AUD Missed Questions Flashcards


Which of the following events most likely would indicate the existence of related parties?

A. Failure to correct internal control weaknesses on a timely basis.

B. Selling real estate at a price significantly different from appraised value.

C. High turnover of senior management and members of the board of directors.

D. Entering into multiple market value transactions with the same party.


Choice “B” is correct. Transactions based on terms that are significantly different from those that would be expected in an arm’s-length transaction, such as selling real estate at a price significantly different from appraised value, may be indicative of related party involvement.

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During a new audit engagement, the auditor notices that the client has had three external audit firms perform their annual audits over the past five years due primarily to increases in audit fees. The auditor also notes that the client has been twice downgraded by several of the major credit rating agencies over the past two years and that its current issuer credit rating is at the lowest investment grade level by both Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service. Which (if any) of the following fraud risk factors would be most concerning to the auditor?

A. No fraud risk factor exists.

B. Incentives/Pressures.

C. Rationalization/Attitude.

D. Opportunity.


Choice “B” is correct. Because the client has been downgraded twice by several of the major credit rating agencies and the client is one notch from becoming “junk” status by both S&P and Moody’s, there is pressure from the rating agencies to improve or maintain the company’s performance. This external pressure may be a reason for client management to commit fraud.

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Which of the following matters would an auditor most likely consider to be a significant deficiency in internal control to be communicated to management and those charged with governance?

A. Recurring operating losses that may indicate going concern problems.

B. Evidence of a lack of objectivity by those responsible for accounting decisions.

C. Management’s failure to renegotiate unfavorable long-term purchase commitments.

D. Management’s current plans to reduce its ownership equity in the entity.


Choice “B” is correct. A lack of objectivity by those responsible for accounting decisions represents a significant internal control deficiency because it may result in financial statements that are biased rather than being presented fairly. This is a matter that would merit attention by those charged with governance.

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Which of the following procedures would an auditor most likely perform in obtaining evidence about subsequent events?

A. Inquire about payroll checks that were recorded before the year-end but cashed after the year-end.

B. Apply analytical procedures to the details of the balance sheet accounts that were tested at interim dates.

C. Compare the latest available interim financial information with the financial statements being reported upon.

D. Examine changes in the quoted market prices of investments purchased since the year-end.


Choice “C” is correct. In obtaining evidence about subsequent events, the auditor should examine the latest available interim financial information, and compare them with the financial statements under audit.

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Confirmation is most likely to be a relevant form of evidence with regard to assertions about accounts receivable when the auditor has concerns about the receivables:

A. Valuation.

B. Classification.

C. Existence.

D. Completeness.


Choice “C” is correct. Confirmation of accounts receivable provides evidence that the customer and the receivable exist.

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An auditor is required to document the auditor’s understanding of the:

I. Entity’s control activities that help ensure management directives are carried out.

II. Entity’s control environment factors that help the auditor plan the engagement.

A. I only.

B. Neither I nor II.

C. Both I and II.

D. II only.


Choice “C” is correct. The auditor should document key elements of the understanding of the entity and its environment, including each of the five components of internal control. The five components include the entity’s control activities and the entity’s control environment.

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In reporting on internal controls, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that the CEO and the CFO who sign the report assert that they have disclosed:

A. Material fraud by management to the issuer’s auditors only.

B. All significant internal control deficiencies to the issuer’s auditors only.

C. Any fraud by any employee to both the audit committee and the issuer’s auditors.

D. All significant internal control deficiencies to both the audit committee and the issuer’s auditors.


Choice “D” is correct. All significant deficiencies in the operation or design of internal controls that may have an adverse effect on the financial statements should be disclosed to both the issuer’s auditors and the audit committee.

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Each of the following is normally performed while conducting a review of interim financial information, except:

A. Reading minutes of the meetings of the board of directors.

B. Comparing disaggregated revenue data.

C. Making inquiries of financial management.

D. Obtaining litigation updates from external legal counsel.


Choice “D” is correct. Inquiry of the entity’s lawyer regarding litigation, claims, and assessments generally is not required during a review of interim financial information but may be appropriate in certain circumstances.

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What procedure would an auditor be least likely to do to gain an initial understanding of a client’s business or industry?

A. Ask questions of client personnel.

B. Vouch accounting records for recurring transactions recorded just after the balance sheet date.

C. Review AICPA accounting and auditing guides.

D. Tour client facilities.


Choice “B” is correct. Vouching accounting records for recurring transactions would be used to identify related party transactions but would not be part of the process to gain an initial understanding of a client’s business.

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According to COSO, each of the following is a principle relating to the risk assessment component of internal control, except:

A. The organization selects and develops activities contributing to the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to acceptable levels.

B. The organization specifies objectives with sufficient clarity to enable the identification and assessment of risks relating to objectives.

C. The organization considers the potential for fraud in assessing risks to the achievement of objectives.

D. The organization identifies and assesses changes that could significantly impact the system of internal control.


Choice “A” is correct. Selecting and developing activities contributing to the mitigation of risks is a principle related to the control activities component of internal control and is, therefore, not a principle related to the risk assessment component.

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Which of the following areas of professional responsibility should be observed by a CPA not in public practice?

Objectivity Independence
A. No Yes

B. Yes No

C. No No

D. Yes Yes


Choice “B” is correct. A CPA must always be objective; however, a CPA need not be independent, except when engaged in public practice.

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An independent auditor is issuing an audit report for a governmental entity and plans to issue separate reports on internal control over financial reporting and compliance with laws and regulations. The auditor should do which of the following?

A. Obtain permission from the audit committee to issue separate reports.

B. State in the audit report that separate reports will be issued.

C. Issue the same opinion in each report.

D. Report to the governing authority that separate reports will be issued.


Choice “B” is correct. If an auditor decides to issue separate reports rather than a combined report on internal control over financial reporting and compliance with laws and regulations, then the auditor should state in the audit report that separate reports will be issued. This would appear as a paragraph entitled “Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards” in the auditor’s report.

