Audit 8 - Other Services and Reports Flashcards
<p>Limited Procedures / GASB -</p>
<p>Limited Procedures / GASB - When an auditor is associated with financial statemetns that are accompanied by required supplementary information, the auditor applies limited procedures since omission of the informatiion would be considered a depature from the requirements of AFRF and result in a modification to the report.</p>
<p>Limited Procedures / Inconsistent </p>
<p>Limited Procedures / Inconsistent - In addition to making certain that the required information has been provided, the auditor is required to read the information to make certain that it does not contian information that is INCONSISTENT with the F/S.</p>
Limited Procedures / GASB -
Limited Procedures / GASB - As part of an auditor’s responsibility for supplementary information, such as disclosure of pension information, which is outside the basic financial statements but required by GASB, the auditor should apply certain limited procedures to the supplementary information and report deficiencies in, or omissions of, such information.
<p>Cash Basis - </p>
<p>Cash Basis - The Title "Statement of revenues collected and expenses paid" would be appropriate for a financial statement prepared under an OCBOA such as the cash basis.</p>
<p>Cash Basis -</p>
<p>Cash Basis - Titles like "Income Statement", "Statement of operations", and "Statement of cash flows" would be confused with statements prepared in conformity with GAAP.</p>
Audit Report Form -
Audit Report Form - If the prescribed Audit Report form of a government agency on behalf of a client differs significantly from GAAS, the auditor may reword the prescribed form and sign it, attach a seperate audit report to the form, or choose not to accept the audit engagement. The auditor may not replace the form.
<p>OCBOA / Statement of Income-Regulatory Basis </p>
<p>OCBOA / Statement of Income-Regulatory Basis - When financial statements are prepared under an applicable financial reporting framework other than GAAP, an OCBOA, the titles of the financial statements would indicate the basis by stat it, such as "Statement of income - regulatory basis" or by using titles that clearly describe whta would be included in the statement..</p>
<p>Compilation Forecast / Caveat -</p>
<p>Compilation Forecast / Caveat - An accountant's compilation report on a forecast will warn users that the forecast includes assumptions as to future events and circumstances that may not be accurate and that actual results often differ.</p>
Compilation Forecast
Compilation Forecast - The accountant provides no assurance such as indicating that the hypothetical assumptions are reasonable or limited assurance on the forecast and assumptions.
<p>Forecasts / Expect to Exist </p>
<p>Forecasts / Expect to Exist - Forecasts hinge upon hypothetical assumptions, but only hypothetical assumptions which management BELIEVES TO BE TRUE, whether externally or internally provided.</p>
Forecasts / Expect to Exist
Forecasts / Expect to Exist - If management believes a new product launch will occur on-time and meet revenue targets, management may prepare a forecast showing the expected financial results following from these assumptions.
<p>Forecasts vs Projections ></p>
<p>Forecasts vs Projections - Forecasts and projections are two froms of prospective financial statements. Projections are designed to indicate what management BELIEVES MIGHT OCCUR if certain decisons are made and are used as a basis for making those decisions.</p>
<p>Projection / Limited Use -</p>
<p>Projection / Limited Use - Since a financial projection provides the client's perception of results that would be anticipated if certain conditions exist or decisions are made, the report would be limited to those who understand the conditions or decison that are the subject of the projections.</p>
Projection / Limited Use -
Projection / Limited Use - A financial projection provides an indication of the results that might be obtained in teh case of the occurence, or nonoccurence, of a specific even or circumstance, such as obtaining a bank loan, the acquisition of an asset, entering into a contractual relationship, passage of a law, or some other event.
<p>Projection / Limited Use -</p>
<p>Projection / Limited Use - Due to the potentially confusing nature of a projection, an accountant would want to make certain that its distribution is limited to those who are likely to understand the assumptions made in its preparation, such as a bank with which the entity is negotiating for a loan.</p>
<p>Forecasts / Adverse Opinion - </p>
<p>Forecasts / Adverse Opinion - When a CPA engaged to examine a financial forecast believes that several signficant assumptions do not support the forecast, the CPA would issue an ADVERSE OPINION.</p>
Forecasts / Qualified Opinion -
Forecasts / Qualified Opinion - A qualified opinion would only be appropriate if the assumptions that did not support the forecasts resulted in a misstatement but did not affect the forecast as a whole and an unqualified opinion would only be appropriate if any known discrepancies are not material.
<p>Prospective FS / 3 Types of Attest Engage - </p>
<p>Prospective FS / 3 Types of Attest Engage - The three different types of attestation engagements that an accountant may understake in connection with prospective financial statements are agreed-upon procedures, examinations, and compilations. A review of prospective financial statements is not allowed.</p>
<p>Forecasts / General Use -</p>
<p>Forecasts / General Use - A financial forecast is appropriate for general use because it is basically management's estimatiion of what they expect to occur.</p>
<p>Projections / Limited Use </p>
<p>Projections / Limited Use - A financial projection, on the other hand, is based on what management believes will occur if certain events or circumstances occur, and therefore should be limited in distribution.</p>
<p>Compilation / Projection -</p>
<p>Compilation / Projection - It is not appropriate for the accountant to provide assurance in a compilation. An indication that the assumptions used are resonable is a form of assurance and should not be included.</p>