AUD 1 Flashcards
What is an adjusting subsequent event?
An event that provides additional evidence about conditions existing at the balance sheet date.
Requires adjustments to the financial statements.
What is a non-adjusting subsequent event?
An event that reflects conditions arising after the balance sheet date. Requires disclosure but no adjustments to the financial statements.
What are the four types of opinions on the outcome of an audit?
unqualified (unmodified)
What is an unqualified (clean) opinion?
The financial statements are fairly presented with no material misstatements.
What is a qualified opinion?
The financial statements are fairly presented, except for a specific material issue.
What is an adverse opinion?
The financial statements do not present fairly due to significant issues.
What is a disclaimer of opinion?
“The auditor cannot express an opinion due to a lack of evidence or scope limitation.
What is random sampling?
Each item has an equal chance of being selected to reduce bias.
What is systematic sampling?
Selects items at fixed intervals (e.g., every nth item).
What is haphazard sampling?
The auditor picks items without structure or a statistical method.
What is judgmental (non-statistical) sampling?
The auditor uses their judgment to choose specific items.
What is monetary unit sampling (MUS)?
Larger dollar amounts have a higher chance of being selected.
What is stratified sampling?
The population is divided into subgroups (strata), and a sample is selected from each.
What organization issues Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs) for nonissuers?
The AICPA’s Auditing Standards Board (ASB).
What standards are used in audits of issuers (public companies)?
PCAOB standards, which include SASs adopted by the PCAOB and auditing standards (AS) issued by the PCAOB.
What standards are used for audits of government entities?
Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), also known as the “Yellow Book.”
What are the three types of modified opinions of an audit?
Disclaimer of opinion
What are the opinions of an audit that is issued due to a scope limitation?
Disclaimer of opinion
What are the opinions for an adverse, qualified, and disclaimer of opinion.
“In our opinion, because of the significance of the matter discussed in the Basis for Adverse Opinion section of our report, the accompanying consolidated financial statements do not present fairly the financial position…”
“In our opinion, except for the omission of information described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section of our report…”
“Because of the significance of the matters described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion section of our report, we have not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion on these financial statements.”
When an auditor of a nonissuer qualifies his or her opinion because of a scope limitation, such as the inability to confirm accounts receivable, the wording in the opinion paragraph should indicate that the qualification pertains to what?
The possible effects on the financial statements and not to the scope limitation itself
To obtain reasonable assurance:
An auditor must plan the work and properly supervise assistants
When should litigation be disclosed?
Outcome is reasonably possible (but not probable).
Outcome is probable, but the loss cannot be reasonably estimated.
When should litigation be accrued?
Outcome is probable.
Loss can be reasonably estimated.
What situations are disclosed in an Emphasis of Matter paragraph?
Going concern uncertainty.
Change in accounting principles or policies.
Significant subsequent events.
Major litigation or regulatory uncertainties.
When are Other Matter paragraphs used in an audit report?
To provide context for the audit, such as a special purpose framework.
When reporting on prior period financial statements that were not audited.
To address subsequent events that may affect the audit report.
To highlight significant related party transactions.
To explain restrictions on the use of the audit report.
What happens when the audited financials statements include a material misstatement?
The auditor’s opinion would be either qualified or adverse depending on the pervasiveness of the misstatement.
What happens when the entity engaged in significant transactions with a related party during the year under audit and subsequent to year-end?
If the entity engaged in significant transactions with a related party, the auditor may be required to use an emphasis-of-matter paragraph
What happens when a material weakness in internal controls exists?
This would be reported to those charged with governance.
When is an other-matter paragraph used?
refers to matters other than those presented or disclosed in the financial statements that are relevant to the users’ understanding
What are the key things about the term “consistency” when it comes to auditing?
deals with the comparability of financial statements from year to year
If the auditor is able to obtain sufficient evidence about consistency, no mention of consistency need be made. Consistency is implied in the auditor’s report.
When does an auditor add an emphasis of matter paragraph for a lawsuit?
If the terminology “unusually important” is added
What is important thing to remember when it comes to the relationship between the audit opinion and whether an emphasis of matter, other matter, or explanatory paragraph is used?
It unmodified (unqualified) opinion can still be the issued regardless of one of these paragraphs being present in the audit report
What is a key thing to remember when it comes to paragraph types in an audit report?