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Which of the following factors would the auditor not explicitly consider when determining sample size in an attribute sample for a test of controls?

A. The expected population deviation rate.

B. An acceptable level of the risk of overreliance.

C. The tolerable deviation rate.

D. The tolerable misstatement.


Choice “D” is correct. An auditor would consider tolerable deviation rate, not tolerable misstatement, when determining sample size in an attribute sample for a test of controls. Tolerable misstatement is considered when determining sample size in variable sampling.

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While auditing a client’s purchase transactions, an auditor selects a sample of vouchers and then compares the dates on the vouchers to the dates the corresponding transactions were actually recorded in the client’s purchase journal. The audit procedure is most likely designed to test the:

A. Valuation, allocation, and accuracy assertion.

B. Cut-off assertion.

C. Completeness assertion.

D. Existence and occurrence assertion.


Choice “B” is correct. The scenario above indicates that the auditor is most likely testing the cut-off assertion. This is evidenced by the auditor’s comparison (focus) of dates on the sample of vouchers to the dates of the transactions recorded in the purchase journal.

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Which of the following characteristics most likely would heighten an auditor’s concern about the risk of material misstatement arising from fraudulent financial reporting?

A. Computer hardware is usually sold at a loss before being fully depreciated.

B. Management had frequent disputes with the auditor on accounting matters.

C. There is a lack of interest by management in maintaining an earnings trend.

D. Monthly bank reconciliations usually include several large checks outstanding.


Choice “B” is correct. Frequent disputes between management and the auditor is a fraud risk factor that would heighten an auditor’s concern about the risk of material misstatement arising from fraudulent financial reporting.

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Silver, CPA, has been hired by Andrews Co., a publicly held company, to conduct a review of its interim financial information. While performing review procedures, Silver becomes aware of a significant change in the control activities at one of Andrew’s branch locations. Which of the following might Silver consider performing in response to this situation?

I. Making additional inquiries, such as whether management has monitored the changes and considered whether they were operating as intended.

II. Employing analytical procedures with a less precise expectation.

A. Both I and II.

B. Neither I nor II.

C. II only.

D. I only.


Choice “D” is correct. An accountant’s knowledge of an entity’s business and its system of internal control influences the inquiries made and analytical procedures performed. A significant change in control activities would likely result in further inquiry of management.

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Which of the following courses of action is the most appropriate if an auditor concludes that there is a high risk of material misstatement?

A. Use smaller, rather than larger, sample sizes.

B. Increase of tests of controls.

C. Perform substantive tests as of an interim date.

D. Select more effective substantive tests.


Choice “D” is correct. When the auditor determines that the overall risk of material misstatement is high, the acceptable level of detection risk decreases and the auditor must perform more effective substantive procedures.

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In an audit of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, an auditor is required to:

A. Document the auditor’s understanding of the entity’s system of internal control.

B. Search for significant deficiencies in the operation of controls.

C. Determine whether controls operated effectively to prevent or detect material misstatements.

D. Perform tests of controls to evaluate the effectiveness of the entity’s information system relevant to financial reporting.


Choice “A” is correct. The auditor is required to document key elements of the understanding of the entity and its environment, including each of the components of the system of internal control.

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Which of the following situations most likely represents the highest risk of a material misstatement arising from misappropriations of assets?

A. A large number of transactions processed using cash.

B. A large number of inventory items with low sales prices.

C. A large number of transactions processed in a short period of time.

D. A large number of fixed assets with easily identifiable serial numbers.


Choice “A” is correct. Transactions processed using cash have a higher risk of material misstatement related to misappropriation of assets. This is because cash is easier for an employee to take without recording the transaction or receipt in the books and records. A strong system of internal control, including proper segregation of duties and the use of a bank lock box for deposits, can reduce the risk of misappropriation of assets related to receipts.

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When auditing a client’s year-end cash balance, an auditor uses standard bank confirmations and performs tests on the client’s year-end bank reconciliations. These substantive procedures test which of the following assertions?

A. Completeness and valuation and allowance.

B. Rights and obligations, and occurrence.

C. Cutoff.

D. Understandability of presentation and classification.


Choice “A” is correct. If an auditor performs tests on year-end bank reconciliations or sends standard bank confirmations to all banks where the client has transacted business during the year, the auditor would be testing the completeness, and valuation and allowance assertions pertaining to the client’s ending cash balance.

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The acceptable level of detection risk is inversely related to the:

A. Preliminary judgment about materiality levels.

B. Risk of failing to discover material misstatements.

C. Risk of misapplying auditing procedures.

D. Assurance provided by substantive tests.


Choice “D” is correct. The acceptable level of detection risk is inversely related to the assurance provided by substantive tests. For example, if the acceptable level of detection risk decreases, more assurance is required from substantive tests.

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Which of the following factors would the independent auditor most likely consider in assessing the objectivity of an internal auditor?

A. The internal auditor was previously an employee of the auditor’s public accounting firm.

B. The audit committee reviews employment decisions related to the director of internal auditing.

C. The internal auditor attends a number of comprehensive continuing professional education courses each year.

D. The internal auditor has obtained the Certified Internal Auditor designation.


Choice “B” is correct. The independent auditor most likely would consider that the audit committee reviews employment decisions related to the director of internal auditing when assessing the objectivity of the internal auditor.

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Which of the following is not true about the report release date?

A. It is defined as the date after which existing documentation must not be deleted, and additions to the documentation file must be documented as such.

B. It is used to define the beginning of the retention period.

C. It is often the date on which the report is delivered to the client.

D. It is the date on which the auditor grants the client permission to use the report.


Choice “A” is correct. The documentation completion date (and not the report release date) is defined as the date after which existing documentation must not be deleted, and additions to the documentation file must be documented as such.

