AUC's Flashcards
What does an officer do if a child requests assistance while in quarters?
While in quarters if a member receives a request for help from a child the officer shall be notified. The officer shall notify the dispatcher that the company is out of service and that the company is operation at a verbal alarm to assist a child. The officer shall request, through the department dispatcher, the response of the police department for a child in need of help.
What does an officer do if a child requests help while out of quarters?
While out of quarters, if a member receives a request for help from a child, the officer shall be notified. The officer shall notify the dispatcher that the company is out of service and that the company is operation at a verbal alarm to assist a child. The officer shall request through the Department dispatcher the response of the police department for a child in need.
Who is responsible for vouchering currency at an operation where large amounts of currency are discovered?
Fire Marshals
When is a fire scene a crime scene?
When Fire Marshals declare it to be incendiary (intentionally set).
If a crime in progress involving an armed perpetrator is reported or observed…?
…member must exercise utmost restraint and not intervene. The Police Department must be notified immediately.
If a past crime has been reported or observed…?
…member shall provide first aid/assistance to the victim and notify Police Department
If a civilian is being threatened with bodily harm or is being assaulted…?
…members may intervene, consistent with their personal safety, to assist the victim. The Police Department must be immediately notified.
How long shall a probationary firefighter training development notebook be maintained?
For one full year from the date the member is assigned to a unit.
Where should a probationary firefighters notebook be kept when not in use?
The company office.
How long must probationary firefighters continue their reading schedules for?
Three years.
When do we enter aeronautical fields without a port authority escort?
Under no circumstances.
As a general rule, where are voice and flight data recorders located?
The rear of the aircraft.
What are the colors and shapes of flight voice and data recorders?
Spherical recorders are painted bright yellow, while rectangular recorders are painted red or international orange.
How much foam can FDNY foam units deliver to the scene of an airport emergency?
Up to 10,000 gallons of flouroprotein.
How many PSI is a low pressure hydrant at Laguardia, and what color is it?
65 PSI, black body with silver top
How many PSI is high pressure hydrant at Laguardia, and what color is it?
125 PSI, all yellow.
Where are hydrants located at Laguardia?
Along the fingers of the terminal buildings, on the ramp side.
Wall hydrants are located on the exterior of the terminal buildings on the ramp side and are designated by large phosphorescent signs composed of a white “H” on a green background.
City hydrants are located along the LOWER roadway in front of the main passenger building.
Describe drafting operations at laguardia
5” aluminum pipe with 4 1/2 male connections can be found on the water side of runway extensions:
Runway 13: 3 pipes
Runway 22: 5 pipes
These are UNRELIABLE at low tide.
How many PSI is a low pressure hydrant at JFk, and what color is it?
60 PSI, black body with silver top
How many PSI is an intermediate hydrant at JFK, and what color is it?
90 PSI, black body with yellow top
How many PSI is a high pressure hydrant at JFK, and what color is it?
160 PSI, all yellow
Where are hydrants located at JFK?
Wall hydrants are located on the ramp side exterior walls of terminal buildings
Submerged hydrants are located at the exterior corners of hangers. These hydrants require special wrenches that are carried in PAPD vehicles
Drafting hydrants are located in the southwest corner of the field. These hydrants may be rendered inoperable by clogged suction pipes or low tide
What are two differences between PAPD response vehicles at the airports?
PAPD maintains 4 Oshkosh Crash trucks at JFK, and 3 at LAG. Both airports have two Quick Response Vehicles, however the ones at JFK have 125 gallons of AFFF foam while LGA has 100 gallons. (AUC 325a1 and a2)
What is the maximum height of cellphone antennas on a roof?
Six feet above the height of the roof or parapet on the roof, or six feet above any penthouse or bulkhead, if placed on such penthouse or bulkhead.
How far from cellphone antennas can we safely operate?
Do not operate directly in front of antennas. Distance is safety.