Non-issuers will use emphasis of matter/other matter paragraphs
Issuers will use explanatory pargraph
Explanatory paragraph generally comes after the opinion paragraph for an issuer
The auditors refers to what for guidelines on how to perform an audit?
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)
If a company issues f/s that have financial position (balance sheet) and results of operations (income statement) but omits the related SCF, the auditor will normally conclude that the omission requires what type of opinion?
Qualified opinion
What is the pass key when it comes to an auditor not being able to perform a specific procedure?
It is not a scope limitation if the auditor is able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence by performing alternative procedures.
If they cannot perform alternate procedures then a qualified or disclaimer of opinion should be expressed
What happens when prior period financial statements are restated to conform with GAAP?
The auditor’s updated report on the prior-period financial statements should express an unmodified opinion concerning the restated financial statements.
In addition, the auditor would state the substantive reasons for the change in opinion in an emphasis-of-matter (or other-matter) paragraph.
Before reissuing the prior year’s auditor’s report on the financial statements of a former client, the auditor should
1) read f/s of current period
2) horizontal analysis
3) obtain a letter of representation from the successor auditor and former client’s management
When does a group engagement partner not mention the component auditor in the audit report (opinion)
Under U.S. GAAS, when the group engagement partner assumes responsibility for the component auditor’s work
When a group engagement partner decides to make reference to a component auditor’s audit under U.S. GAAS, the group engagement partner’s report should state “We did not audit the financial statements of X Company…” in which section of the audit report?
Opinion paragraph
How do you know what subsequent events the auditor took responsibility for?
The period between the date of the financial statements and the date of the auditor’s report is the subsequent period, during which the auditor is responsible for investigating certain subsequent events.
When an auditor issues a report that is dual dated for a subsequent event occurring after the original date of the auditor’s report, but before issuance of the related financial statements what happens to the auditor’s responsibility?
the auditor’s responsibility for events occurring subsequent to the original report date is limited to the specific event referenced.
When auditing a nonissuer, what is an auditor’s responsibility for supplementary information, such as disclosure of pension information, which is outside the basic financial statements but required by GAAP?
The auditor should apply certain limited procedures to the supplementary information and add a separate section with the heading “Required Supplemental Information” to the financial statement audit report.
What are the two general purpose frameworks?
What are types of special purpose frameworks?
Cash basis
Tax basis
Regulatory basis
Contractual basis
An auditor’s special report on financial statements prepared in conformity with the cash basis of accounting should include an emphasis-of-matter paragraph that refers to what?
The note to the f/s that describes the basis of accounting
A description of how the income tax basis differs from GAAP should be included where?
The notes to the f/s
What are the key items included in an engagement letter for an audit?
Scope of the audit
Responsibilities of management (e.g., financial statements)
Auditor’s responsibilities (e.g., follow GAAS)
Audit limitations (e.g., reasonable assurance)
Audit terms (e.g., fees, timing, use of specialists)
Auditing standards required that the auditor must be independent. What is the exception?
Except when required by law or regulation to accept the engagement
A nonissuer requests that a CPA change an audit engagement to a review engagement. If the accountant agrees to the change, how, if at all, should the accountant’s review report be modified?
If the accountant agrees with the change, the accountant should issue the review report without mentioning the change in engagement.
What are the key points when communicating with a predecessor auditor?
Obtain client’s permission before contacting.
Inquire about reasons for change in auditors.
Discuss any disagreements with management.
Ask about fraud, noncompliance, or internal control issues.
Review the integrity of management and any significant matters from the prior audit.
Does a predecessor auditor have to communicate with the successor auditor?
No, a predecessor auditor is not required to communicate with the successor auditor
What are the six elements of quality control for audit and assurance engagements?
HELP ME acronym
Human resources – Hiring competency, staffing, development, and advancement.
Engagement/client acceptance & continuance – Evaluate client integrity, firm’s capability, and conflicts of interest.
Leadership responsibilities – “Tone at the top” influences firm attitudes.
Performance of the engagement – Ensure high performance, supervision, and engagement reviews.
Monitoring – Second partner review, peer review.
Ethical requirements – Independence, integrity, objectivity; Sarbanes-Oxley Act responsibilities.
Audit documentation should be prepared in enough detail so that an _________ ___________ who has no previous connection with the audit can understand the procedures performed and the evidence obtained.
experienced auditor