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In testing long-term investments, an auditor ordinarily would use analytical procedures to ascertain the reasonableness of the:

A. Completeness of recorded investment income.

B. Classification between balance sheet portfolios.

C. Valuation of marketable equity securities.

D. Existence of unrealized gains or losses in the portfolio.


Choice “A” is correct. In testing long-term investments, an auditor ordinarily would use analytical procedures to ascertain the reasonableness of the completeness of recorded investment income. These procedures would probably include a comparison of the recorded investment income with the expected amount (based upon the related interest rate, dividends declared, etc.) and the income balance audited in the prior year.

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Which of the following auditing procedures most likely would assist an auditor in identifying conditions and events that may indicate substantial doubt about an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern?

A. Comparing the entity’s depreciation and asset capitalization policies to other entities in the industry.

B. Reconciling the cash balance per books with the cut-off bank statement and the bank confirmation.

C. Inspecting title documents to verify whether any assets are pledged as collateral.

D. Confirming with third parties the details of arrangements to maintain financial support.


Choice “D” is correct. Confirming with third parties the details of arrangements to provide or “maintain (needed) financial support” is an audit procedure that may identify doubts about an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.

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An auditor’s inquiries of management disclosed that the entity recently invested in a series of energy derivatives to hedge against the risks associated with fluctuating oil prices. Under these circumstances, the auditor should:

A. Document the derivatives in the auditor’s communication with those charged with governance.

B. Confirm the marketability of the derivatives with a commodity specialist.

C. Examine the contracts for possible risk exposure and the need to recognize losses.

D. Perform analytical procedures to determine if the derivatives are properly valued.


Choice “C” is correct. Generally accepted accounting principles specify that, in order to qualify for hedge treatment, the entity must demonstrate and disclose a number of transaction features including risk exposure. The auditor would therefore need to examine the contracts to evaluate the character of the hedge and the degree to which losses should be recognized in the determination of income, as well as the character of any disclosures.

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An auditor would be most likely to identify a contingent liability by obtaining a (an):

A. Standard bank confirmation.

B. Related party transaction confirmation.

C. Accounts payable confirmation.

D. Transfer agent confirmation.


Choice “A” is correct. An auditor would be most likely to identify a contingent liability by obtaining a standard bank confirmation, which has an “exceptions and comments” box that specifically discloses contingent liabilities as endorser of loans, for open letters of credit, etc.

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An accountant has compiled the financial statements of a nonissuer in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS). Does SSARS require that the compilation report be printed on the accountant’s letterhead and that the report be manually signed by the accountant?

Printed on the Manually signed
accountant’s by the
letterhead accountant

A. Yes No

B. Yes Yes

C. No No

D. No Yes


Choice “C” is correct. SSARS does not require that the compilation report be printed on the accountant’s letterhead, nor does it require a manual signature. Although a signature is required, it need not be manual. Also, the report may be presented in the accountant’s letterhead, but is not required.

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Which of the following procedures most likely would assist an auditor in determining whether management has identified all accounting estimates that could be material to the financial statements?

A. Confirm inventories at locations outside the entity.

B. Determine whether accounting estimates deviate from historical patterns.

C. Inquire about the existence of related party transactions.

D. Review the lawyer’s letter for information about litigation.


Choice “D” is correct. The auditor should inquire of management concerning pending or threatened litigation, and should obtain a letter from the client’s lawyer to corroborate this information. Included in this letter is either an identification of the omission of any pending or threatened litigation, claims, and assessments, or a statement that the list of such matters (as provided by management) is complete.

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An auditor of a nonissuer is required to give special consideration to related party transactions because they:

A. Usually represent a significant source of revenue and expense for the two related entities.

B. Are not usually conducted in the normal course of business.

C. Could cause the financial statements to fail to achieve fair presentation.

D. Are generally required to be accounted for on a basis different from the basis that would be appropriate if the entities were not related.


Choice “C” is correct. Related party transactions are not considered to be an arm’s-length transaction, which may result in the substance of the transaction being different from its form. This means that the financial statements may not be fairly presented.

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Which of the following procedures would an auditor most likely perform in searching for unrecorded payables?

A. Reconcile receiving reports with related cash payments made just prior to the year-end.

B. Review the responses of accounts receivable confirmations for indications of disputes with customers.

C. Compare cash payments made after the balance sheet date with the accounts payable trial balance.

D. Examine a sample of creditor balances to supporting invoices, receiving reports, and purchase orders.


Choice “C” is correct. An auditor most likely would compare cash payments made after the balance sheet date with the accounts payable trial balance in searching for unrecorded payables. The auditor is looking for items that should have been recorded as of the balance sheet date, but were not.

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Which of the following statements is generally correct about the reliability of audit evidence?

A. Reliability of audit evidence refers to the audit evidence obtained from outside the entity.

B. The more effective the internal control structure, the more assurance it provides about the reliability of the accounting data and financial statements.

C. Information obtained indirectly from independent outside sources is more persuasive than the auditor’s direct personal knowledge obtained through observation and inspection.

D. Reliability of audit evidence refers to the amount of corroborative evidence obtained.


Choice “B” is correct. The reliability of accounting data and financial statements is enhanced by a satisfactory system of internal control.

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The objective of a practitioner’s examination procedures applied to an entity’s compliance with specified requirements is to:

A. Present specific findings to assist users in evaluating an entity’s compliance with specified requirements.

B. Provide negative assurance on compliance with contractual agreements or regulatory requirements.

C. Provide recommendations to management on controls related to compliance with contractual agreements or regulatory requirements.

D. Express an opinion on an entity’s compliance (or related assertion), based on specified criteria.


Choice “D” is correct. The purpose of examination procedures applied to compliance requirements is for the practitioner to accumulate sufficient evidence regarding an entity’s compliance with specified requirements to allow for the practitioner to issue an opinion with reasonable assurance.


