC)
Who is required to sign the Statement of Management’s Responsibility, as per regulations?
The Statement of Management’s Responsibility must be signed by at least two (2) senior officers of the company: one responsible for the overall direction of the company (e.g., CEO) and another responsible for the financial aspects of the company (e.g., CFO).
Whose responsibility is the accumulation and evaluation of evidence to support the items in the financial statements?
The auditor
What are the overall objectives of the auditor in conducting an audit of financial statements (AR)?
a) To obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, thereby enabling the auditor to express an opinion on whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework; and
b) To report on the financial statements, and communicate as required by auditing standards, in accordance with the auditor’s findings.
What is the scope of the auditor’s responsibility concerning items in the financial statements?
Only to material items
How is information classified as material in the context of financial statements?
Information is considered material if its omission or misstatement can influence the decisions of the users within the context of the financial statements.
What does “reasonable assurance” mean in the context of auditing financial statements?
Reasonable assurance is a high, but not absolute, level of assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatements. Thus, an audit conducted in accordance with auditing standards may still fail to detect a material misstatement.
What is emphasized about the auditor’s role in terms of guaranteeing the accuracy of financial statements?
The auditor is not an insurer or guarantor of the accuracy of financial statements, highlighting that reasonable assurance does not imply absolute certainty.
Why is the level of assurance provided by auditors not absolute (SJED)?
The level of assurance is not absolute due to the following reasons:
- The use of selective testing, which involves testing a sample of the population, carries the risk of not detecting material misstatements.
- Auditor’s judgment plays a significant role in decisions regarding the areas, type, extent, and timing of audit procedures.
- Financial statements often involve significant judgment and complex estimates, leading to uncertainty affected by future events, which necessitates reliance on persuasive rather than conclusive evidence.
- Detecting fraudulently prepared financial statements is challenging, especially in cases of collusion among management or with outside parties.
What contributes to the uncertainty surrounding financial statements in auditing processes?
The uncertainty surrounding financial statements in auditing processes is exacerbated by the complexity of judgment and the reliance on estimates, particularly in anticipation of future events.
What are the two main causes of misstatements in financial statements, and how are they differentiated?
Misstatements in financial statements can be caused by errors and/or fraud. An error refers to an unintentional misstatement, while fraud is intentional.
Which of the two do auditors have more responsibility for finding: material errors or material frauds?
Auditors have the same level of responsibility for materials frauds and material errors.
How can fraud be further categorized (not as to perpetrator)?
Fraud can be further categorized as:
- Misappropriation of assets
- Fraudulent financial reporting
How can fraud be categorized based on the perpetrator?
Fraud can be categorized by perpetrator into:
- Employee fraud
- Management fraud
Can auditing standards differentiate between the auditor’s responsibilities regarding errors and fraud?
Auditing standards do not differentiate between the auditor’s responsibilities for detecting errors and fraud.
What makes fraud, particularly management fraud, challenging to detect?
Fraud is often more difficult to detect because perpetrators, whether management or employees, attempt to conceal it. Management fraud is particularly challenging to detect as management has the authority to override controls designed to prevent and detect such frauds.
What level of understanding of legal and regulatory requirements is the auditor required to obtain?
The auditor is only required to obtain a general understanding of the legal and regulatory requirements affecting the client’s financial reporting.
What factors affect the auditor’s ability to detect material misstatements arising from client non-compliance with laws and regulations (OCLR)?
- Many laws and regulations primarily relate to operating aspects of the business and may not affect the financial statements, thus escaping the client’s information systems related to financial reporting.
- Non-compliance may involve actions designed to conceal them.
- Determining whether an act constitutes non-compliance is a legal matter, often decided by a court of law.
- The further removed the impact from non-compliance is from the financial statements, the less likely the auditor is to become aware of or recognize non-compliance when auditing the financial statements.
What actions may be involved in concealing non-compliance (CFDMI)?
Non-compliance may involve actions designed to conceal them, such as:
Deliberate failure to record transactions
Management override of controls
Intentional misrepresentation made to the auditor
What determines the auditor’s responsibilities regarding non-compliance with laws and regulations?
The auditor’s responsibilities regarding non-compliance with laws and regulations depend on whether the laws or regulations are expected to have a direct effect on the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
Which laws and regulations are generally recognized to have a direct effect on the amounts and disclosures in financial statements?
Provisions of certain laws and regulations, such as tax and pension laws and regulations, are generally recognized to have a direct effect on the amounts and disclosures in financial statements.
What should auditors obtain regarding material amounts and disclosures affected by laws and regulations?
The auditor should obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence regarding material amounts and disclosures that are affected by laws and regulations.
What are the potential consequences of noncompliance with laws and regulations that may not directly impact the financial statements?
Noncompliance with certain laws and regulations may not immediately impact the entity’s financial statements. However, it could eventually lead to significant financial consequences in the form of penalties and fines.
What procedures should the auditor perform to identify instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that may materially affect the financial statements (IC IC)?
The auditor should perform the following procedures:
- Inquire of management and those charged with governance about whether the entity is in compliance with such laws and regulations.
- Inspect correspondence, if any, with the relevant government agency or regulatory authorities.
During the audit, may other audit procedures bring instances of suspected non-compliance to the auditor’s attention.