Audit Engagement Field Work Flashcards
What are the 3 types of substantive testing?
Tests of transactions
Tests of details
Analytical procedures
What is the most persuasive evidence?
evidence that is externally generated and obtained by the auditor directly from the source
How can detection risk be reduced more than anticipated?
performing more substantive testing than planned
perform tests that provide better quality evidence
How far into the future must an auditor be concerned about a going-concern?
a reasonable period of time not to exceed 12 months from the balance sheet date
Why are substantive tests performed?
to reduce detection risk for an account balance or group of accounts so that audit risk for one or more relevant assertion is reduced to an acceptable level
What is meant by subsequent period?
the time between the balance sheet date and the date the audit report is issued
Which management assertion is being tested when an auditor starts with a reported balance and seek support through internal documentation?
vouching usually seeks to substantiate existance
Which management assertion is being tested when an auditor starts with transactions and traces the recording of those activities through the accounting system?
tracing seeks to substantiate completeness
What happens if the client does not sign a letter of representation?
this is a material lack of evidence and could lead to a qualified or disclaimer of opinion
the auditor could also withdraw
Other than disclosure what issue must an auditor verify in connection with related party transactions?
make sure the transaction actually occurred as indicated
How does an auditor go about searching for related-party transactions?
names of officers, subsidiaries, major investors on documentation supporting the transactions
transactions near the end of the year that had or could have had a significant impact on the F/S
transactions that do not conform to the standards, conditions, or terms of traditional transactions, such as loans without repayment schedules
Why are estimates of special concern to an auditor?
there is less objective evidence for accounting estimates
What 2 ways does an auditor go about substantiating the estimates found in the client F/S?
evaluate the system or method
evaluate the reasonableness of the estimate
How can the auditor gain evidence about the reasonableness of an estimate?
examine process used to develop the estimate
examine the methodology and accuracy of similar estimates
review subsequent events for additional info and support for the reasonableness of estimates
hire an outside specialist to evaluate the estimate
What signals might the auditor encounter that would indicate a possible going-concern situation?
recurring losses and negative cash flows from operations
negative working capital
need for troubled restructuring of debt
default on existing debt
major dollar amount lawsuits or pending lawsuits
declared but unpaid stockholder dividends
loss of key customers and/or vendors
What happens if a going-concern situation is discovered?
request managements plans as to how this doubt will be resolved or at least lessened and the company can remain in business for the next 12 months
What happens if an auditor is satisfied with the plans by management over a going-concern?
neither the audit report or the F/S are impacted
What happens if an auditor is not satisfied with the pans by management over a going-concern?
add an explanatory paragraph after the opinion paragraph
if the doubt is severe a disclaimer may be appropriate
What is the purpose of working papers?
indicates nature, extent, and timing of all the audit procedures that were performed
indicates sufficient appropriate evidence that was obtained from these procedures
indicates which member of the audit team were responsible for the procedures, including date, who reviewed and the date of review
How does the auditor decide on the nature an extent of documentation that is needed for each account being examined?
the RMM associated with the account balance or class of transactions
the extent of judgment that was exercised and conclusions that were reached
the nature of procedures performed and significance to the assertion
nature and extent of exceptions uncovered
Which members of management are supposed to sign the representation letter?
CEO, CFO and any other party with sufficient knowledge of the entity’s F/S
When should the representation letter be signed?
the date that sufficient appropriate evidence has been obtained
In what respects does the representation letter relieve an auditor’s other responsibilities?
no other responsibilities are relieved it is a required procedure
What are some steps an auditor takes after an engagement has been accepted?
visit predecessor auditor for a second time to review audit documentation from previous audit
make a preliminary assessment of the size of a material misstatement
for each group of accounts and for each management assertion, set an acceptable level of audit risk
assess the inherent risk of material misstatement occurring within the AIS
assess control risk
plan for securing sufficient appropriate evidence through substantive testing to reduce detection risk