The auditors’ purpose in establishing materiality levels in a compliance audit includes all of the following, except:

A. Determining the nature, timing and extent of additional audit procedures.

B. Determining the nature and extent of risk assessment procedures.

C. Evaluate whether the entity has complied with applicable requirements.

D. Establishing the basis for the opinion on effectiveness of internal control over compliance.


Choice “D” is correct. The auditor does not express an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Materiality limits would not contribute to that nonexistent objective.


Which of the following procedures would an auditor most likely perform during an audit engagement’s overall review stage in formulating an opinion on an entity’s financial statements?

A. Verify the clerical accuracy of the entity’s proof of cash and its bank cutoff statement.

B. Obtain assurance from the entity’s attorney that all material litigation has been disclosed in the financial statements.

C. Consider whether the results of audit procedures affect the assessment of the risk of material misstatement due to fraud.

D. Determine whether inadequate provisions for the safeguarding of assets have been corrected.


Choice “C” is correct. During every stage of the audit, the auditor should consider the assessment of the risk of material misstatement. During the overall review stage, the auditor should consider whether the results of any of the audit procedures affect the assessment of the risk of material misstatement due to fraud.


A decrease in which economic indicator would most appropriately encourage a business owner to move forward on a planned expansion?

A. Building permits

B. Commercial loans

C. Stock prices

D. Initial claims for unemployment


Choice “D” is correct. Leading indicators are used to predict economic activity, as they tend to change before the economy follows a certain trend. Average new unemployment claims is considered a leading indicator. If a business owner sees decreases in unemployment claims, that is a positive sign for the economy overall as it means fewer people are out of work. When there is low unemployment, the economy is strong and business owners may be more inclined to move forward with planned expansions.


Under which circumstance would an auditor be most likely to perform substantive tests before the balance sheet date?

A. The account in question fluctuates based on management’s discretion.

B. The account in question is not reasonably predictable in terms of its relative significance to the financial statements.

C. The account in question has a high level of both inherent risk and control risk.

D. The account in question has very little activity from year to year.


Choice “D” is correct. An account that doesn’t change much from year to year is reasonably predictable with respect to amount, relative significance, and composition, making it a prime candidate for interim testing.


Which of the following reporting options is least likely with regard to supplementary information that is required by GAAP?

A. A disclaimer of opinion is issued on supplementary information.

B. The auditor’s report on the financial statements includes both an opinion on the supplementary information and a statement restricting the use of the report.

C. The auditor’s report on the financial statements includes a separate section stating that the auditor has applied the required procedures.

D. The auditor’s report on the financial statements includes an opinion regarding whether the supplementary information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole.


Choice “B” is correct. There is no requirement that the auditor’s report on supplementary information required by GAAP be restricted.


As the acceptable level of detection risk increases, an auditor may:

A. Postpone the planned timing of substantive tests from interim dates to year-end.

B. Select a smaller sample size.

C. Change the nature of substantive tests from a less effective to a more effective procedure.

D. Lower the assessed level of inherent risk.


Choice “B” is correct.

As the acceptable level of detection risk increases, the assurance that must be provided by substantive tests can decrease. Therefore, the auditor may reduce the sample size.


On receiving a client’s bank cutoff statement, an auditor most likely would trace:

A. Deposits in transit listed in the cutoff statement to the year-end bank reconciliation.

B. Deposits recorded in the cash receipts journal after year-end to the cutoff statement.

C. Checks dated after year-end listed in the cutoff statement to the year-end outstanding checklist.

D. Prior-year checks listed in the cutoff statement to the year-end outstanding checklist.


Choice “D” is correct. The auditor should obtain bank cutoff statements that include transactions for 10 to 15 days after year-end. The outstanding checks and deposits in transit at year-end on the bank reconciliation should agree with the information in the bank cutoff statement.


Which of the following is not a reason an auditor may apply audit data analytics (ADAs) when concluding an audit?

A. The auditor will have a deeper knowledge of the entity being audited and may reperform tests done in the risk assessment process.

B. To update existing analytics with numbers that were revised during the audit.

C. To gain comfort that no material misstatements went unidentified during the audit.

D. To verify the assertions of accuracy and occurrence for all material transactions.


Choice “D” is correct. These assertions are tested as part of substantive procedures.


Which of the following statements regarding analytical procedures is correct?

A. Analytical procedures are required during the planning and final review stages, but can also be used as substantive procedures to support other substantive testing.

B. Analytical procedures are only needed during the planning phase of an audit, in order to assist the auditor in understanding the entity and its environment.

C. Analytical procedures are only used to support substantive procedures, but are never required.

D. If a sufficient amount of analytical procedures are performed, the auditor may be able to gain sufficient assurance to eliminate the need for substantive testing.


Choice “A” is correct. Analytical procedures are required during the planning and final review stages. They can be used as a substantive procedure, but they can never entirely replace substantive tests of details.


An auditor decides to perform substantive tests on a client’s property and equipment balance as of an interim date. The auditor has not obtained evidence about the operating effectiveness of relevant controls. What additional work must be performed to extend the audit conclusions from the interim date to the balance sheet date?

A. Substantive procedures for the period between the interim date and the balance sheet date.

B. Analytical comparison of the current-year interim balance with the prior-year interim balance.

C. Tests of controls for the period between the beginning of the fiscal year and the interim date.

D. Tests of controls for the period between the interim date and the balance sheet date.


Choice “A” is correct. Substantive procedures for the period between the interim date and the balance sheet date should be performed to extend the audit conclusions from the interim date to the balance sheet date.


Which of the following most likely would be detected by an auditor’s review of a client’s sales cut-off?

A. Unrecorded sales at year-end.

B. Lapping of year-end accounts receivable.

C. Excessive write-offs of accounts receivable.

D. Shipments lacking sales invoices and shipping documents.


Choice “A” is correct. A sales cut-off test is used to detect unrecorded sales (shipments where no invoice has been generated) or sales allocated to the wrong period (January sales included in December by “holding the books open”).


Riley, a CPA firm, is performing an audit in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards. Riley’s client is Michelson Inc., a U.S.-based company that has identified U.S. generally accepted accounting principles as the applicable financial reporting framework. In which sections of the auditor’s report should Riley refer to U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)?

