Audit Reports & Other Reports Flashcards
What are the overall objectives of the Auditor?
1) to obtain reasonable assurance that F/S are free from material misstatement
2) report on financial statements
If cannot, the disclaim or withdraw
What should be included for the Auditor’s address?
The City and State where located
What is Management Responsible for in regards to the Financial Statements?
Preparation and Fair Presentation of Financial Statements in accordance with the Applicable Financial Reporting Framework
What is Management Responsible for in regards to Internal Control?
Internal Control Design, Implementation, Maintenance
What are the headings in the Audit Report for an Unmodified Opinion?
(TIM-AA) Title; Introduction; Management Responsibility; Auditor Responsibility; Audit Opinion
What are the headings in the Audit Report for an Modified Opinion?
(TIMA-BA) Title; Introduction; Management Responsibility; Auditor Responsibility; Basis for (Modified) Opinion; Audit Opinion
In an Unmodified Opinion with Emphasis-of-Matter / Other-Matter sections, what is the order of the headings?
(TIM-AA EMO) Title; Introduction; Management Responsibility; Auditor Responsibility; Audit Opinion; Emphasis-of-Matter; Other-Matter
What are the requirements for referencing a Component Auditor in the Audit Report?
1) Component Financial Statements must be prepared using same Financial Reporting Framework as the Group Financial Statements (or obtain evidence to support any adjustments for conversion)
2) Component Auditor must have performed audit in accordance with GAAS or PCAOB Standards.
3) The report is not restricted in use.
What must the Group Engagement Partner do if they assume responsibility for the Component Auditor’s work?
Perform additional audit procedures; Be involved in Component Auditors work; Perform Risk Assessment procedures; Assess Risk of Material Misstatement; No reference to component auditor is required
What standards govern SSARS engagements?
Compilations are governed by SSARS (Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services)
Which clients can have compilation engagements?
Non-SEC (non-public) registrants only.
What is a Compilation?
Accountant puts together financial statements with information PROVIDED BY MANAGEMENT. No opinion is expressed and no assurances are given. Independence is not required.
What disclosures are required for Compilation engagements?
Disclosures not necessary. Must state that they are omitted in a 4th paragraph.
1) F/S should be in conformity with GAAP
2) No deception of users
3) Warn for missing disclosures
Limited disclosures marked as “selected information”
What standards govern Review engagements?
SSARS (Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services)
What type of assurance is given in a Review engagement?
Reviews give limited assurance.
What procedures are required for Review engagements?
Analytical procedures are required for reviews. Compare results to documented predictions.
What is a Review engagement?
Financial statements are presented with no opinion expressed- and limited assurances are given. Independence is required for a review engagement.
What is a Financial Forecast?
A prospective financial statement that uses normal/expected circumstances. General and limited use allowed.
What is a Financial Projection?
A prospective financial statement using hypothetical situations (what if scenarios). Only limited use by the client is allowed.
What are Agreed Upon Procedures?
Report of findings is based on agreed upon procedures and they provide no assurance. I-AM-SURE
1) Independence required
2) Agreed upon by parties
3) Measurability & Consistency
4) Sufficiency of procedures
5) Use of report is restricted
6) Responsibility for subject matter
7) Engagements to perform agreed upon procedures on prospective financial statements
Disclaimer of opinion ONLY/NO OPINION
What disclosures are required for remote likelihood of losses?
No disclosure required.
What disclosure is required for a probable loss contingency?
Accrue if estimable. Emphasis-of-Matter paragraph if not estimable.
What disclosure is made if a loss contingency is reasonably possible?
Auditor assesses need for Emphasis-of-Matter paragraph based on loss likelihood.
How is a gain contingency reported?
Gain contingencies are not reported.
How does an immaterial GAAP issue affect the audit opinion?
It doesn’t. Opinion is Unmodified.
How does a very material GAAP issue affect the Audit Report?
Modified-Adverse Opinion is issued. Emphasis-of-Matter paragraph is added after Opinion paragraph.
How do GAS standards compare to GAAS?
GAS is more strict than GAAS.
What is required under the Single Audit Act?
An audit performed under governmental auditing standards (GAS). A report on internal control is required. GAAS and GAS don’t require the I/C report.
Auditors must address special considerations in the application of US GAAS for which areas?
1) Special Purpose Frameworks
2) Audits of Single F/S
3) Compliance Audited F/S
4) Summary Financial Statements
Which type of bases fall under special purpose frameworks?
1) Cash basis
2) Tax basis
3) Regulatory basis
4) Contractual basis
Which type of bases are considered OCBOA (other comprehensive bases of accounting)
1) Cash basis
2) Tax basis
3) Regulatory basis
What type of titles do special purposes frameworks use?
Titles that omit GAAP references and terms
Which type of special purpose frameworks bases use an emphasis of matter paragraph?
