Audiences Flashcards
What is the Hypodermic Needle Theory?
The idea that audiences are passive, and can be easily influenced and manipulated by the media. It also suggests that the media can influence audiences’ attitudes and behaviour.
What is Blumler and Katz uses and gratifications theory?
The idea that audiences use media for their own pleasure. Escapism Entertainment Interaction Identification Information
What is a niche audience?
A small audience with a unique interest. (An audience that can be created)
What is the Jicnars Scale?
A scale used by mass media producers to separate audiences.
Group A - Upper Middle Class
Group B - Middle Class
Group C1 - White Collar, Lower Middle Class
Group C2 - Blue Collar, Skilled Working Class
Group D - Semi/Unskilled Manual Workers
Group E - Unemployed
What is disposable income?
The money people have left to spend on themselves once they’ve paid their bills.
What is tokenism?
When the media includes a person/item just to please society.
Why are audiences crucial to media industries?
Because without audiences they would not exist.
Why do media providers want big audiences to buy their products?
Because the more mainstream the product becomes, the more profit the industries make.
What are effects studies?
The effects that media has upon its audiences. The idea that audiences are used, manipulated and effected by the media.
What are uses and gratifications theories?
The ways audiences use media texts for their pleasure and are not affected by the media.
What is the context of reception?
Where media texts are consumed.
Why are there critics of the Hypodermic Needle theory?
There is no evidence that suggests that mass media effects behaviour. Though there is an argument that mass media does affect behaviour in a positive way.
Why does Barker criticise the Hypodermic Needle theory?
He says that audiences can tell the difference between fact and fiction. Also, everyone responds differently to different texts and there is no evidence that media effects violence in society.
Why is the effect of mass media on audiences considered to be a moral panic?
Because society sees itself threatened in some way.
What is Blumler and Katz Uses and Gratifications theory?
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