audio Flashcards
Gps accuracy:
dilution of precision:
1/volume of tetrahedron
-4 satellite smallest volume 1.6 almost never get it
data collected but not corrected
At 4sigma (standing)
(5) Autonomous - bad 15m
(4) WAAS - 3m
(1) PP GPS less 1cm
(2b) RTK GPS- 1-2cm
(3) NRTK GPS - 2-4 cm
(2a) Opus static
(2c) Opus Rapid Statics
variance in matrix
diagonal of matrix , variance of xyz normalized, always less than 1
time delusion of precision
time error from clock bias
high confidence in position
have small number
if degraded values pick another time of day or not use gps
differential gps
ome place we know the location precisely, set unit there too and get know errors and subtract the know position from computed and have delta xyz to represent error
can be done after taking the measurements called cross precessing or real time processing called real time kinematic processing have broadcast from the station that is sitting on know coordinates to the one that is moving around
known station unit called base the other one rover
we are factoring out the big source of error which is atmosphere, clock bias, position of orbits
alk about true form of differential gps
12-16 meter 95 % confidence for regular gps
WAAS (wide area augmentation system) developed TO land automatically plane where 95% confidence limit was 3 meter instead of 12
Station calculation correction facto
here is a central station in west cost and another one in the east coast that communicate with satellite
2 satellite for WAAS one signal west other east coast they are geosincronize, always at the same location in the sky (rotation of earth same as angular rotation of satellite, 23000km elevation above us)
GPS unit set up on top the station in known benchmarks calculate error and broadcasting to satellite , gps unit receives on the main L1 frequency the WAAS signal
cannot survey off this because cannot have that kind of error on foundation of a building
geocentrical orbits
satellite always overhead so angular velocity of earth same as angular velocity of satellite =, moves with earth
Radius dependent, circle earth twice a day
expectation data should be better with WAAS on
Selective availability, degraded signal associsated with gps that is now turn off
Network RTK
broadcast to the service, looks for closest stations and calculate the error the these stations and apply them to you position
What kind of improvement do we get from this?
error reduced to millimeters
gets extremely precise measurement
e have nova and national geonetic surface of US government set standard for Us and global with collaboration with european unit and japan, set global reference frame for all measurement and update annually
They set up station call Continuous Online Reference Stations (CORS) gps sit units set up permanently, location known to mm, your errors are calculated from this references
OPUS is post processing, they provide the base, errors in cm
problem with height factors out
how does opus compute position
Calculate baseline solution between your position and cors station around you and averages those eros and applies them to your value
need L1 l2 receives, need to collect at least 2 hours of data
Antenna height
supply height of antenna over you bench mark to the reference mark on the antenna
all position get subtracted off give position of benchmark and post processing will take out atmosphere effect and bring us as close as possible to the bench mark value
Negative geoid height
means that he geoid is below ellipsoid
scale factor
mount of distortion you will expect on a map depending on how much the surface of the earth extended about the flat plane of the map
tip to tip valu
latitude/longitude/height value the maximum value of all the data
from hundred of measurement the full range normaly distributed at 4 sigma 95% confidence
Antenna - TPSHGDE
russian and US satellite
Opus good data?
Ephemerous - orbit parameter for satellite, broadcast values 5m of error, 12 hour later ultra rapid solution to try to improve on location of orbits of satellites
Check antenna chosen and height are correct
Peak to peak error less than 5 cm
Which operating station were used
24 hours rapid orbits improve precision location of satellite
2 weeks after,ngs post precise orbits
Opus answer improve with time
how good are orthometric height in opus?
Add error geoid / confidence limit
errir eklipsoid + 5 cm for geoid
ex 4sigma 95% confidence
Measurement of orthometric height has an added error associated to adjustment
OPUS accurancy is
time dependent
how things improve with time
how long you left gps in one location
longer you keep gps making recording the better the measurement gets
Opus rapid static
session less than 2 hour more than 15 min
baseline more than 3 station
static only 3 station and 5 averaging
for RS can have up to 9 station in less than 250 km
Need L1/L2 instrument
more finicky measurement, can have rejection. After rapid orbits things improve
Accuracy less than static analogous to real time network in terms of accuracy
Normalized rms error by what thy think is a typical day
Cors station organized
backup battey, satellite dish to broadcast , or urban setting internet connection to a service
CORS network in university airport government facility forestation , dense in east and west cost
useful for autonomous driven vehicles specialy rapid static
Range calculated from gps satellite
c*deltaT- clock bias= square root of difference of satellite and user xyz square
730 invention john harrison
problem can calculate longitude on land but not ocean
king George the third offer reward to solve problem
a clock maker comes out with an idea- if we know what time is at prime meridian and what time is where we are, we can calculate longitude, all we need 2 precise clock. One set to greenwich and the other one set to noon and monitor sun and time and set clock and look at time difference
dividing 360 degree by 24 hr every hour is 15 degree of longitude
stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
useful making distance measurement, send light beam, does not diverge, known velocity so can calculate delta T and get distance
wavelength and phase relationship
beam diversion
an be achieved
We use near-infrared, cannot see light, beyond your visibility, piece of metal aluminum
irst arrived in airborne system, simple controllers, against mirror that goes back and ford, put on floor of airplane or helicopter, carried over landscape the oscillating mirror allowed to hit targets that were orthogonal to site
when they got better allow Multi degree of freedom
terrestrial laser scanner placed on tripod
airborne more expensive because of the navigation system that needs to know precisely where the laser is and orientation as it flies