A. Opinion and Basis for Opinion

B. Management’s Responsibility and Auditor’s Responsibility

C. Basis for Opinion and Auditor’s Responsibility

D. Opinion and Management’s Responsibility


Choice “D” is correct. Under U.S. auditing standards, the auditor expresses an opinion on the financial statements’ conformity with GAAP in the Opinion section and the Management’s Responsibility section that the management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with GAAP.


For effective internal control, the accounts payable department generally should:

A. Establish the agreement of the vendor’s invoice with the receiving report and purchase order.

B. Obliterate the quantity ordered on the receiving department copy of the purchase order.

C. Ascertain that each requisition is approved as to price, quantity, and quality by an authorized employee.

D. Stamp, perforate, or otherwise cancel supporting documentation after payment is mailed.


Choice “A” is correct. Under an effective system of internal control, the accounts payable clerk should ensure that supporting documents (invoice, receiving report, and purchase order) are in agreement before the voucher is submitted for payment.


While performing procedures in planning an audit, the auditor’s comparison of expectations with recorded amounts yield unusual and unexpected relationships. The auditor should consider the results of the analytical procedures in which of the following?

A. Identifying acts of noncompliance.

B. Identifying the risks of material misstatement due to fraud.

C. Determining planning materiality and acceptable error.

D. Determining which controls to test.


Choice “B” is correct. The auditor should consider the results of analytical procedures performed in the planning stage of the audit in identifying the risks of material misstatement due to fraud. This is one of the primary purposes of performing analytical procedures during the planning stage.


In assessing sampling risk, the risk of incorrect rejection and the risk of assessing control risk too high relate to the:

A. Effectiveness of the audit.

B. Efficiency of the audit.

C. Audit quality controls.

D. Selection of the items in the sample.


Choice “B” is correct. The risk of incorrect rejection and the risk of assessing control risk too high relate to the efficiency of the audit. These two errors generally result in an auditor performing unnecessary additional procedures.


While auditing an existing client, the auditor sends out fifty positive accounts receivable confirmation requests. If the auditor only receives forty of the confirmations back from the client’s customers, the auditor may do all of the following except for:

A. Performing alternative audit procedures for each nonresponse confirmation.

B. Issuing a qualified audit opinion given the nonresponse exceptions.

C. Requesting that the client intervene in the confirmation process.

D. Sending second and third confirmation requests if needed.


Choice “B” is correct. Nonresponses to the first audit confirmations sent to the client’s customers do not initially warrant a qualified audit opinion. Instead, the client should send out a second or even third confirmation request and/or attempt to perform alternative audit procedures during the confirmation request period. Although not the best initial option, at some point the auditor may request that the client intervene. Specifically, the client may be asked to determine why certain customers are repeatedly failing to respond to audit confirmations.


An auditor examining inventory most likely would use variables sampling rather than attributes sampling to:

A. Estimate whether the dollar amount of inventory is reasonable.

B. Discover whether misstatements exist in inventory records.

C. Determine whether discounts for inventory are properly recorded.

D. Identify whether inventory items are properly priced.


Choice “A” is correct. Variables sampling is used to determine whether a given account balance is reasonable.


Which of the following is not a risk assessment procedure recommended by PCAOB standards when performing an issuer audit?

A. Performing analytical procedures related to the client’s revenue.

B. Developing an understanding of the client’s internal control over financial reporting.

C. Inquiring of client management and the audit committee about the risks of material misstatement.

D. Performing preliminary test of controls over selected transaction cycles.


Choice “D” is correct. This is not a recommended risk assessment procedure by PCAOB standards. Instead, performing tests of controls is done after the auditor completes his or her risk assessment and may be done in conjunction with substantive audit procedures if they are deemed insufficient alone.


When reporting on financial statements prepared on the same basis of accounting used for income tax purposes, the auditor should include in the report a paragraph that:

A. Emphasizes that the financial statements are not intended to have been audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.

B. Justifies the use of the income tax basis of accounting.

C. States that the income tax basis of accounting is a basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles.

D. Refers to the authoritative pronouncements that explain the income tax basis of accounting being used.


Choice “C” is correct. When reporting on financial statements prepared on the same basis of accounting used for income tax purposes, the auditor should include in the report a paragraph that states that the income tax basis of accounting is a basis of accounting other than GAAP. Examples of an appropriate title for this paragraph are “Emphasis of Matter” or “Basis of Accounting.”


Which of the following statements best describes an auditor’s responsibility to detect errors and fraud?

A. An auditor has no responsibility to detect errors and fraud unless analytical procedures or tests of transactions identify conditions causing a reasonably prudent auditor to suspect that the financial statements were materially misstated.

B. An auditor has no responsibility to detect errors and fraud because an auditor is not an insurer and an audit does not constitute a guarantee.

C. An auditor should design an audit to provide reasonable assurance of detecting errors and fraud that are material to the financial statements.

D. An auditor has a responsibility to detect material errors, but has no responsibility to detect fraud that is concealed through employee collusion or management override of internal control.


Choice “C” is correct. The auditor should design the audit to provide reasonable assurance of detecting material errors and fraud.


In the audit of a nonissuer, which of the following statements is correct regarding the use of external confirmations to obtain audit evidence?

A. Negative confirmations provide more persuasive audit evidence than positive confirmations.

B. A factor for an auditor to consider when designing confirmation requests is the assertion being tested.

C. Negative confirmations should be used only if a very high exception rate is expected.

D. Management’s refusal to allow an auditor to perform external confirmation procedures is considered a departure from GAAP sufficient to qualify the opinion.


Choice “B” is correct. A factor for an auditor to consider when designing confirmation requests is the assertion being tested for issuers and nonissuers.


