Audit Reports Flashcards
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What should be included for the Auditor’s address?
The City and State where located
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What is Management Responsible for in regards to the Financial Statements?
Preparation and Fair Presentation of Financial Statements in accordance with the Applicable Financial Reporting Framework
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What is Management Responsible for in regards to Internal Control?
Internal Control Design, Implementation, Maintenance
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What are the headings in the Audit Report for an Unmodified Opinion?
(TIM-AA) Title; Introduction; Management Responsibility; Auditor Responsibility; Audit Opinion
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What are the headings in the Audit Report for an Modified Opinion?
(TIMA-BA) Title; Introduction; Management Responsibility; Auditor Responsibility; Basis for (Modified) Opinion; Audit Opinion
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In an Unmodified Opinion with Emphasis-of-Matter / Other-Matter sections, what is the order of the headings?
(TIM-AA EMO) Title; Introduction; Management Responsibility; Auditor Responsibility; Audit Opinion; Emphasis-of-Matter; Other-Matter
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What are the requirements for referencing a Component Auditor in the Audit Report?
Component Financial Statements must be prepared using same Financial Reporting Framework as the Group Financial Statements; Component Auditor must have performed audit in accordance with GAAS or PCAOB Standards.
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What must the Group Engagement Partner do if they assume responsibility for the Component Auditor’s work?
Perform additional audit procedures; Be involved in Component Auditors work; Perform Risk Assessment procedures; Assess Risk of Material Misstatement
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What standards govern SSARS engagements?
Compilations are governed by SSARS (Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services)
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Which clients can have compilation engagements?
Non-SEC (non-public) registrants only.
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What is a Compilation?
Accountant puts together financial statements with information PROVIDED BY MANAGEMENT. No opinion is expressed and no assurances are given. Independence is not required.
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What disclosures are required for Compilation engagements?
Disclosures not necessary must state that they are not included
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What standards govern Review engagements?
SSARS (Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services)
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What type of assurance is given in a Review engagement?
Reviews give limited assurance.
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What procedures are required for Review engagements?
Analytical procedures are required for reviews. Compare results to documented predictions.