All bases except regulatory basis statements which are intended for general use
1) Cash
2) Tax
3) Regulatory (specific use)
4) Contractual
Which type of special purpose frameworks bases use an other matter paragraph?
Contractual basis and regulatory basis (not intended for general use)
What type of opinions do regulatory basis (general use) financial statements have?
General use regulatory basis F/S have a dual opinion:
1) Statements are fairly presented in accordance with GAAP (Adverse opinion)
2) statements are prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework (Unmodified opinion)
What happens when special purpose financials are presented in an inappropriate or prescribed form?
The auditor should reword the prescribed form or attach an appropriately worded separate report.
Which special purpose basis have to define the purpose for which statements are prepared?
1) Regulatory (specific)
2) Regulatory (general use)
3) Contractual
Regarding special purposes F/S and single/specific F/S, what type of understanding should auditors obtain?
1) Purpose of F/S
2) Users
3) Acceptability of F/S framework used by management
Which audit procedures should be applied to audits of specific elements?
Can use audit evidence obtained during the audit of the complete set of F/S in the audit of a single F/S or specific element
What type of materiality is present in single/specific element F/S
When auditing a single/specific element F/S, materiality should be obtained for each element/single F/S rather than complete set
What type of opinion should be given in single/specific element F/S?
A separate opinion should be given for each engagement. The opinion given on the complete set of F/S should be shared in an other matters paragraph
What type of opinion should be given in single/specific element F/S when there is a modified opinion on the complete set of F/S?
1) Adverse Opinion = due to material misstatement (GAAP issue)
2) Disclaimer of opinion = due to a scope limitation (GAAS issue)
What is a piecemeal opinion?
This is when an auditor expresses an adverse or disclaimer of opinion on the complete set of financial statements and a contradictory opinion is given on the specific F/S
What are the exceptions to the piecemeal opinion?
1) Opinion on specific element does not accompany auditor’s report on complete set of F/S
2) Specific element does not constitute a major portion of complete F/S
How should emphasis of matter and other matter paragraphs be reported on specific element F/S?
If they are present on the complete set of F/S, then they should be added to the specific element report
How should an incomplete presentation that is in otherwise accordance with GAAP be reported?
There should be an emphasis of matter paragraph with the unmodified opinion that states the:
1) purpose
2) presentation is not intended to be complete
How should compliance audited F/S be reported?
1) Separate report
2) Included in auditor’s report, which also has an other matters paragraph
What type of assurance should be given on compliance audited F/S?
There should be negative assurance and the report should be restricted use.
When should an auditor accept summary F/S?
Auditor should also be engaged to audit F/S from which summary F/S are derived.
What type of opinion should be given on summary F/S?
1) Unmodified opinion
2) Adverse opinion
A qualified opinion is not allowed due to summarized nature.
When should an auditor withdraw from summary F/S engagement?
When there is an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion on the AUDITED F/S
What is mandatory in a compilation engagement?
1) Engagement letter (presumptively mandatory)
2) Significant findings
3) Oral/written communication with management regarding illegal acts
What are the requirements of a compilation?
1) Knowledge of client industry
2) Client business (“STAFF”)
3) Reading F/S
4) Fraud, illegal acts, going concern, and subsequent events - inform management if aware
What is the format of a compilation report?
What happens when compilations are presented in an inappropriate or prescribed form?
1) Alternative form of standard report used
2) Additional paragraph stating F/S are not applicable with reporting framework
What happens when there are departures from applicable financial reporting framework for compilations?
There are no opinions given. Auditors can disclose or withdraw.
What are the requirements of complilations of PERSONAL F/S?
1) Cannot be used to obtain credit
2) Nothing comes to auditor’s attention that they will be used to obtain credit
What hapens when unaudited F/S are not for third party use?
There should be a paragraph restricting the use and written communication is required in the form of a compilation or engagement letter (plain paper report).
What are the requirements of a review?
U - LIAR- CPA Understanding with client established Learning business and industry Inquiries of management/within company Analytical procedures Review - other procedures Client representation letter Professional judgment to evaluate results Accountant (CPA) communicates results
What is an auditor NOT required to do in a review?
1) Test internal controls
2) Audit tests
3) Fraud risk
4) Contact predecessor auditor
What is the format of a review report?
What should an auditor do when there is a departure in a compilation or review?
Modify report by adding a separate paragraph. If modification is not adequate, then withdraw. Cannot give an adverse or qualified opinion because no audit was conducted.
What actions should an auditor take when there are subsequent events that occur after report issuance?
1) Tell client to issue revise F/S
2) Make necessary disclosures
3) Alert users that report is unreliable
What actions should an auditor take when there are subsequent events and the client refuses to comply?
DAR them
1) Disassociate
2) Alert regulatory agencies
3) Relying parties (alert them)