The standard report issued by an accountant after reviewing the financial statements of a nonissuer should state that:

A. The accountant did not obtain an understanding of the entity’s internal control or assess control risk.

B. A review is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management.

C. A review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data and making inquiries of company management.

D. The accountant does not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on the financial statements.


Choice “C” is correct. The standard report issued by an accountant after reviewing the financial statements of a nonissuer states that a review includes primarily applying analytical procedures to management’s financial data and making inquiries of company management.


The client’s financial reporting includes supplementary financial information outside the basic financial statements but required by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Which of the following statements is correct regarding the auditor’s responsibility for this supplementary financial information?

A. The auditor should read the supplementary financial information.

B. The auditor should apply tests of details of transactions.

C. The auditor should perform limited procedures.

D. The auditor is not required to report omissions.


Choice “C” is correct. An auditor should perform limited procedures on required supplementary information.


Which of the following procedures should an accountant perform during an engagement to compile prospective financial statements?

A. Test the entity’s internal controls to determine if adequate controls exist so that financial projections can be reasonably achieved.

B. Make inquiries prior to the date of the report about possible future transactions that may impact the forecast once the report is issued.

C. Make inquiries about the accounting principles used in the preparation of the prospective financial statements.

D. Compare the prospective financial statements with the entity’s historical results for the prior year.


Choice “C” is correct. An accountant performing an engagement to compile prospective financial statements should make inquiries about the accounting principles used in the preparation of the prospective financial statements.


An auditor is in the process of performing substantive procedures on a client’s accounts payable. In order to test the existence and occurrence assertion, the auditor would most likely perform which of the following auditing procedures?

A. Select a sample of vendor statements and agree amounts to the vendor accounts.

B. Vouch selected amounts from the accounts payable listing to the client’s voucher packages.

C. Select cash disbursements made subsequent to year-end and examine supporting documentation to determine if applicable to the prior balance sheet date.

D. Review a sample of voucher packages for the presence of a purchase requisition or receiving report to determine accounts payable ownership.


Choice “B” is correct. By vouching selected amounts from the accounts payable listing to the voucher packages, the auditor would be testing the existence and occurrence assertion.


Although regression analysis has the same objective as trend analysis, ratio analysis, and nonstatistical predictive modeling, which is to identify the potential for material misstatement, regression analysis has the following advantage over the other methods:

A. Is a simple statistical technique used to form an expectation.

B. May use multiple sources of data, including financial and nonfinancial, in forming an expectation.

C. Provides a very high level of precision for forming an expectation.

D. Provides direct and quantitative measures of the precision of expectation.


Choice “D” is correct. Unlike trend analysis, ratio analysis, and nonstatistical predictive modeling, regression analysis provides direct and quantitative measures of the precision of expectation.


Which of the following is a false statement regarding the use of accounting records as a form of audit evidence?

A. Accounting records alone provide sufficient support for an audit opinion.

B. An auditor tests accounting records by using analytical procedures and substantive procedures.

C. Accounting records consist of records of initial journal entries and any supporting records.

D. Internal consistency among a client’s accounting records provides limited evidence that the financial statements are fairly presented.


Choice “A” is correct. This represents an inaccurate (false) statement. A client’s accounting records are not sufficient support for an audit opinion. The auditor must test the accuracy of the accounting records by performing analytical procedures and substantive procedures.


If a service auditor is unable to obtain a written assertion from the service organization’s management regarding its system and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of controls, it would be most appropriate for the auditor to:

A. Withdraw from the engagement unless prohibited by law.

B. Assess a higher level of detection risk for the engagement.

C. Increase the substantive testing of the service organization’s controls.

D. Report management’s action in the auditor’s communication to those charged with governance.


Choice “A” is correct. If a service auditor is unable to obtain a written assertion from the service organization’s management regarding its system and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of controls, it would be most appropriate for the auditor to withdraw from the engagement unless prohibited by law.


Which of the following procedures would an auditor most likely perform to obtain evidence about the occurrence of subsequent events?

A. Investigating changes in stockholders’ equity occurring after year-end.

B. Inquiring of the entity’s legal counsel concerning litigation, claims, and assessments arising after year-end.

C. Confirming bank accounts established after year-end.

D. Recomputing a sample of large-dollar transactions occurring after year-end for arithmetic accuracy.


Choice “B” is correct. The auditor would most likely inquire of the entity’s legal counsel concerning litigation, claims and assessments arising after year-end in order to obtain evidence about the occurrence of subsequent events. Claims arising after year-end might well impact the year-end financial statements.


Which of the following matters would an auditor most likely consider to be a significant deficiency in internal control to be communicated to management and those charged with governance?

A. Recurring operating losses that may indicate going concern problems.

B. Management’s failure to renegotiate unfavorable long-term purchase commitments.

C. Evidence of a lack of objectivity by those responsible for accounting decisions.

D. Management’s current plans to reduce its ownership equity in the entity.


Choice “C” is correct. A lack of objectivity by those responsible for accounting decisions represents a significant internal control deficiency because it may result in financial statements that are biased rather than being presented fairly. This is a matter that would merit attention by those charged with governance.

Choice “A” is incorrect. Going concern problems do not represent a significant deficiency in internal control.

Choice “B” is incorrect. Management’s failure to renegotiate unfavorable long-term purchase commitments does not represent a significant deficiency in internal control.

Choice “D” is incorrect. Management’s plan to reduce its ownership equity in the entity does not represent a significant deficiency in internal control.


Which of the following is a primary purpose of audit documentation?

A. To support that the audit was performed in accordance with GAAS.

B. To prevent legal liability related to the audit performed.

C. To maintain professional judgment.

D. To assure that fraudulent financial reporting did not occur.


Choice “A” is correct. The primary purpose of audit documentation is to support the basis for the auditor’s report and to provide evidence that the audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS).


During the course of an audit, the auditor performs an assessment of risks at the assertion level and financial statement level. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding either of these identified risks?

A. Identified financial statement level risks could also have a potential impact on many of the client’s relevant assertions.

