Audie After The Army 1 Flashcards
Where did the first mobilization orders Audie received upon returning to the US ask him to report to?
San Antonio, for a series of parades, meet-and-greets and festivities in his honor
Did Audie attend all of the hero’s welcome events in San Antonio held in his honor?
No, by the end of the day on June 13 1945 Audie skipped out on an event at La Villita in San Antonio, which was hosted by Lieutenant General Ira Eaker. Instead, he returned to his hotel, overwhelmed by all of the publicity and interactions.
What did Audie attribute his stomach pains to, following the war?
Eating all of the same, flavorless, low quality Army food for years in the war.
What did the doctors at the VA diagnose Audie’s stomach troubles as?
A nervous stomach.
How did Audie change his diet following the war to accommodate for his stomach problems?
He was frustrated, but he had to stop eating as much spicy food. He grew up eating Tex-Mex, and loved spicy food, but his stomach couldn’t handle it anymore.
Name 2-5 physical and mental difficulties Audie had following the war.
-he found it difficult to find pleasure in doing things
- headaches
- insomnia
- depression
- anxiety
- paranoia
- nightmares
- indigestion
- various food intolerances
- increased aggression
What did Audie buy his sister Corinne and her husband Poland after the war?
Audie bought Corinne and Poland, along with their three children, a house in Farmersville, Texas in Summer of 1945.
What was the only condition Audie asked of Corinne and Poland in exchange for buying them a house?
They had to agree to raise Audie and Corinne’s youngest three siblings: Nadine, Billie and Joe, and get them OUT of the Boles Children’s home. They agreed.
Who picked Audie up from the Airport in Hollywood when he first arrived in California?
Jimmy Cagney (James) and his brother, Bill (William).
Where did Audie live in Hollywood when he first arrived to California and was taking acting classes?
He lived in one of James Cagney’s houses in Beverly Hills. His guest house.
What was the name of the acting course Audie took?
Actor’s Lab.
What car did Audie buy when he arrived in California?
A brand new, 1946 Cadillac Seville. He got a great deal with the help of James Cagney’s driver, Alfred, who was an excellent negotiator.
What happened between Audie Murphy and John Daniel’s in December 1945 on his way to visit friends and family in Texas from California?
Audie pulled over to allow John to ride in the car, because it was storming and Audie felt pity for him since he was limping in the rain and had on an Army fatigue shirt. John held his fingers against Audie’s ribs and told him it was a .45, then tried to steal the car from Audie at a gas station. It didn’t go well for John. Audie and him fought for a while, then John was eventually arrested after Audie was able to get the police while the gas station manager kept an eye on John.
What did Margaret McLean teach Audie in acting school?
How to speak without a Texas accent.
How many times was Audie engaged?
Three times, but married twice. Jean Peters broke off their engagement when she met Howard Hughes, the millionaire movie star, during an audition.
What made Audie leave Cagney productions?
James Cagney and Bill Cagney we’re going under, and Audie left them on good terms as a free agent able to act with whichever studio he likes in Fall of 1947. The Cagney brothers doubted he would succeed on his own.
What did Audie do with his Cadillac once he left Cagney productions?
He had the dealership come pick it up so he didn’t have to keep making payments without steady income.
What ads did Audie refuse to do, and why?
Ads for alcohol or cigarettes, because he didn’t drink or smoke and didn’t want the kids of America seeing a war hero like that, glamorizing it.
Where did Audie live come Spring of 1947, after leaving Cagney Productions?
In Terry Hunt’s boxing gym in LA.
How did Audie get his breakout role as the protagonist in Bad Boy?
He had a meeting with Skipper Cherry, the manager and owner of a Boy’s Ranch, when his brother Joe started having issues getting along with Corinne’s children (she had adopted the three youngest Murphy kids in exchange for a house paid for by Audie). The Variety Clubs International Boy’s Ranch was getting a film going to promote itself and its program. Audie showed up at the right place at just the right time.
What was Wanda’s mother’s opinion of Audie?
She HATED him, didn’t want them to get married. Audie speculated that it was because Wanda’s mother controlled her finances and didn’t want to lose that control to a husband before she legally had to when Wanda turned 21. She was 19 when she started dating Audie, who was 23 at the time.
Why did Audie get the role in Bad Boy?
Many Texas theater owners who were financing the production threatened to pull their funding if Audie wasn’t cast. He had potential, but he wouldn’t have gotten the role without that threat from the theater owners. They didn’t want him passed up on just because he wasn’t already famous.
Audie was offered a 2500 dollar a week, 7 year contract by WHICH studio in 1947?
Universal, supposedly because they heard he was working on a book and wanted the rights when he published it by being his employer so they could make a movie
What did Audie start doing with police and state troopers whenever he would visit Texas?
Go on Ride Alongs, especially in McKinney and Dallas.
Did Audie Murphy ever return to Europe after the war?
Yes, the first time was in Summer of 1948, to retrace some of his steps through Italy, France and Germany. He also checked in on Wanda, his girlfriend, who was shooting a movie (The Prince of Foxes) in Rome. His ghostwriter/co-author Dave McNeal went with him.
Was Audie good with kids?
Fantastic with them before and after the war, probably cuz of all his siblings and helping raise them. He babysat his neighbors’ son in LA and even famously showed up to his school when the poor kid was accused of lying when he said Audie Murphy was his babysitter.
When did Audie marry Wanda?
February 8 1949
When did Audie and Wanda divorce?
April 19 1951
When was Audie SUPPOSED to marry Wanda?
December of 1948, but she lied to him about the filming of Prince of Foxes being delayed in filming and kept partying it up with the other actors for another couple months before coming back to the states because she got sick.
Where did Audie meet Ray and Helen Woods?
At the war bond ralley and rodeo in McKinney, TX on 02 July 1945.
Who were Ray and Helen Woods to Audie?
They were a mother and father figure. He called Helen ‘mama’ and called Ray ‘gramps’ and they called him ‘junior’. They had two sons of their own and they looked after Audie whenever he needed a place to stay. He even copied their table manners and looked to them to emulate politeness and etiquette following the war.
Why did Audie like doing ride alongs with cops, and why didn’t he just join the force?
He liked doing good for goodness’ sake. He also liked how he was usually not recognized.