B. Assertion level risk only pertains to risks identified with specific transactions and account balances.

C. Financial statement level risk would include a client improperly disclosing its derivatives activity for the reporting period.

D. When assessing risk of material misstatement at the assertion level, the auditor should only focus on whether the controls in place are designed appropriately to prevent, detect, and correct any material misstatements from the identified risk.


Choice “A” is correct. This represents an accurate statement. Although financial statement risks have a direct impact on the financial statements taken as whole, they could affect many relevant assertions as well.


In an integrated audit of a nonissuer, each of the following identifies an inherent limitation to internal control, except:

A. Breakdowns in internal control because of employee mistakes.

B. An override of internal controls by a low-level employee.

C. Faulty decision making by employees.

D. Collusion involving two or more employees.


Choice “B” is correct. Controls provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance regarding the achievement of objectives due to inherent limitations, including management override, human error, and deliberate circumvention of controls by collusion of two or more people. Controls should be designed so that a low-level employee would not have the ability to override controls without management identifying the override through the performance of existing control activities.


Which of the following factors affecting the risk associated with a control is not a consideration when designing the current-year audit procedures in an audit of internal control over financial reporting for an issuer?

A. Whether there have been changes in the operation of a key control since the previous audit.

B. Whether the control has been documented in flowchart or narrative form.

C. The nature, timing, and extent of procedures performed in previous audits.

D. The results of the previous years’ testing of the control.


Choice “B” is correct. Whether a control has been documented in a flowchart or narrative form is not a consideration when designing the current-year audit procedures in an audit of internal control over financial reporting. Either documentation method is acceptable.


When an auditor of a nonissuer uses statistical sampling techniques to perform a test of controls related to an assertion, factors that influence the sample size include:

A. The nonissuer’s assessment of the risk of material misstatement.

B. The expected rate of deviation of the population to be tested.

C. The tolerable misstatement.

D. The assurance obtained from other substantive procedures directed at the same assertion.


Choice “B” is correct. The expected rate of deviation of the population to be tested is one of the items the auditor considers when planning an audit sample for tests of controls.


When preparing a nonissuer’s financial statements, an accountant would be least likely to:

A. Omit substantially all of the disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles.

B. Perform control testing around the cash disbursement process.

C. Advise management on alternative accounting policies that are significant to the financial statements.

D. Assist management in making judgments for impairment expense.


Choice “B” is correct. A preparation engagement does not require the accountant to perform control testing. A preparation engagement involves the accountant preparing financial statements using the records, documents, explanations, and other information provided by management. An accountant does not need to test controls or perform substantive procedures.


Identify the correct order of steps for an auditor when applying a top-down approach to select controls to test in an integrated audit.

I. Evaluation of overall risks at the financial statement level.

II. Evaluation of accounts, disclosures, and assertions for which there is a reasonable possibility of material misstatement.

III. Consideration of controls at the entity level.






Choice “C” is correct. A top-down approach is used when selecting controls to test. The auditor evaluates overall risks at the financial statement level, considers controls at the entity level, and then focuses on accounts, disclosures, and assertions for which there is a reasonable possibility of material misstatement.


Which of the following statements concerning audit evidence is correct?

A. Reliable evidence supporting management’s assertions should be conclusive rather than merely persuasive.

B. A client’s accounting data cannot be considered sufficient audit evidence to support the financial statements.

C. The cost of obtaining evidence is not an important consideration to an auditor in deciding what evidence should be obtained.

D. An effective internal control structure contributes little to the reliability of the evidence created within the entity.


Choice “B” is correct. Audit evidence consists of the underlying accounting data and all corroborating information available to the auditor. A client’s accounting data by itself is not considered sufficient audit evidence to support the financial statements.


In assessing sampling risk, the risk of incorrect rejection and the risk of assessing control risk too high relate to the:

A. Audit quality controls.

B. Selection of the items in the sample.

C. Effectiveness of the audit.

D. Efficiency of the audit.


Choice “D” is correct. The risk of incorrect rejection and the risk of assessing control risk too high relate to the efficiency of the audit. These two errors generally result in an auditor performing unnecessary additional procedures.


A CPA in public practice is required to comply with the provisions of the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services when:

Advising a client regarding the
selection of computer software


Advocating a client’s
position before the IRS

A. No Yes

B. Yes Yes

C. No No

D. Yes No


Choice “C” is correct. Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) apply to unaudited financial statements of a nonpublic entity. SSARS do not apply to advising a client regarding the selection of computer hardware and advocating a client’s position before the IRS.


Which of the following components (elements) of an entity’s system of internal control includes the development of personnel manuals documenting employee promotion and training policies?

A. Quality control system.

B. Information and communication system.

C. Control environment.

D. Monitoring.


Choice “C” is correct. The control environment element of an entity’s system of internal control relates to the tone of the organization, which includes human resource policies and practices.


The audit plan usually cannot be finalized until the:

A. Search for unrecorded liabilities has been performed and documented.

B. Significant deficiencies in internal control have been communicated to those charged with governance.

C. Representation letter has been signed by the client.

D. Consideration of the entity’s system of internal control has been completed.


Choice “D” is correct. The auditor should obtain a sufficient understanding of the entity and its environment, including its system of internal control, to plan the audit of the entity’s financial statements.


Which best describes the auditor’s responsibility for required supplementary information that is outside the basic financial statements but required by the FASB?

A. The auditor’s report on the financial statements should include both an opinion on the supplementary information and a statement restricting the use of the report.

B. Read the required supplementary information and only add an other-matter paragraph when the auditor identifies material departures in the required supplementary information.

C. Apply certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information and add a separate section with the heading “Required Supplementary Information” to the financial statement audit report.

D. The auditor has no responsibility to apply procedures to the required supplementary information, as it is outside the basic financial statements.


Choice “C” is correct. When audited financial statements are presented in a client’s document containing required supplementary information that is outside the basic financial statements, the auditor should apply certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information and add a separate section with the heading “Required Supplementary Information” to the financial statement audit report.


During the current year audit of a nonissuer, the audit team identified the same control deficiencies that were communicated during the prior year audit. These control deficiencies were not significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. Management indicated that these control deficiencies were not corrected in the current year due to cost constraints. How should the auditor communicate these control deficiencies during the current year audit?

A. In writing.

B. Verbally.

C. Either verbally or in writing.

D. No communication is required.


Choice “D” is correct. For nonissuers, if an auditor has communicated other deficiencies in a prior period and management has chosen not to correct the deficiencies for cost or other reasons, the auditor need not repeat the communication in the current period.


Which of the following objectives is achieved when an auditor decides to employ classical variable sampling?

A. To determine the reliability of voucher processing.

B. To determine the efficiency of the payroll system.

C. To determine the completeness of billing transactions.

D. To determine the inventory quantities on hand.


Choice “D” is correct. Determining the inventory quantities on hand is achieved when an auditor decides to employ classical variable sampling. This sampling method helps the auditor determine the reasonableness of the inventory account and is often performed during the inventory count.

Choice “A” is incorrect. Attribute sampling, rather than variable sampling, is used to determine the reliability of voucher processing. Processing of transactions relates to tests of controls rather than substantive testing.

Choice “B” is incorrect. Determining the efficiency of the payroll system would not be achieved by employing classical variable sampling. Attribute sampling should be used for this objective.

Choice “C” is incorrect. Attribute sampling, rather than variable sampling, is used to determine the completeness of billing transactions.


Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services establish standards and procedures for which of the following engagements?

A. Compiling an individual’s personal financial statement to be used to obtain a mortgage.

B. Preparing standard monthly journal entries.

C. Reviewing interim financial data required to be filed with the SEC.

D. Proposing adjustments to the books of account for a partnership.


Choice “A” is correct. Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) establish standards and procedures for an engagement to compile an individual’s personal financial statements to be used to obtain a mortgage.

Choice “B” is incorrect. Preparing standard monthly journal entries is not covered by SSARS, as it falls short of preparing financial statements.
Choice “C” is incorrect. Reviewing interim financial data required to be filed with the SEC is covered under PCAOB standards.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Proposing adjustments to the books of account for a partnership is an engagement that does not pertain to SSARS, as it falls short of preparing financial statements.


In addition to descriptions of the nature, timing, and extent of planned risk assessment procedures and planned further audit procedures, which of the following additional pieces of information should be documented in the audit plan?

A. The understanding of the terms of the engagement, including scope, fees, and resource allocation.

B. Other audit procedures to be performed to comply with generally accepted auditing standards.

C. Procedures performed to assess independence and the ability to perform the engagement.

D.Issues with management integrity that could affect the decision to continue the audit engagement.


Choice “B” is correct. The audit plan should include documentation of specific audit procedures (including other audit procedures) to be performed to comply with generally accepted auditing standards.

Choice “A” is incorrect. The understanding of the terms of the engagement, including scope, fees, and resource allocation, should be documented (typically in the form of an engagement letter), but is not required to be documented in the audit plan. The audit plan outlines the nature, extent, and timing of the procedures to be performed during the audit.

Choice “C” is incorrect. The auditor’s assessment of independence is required to be documented, but is not required to be documented in the audit plan. The audit plan outlines the nature, extent, and timing of the procedures to be performed during the audit.

Choice “D” is incorrect. Issues with management integrity that could affect the decision to continue the audit engagement should be documented. However, the specific issues with management integrity generally are not documented in the audit plan.


Which of the following would not be considered a relevant assertion when testing transactions and events during a client audit?

A. Cutoff.

B. Valuation, allocation, and accuracy.

C. Rights and obligations.

D. Existence and occurrence.


Choice “C” is correct. Rights and obligations are not a relevant assertion tested when performing procedures on a client’s transactions and events. The acronym for the relevant assertions tested for a client’s transaction and events is COVEUP, which includes: completeness; cutoff; valuation, allocation, and accuracy; existence and occurrence; and, understandability of presentation and classification.

Choice “A” is incorrect. Cutoff is a relevant assertion tested for a client’s transaction and events. Testing the cutoff assertion determines if the transactions and events were recorded in the correct accounting period.

Choice “B” is incorrect. Valuation, allocation, and accuracy is a relevant assertion tested for a client’s transactions and events. Testing the valuation, allocation, and accuracy assertion determines if transaction amounts and related data have been recorded properly.

Choice “D” is incorrect. Existence and occurrence is a relevant assertion tested for a client’s transactions and events. Testing the existence and occurrence assertion determines whether the transactions or events have occurred and actually pertain to the client.


While reviewing the client’s internal control over the payroll accrual, the auditor initially determines that the client’s internal controls are effective. As a result, the auditor begins performing audit procedures by recalculating the year-end payroll accrual and compares the amount to the reported accrual. This procedure will test which of the following assertions related to client’s payroll accrual?

A. Existence.

B. Completeness.

C. Valuation and allowance.

D. Rights and obligations.


Choice “C” is correct. When it is determined that the client’s internal controls over the payroll accrual are effective, the focus on the audit procedures performed should be to test the valuation assertion. Testing this assertion would include recalculating the year-end payroll accrual and comparing it to the client’s reported accrual amount.

Choice “A” is incorrect. Given the effective control over payroll accrual, testing this assertion would most likely not be performed by the auditor. If the auditor decided to test this assertion, he or she would vouch specific amounts from the client’s payroll accrual calculation to documentation that supports the accrual.

Choice “B” is incorrect. Given the effective controls over the payroll accrual, testing this assertion would most likely not be performed by the auditor. In the event the auditor decided to test this assertion, the auditor would search for unrecorded liabilities.

Choice “D” is incorrect. Given the effective control over the payroll accrual, testing this assertion would most likely not be performed by the auditor. However; to test this assertion, the auditor would review the client’s supporting documentation to ascertain whether the payroll accrual represents the obligation of the client.