AUC 207 Flashcards
Subway or Railroad System – Fire, Emergency (non-medical), or Smoke Condition – Code 1) structural fire; Code 2) Non Structure {train fire/rubbish on tracks}; 3) Emergency, non-medical
Fire department personnel will NEVER be permitted to operate on track areas unless assured that the power is off. When can you ignore this rule?
Only if life is in imminent peril and direct and immediate action is required to save life
Whenever evacuation or removal of passengers from a train (other than a station) is contemplated, what shall be ordered?
power shall be order off
What is the first consideration on arrival at an operation involving electrified tracks?
will be a determination of whether the power is to remain on or turned off
What is the only verification that power has been removed to electrified tracks?
shall be via the FDNY dispatcher
When power is removed, what parts of the train and tunnel system are not affected?
lights in the right of way, station lights, signals, drainage pumping equipment, tunnel ventilation equipment, and train headlights
Will interior subway car lights, found to be either on or off, be an indication that power has been removed?
Emergency exits might prove the most direct means of access to a fire area. However, evacuating passengers will always be given _______________
priority use of this means
Communications via handi-talkie are _________ from level to level and in a straight line are _________ to _________.
poor, fair to poor
An engine and truck can set up a relay with how many members?
2 to 6 members
Handi-Talki Relay – “C.O.R.E. – A. – T.” – LCC
Bottom of subway entrance stairs. If token clerk booth is within 50 yards of stairs, contact train dispatcher through clerk. Relay token booth phone number to truck officer
Handi-Talki Relay – “C.O.R.E. – A. – T.” – OVM
The foot of the stairs leading to the platform if it is within 50 yards of the LCC
Handi-Talki Relay – “C.O.R.E. – A. – T.” – Roof
Approximately 50 yards from the stairs on the platform for relay
Handi-Talki Relay – “C.O.R.E. – A. – T.” – Engine Boss
Approximately 100 yards (line of sight) form Roof FF on the platform
Handi-Talki Relay – “C.O.R.E. – A. – T.” – Additional HT equipped members
Every 100 yards, if necessary
Handi-Talki Relay – “C.O.R.E. – A. – T.” – Truck Boss
To location of fire
If during the handi-talkie relay not all members are needed, the LCC starts the relay and any member after that not needed, determined by the truck boss, does what?
shall proceed to the location of the incident with the truck officer
What are the proper radio communications for the officer and mebers in a handi-talki relay
The officer of the unit will be identified by the unit number (Ladder 103). Other members in the relay will be identified by unit number/riding position/ and the term “Relay” ex: “Ladder 103 Roof Relay”
At transit incidents, ECC’s should not do what until the location of the fire is determined?
hook up to the hydrant
What is the one of the best ways to reduce panic during a train evacuation?
provide increased lighting (there should be adequate lighting along the right of way, in addition to a high degree of lighting at the train debarkatioin point and close to the exit)
Whenver possible, small fire in ties of an elevated railroad shall be handled by?
handlines operated from the street below
If a petroleum product is leaking in the subway and an underground storage tank is involved, who should be notified?
Bureau of Fire Prevention
If a petroleum product is leaking in the subway, what can you use to vent the track area?
use emergency exit openings
If a petroleum product is leaking in the subway and the fuel spill is close to a grating or main entrance of a subway system, what is the order of priority of diking the spill?
1) sand/earth; 2) planking; 3) Charged lengths of hose and encircle the fuel spill – this should be followed by layer of foam
Whenever members are committed to a track ara, FF’s shall be assigned in pairs to act as warning guards. Their primary function is to?
warn all operating members of unexpected train traffic
A member directed to halt traffic shall use a light and hold it _________ high and move in a _____________motion of at least _______ feet.
Chest / horizontal / 4’
What is near the blue light station and how far apart are they located?
power removal box, telephone, and fire extinguisher (dry chem) – 600’ apart
How do you operate the emergency telephone at the power removal box?
keep it depressed at all times during conversation, releasing button will terminate the call
Gate valves with fire department threads are located at approximately?
200’ intervals
In the subway system, if you see diagonal red and white stripes painted on a wall, this would mean?
no clearance signs
A prism-shaped sign or a cluster of 5 white lights identifies what?
emergency exits in subway tunnels
When inspecting or responding to an an incident at an emergency exit, who shall a unit notify and what shall they state?
notify the borough dispatcher and let them know members are entering the exit – communicate the exit number and the exit location
If smoke is showing at the grating of a subway, and there is a light smoke condition in the station, this is usuall an indication of/
The fire is in the setback in the tunnel vent directly under the grating
Red Globe indicates:
that there may or may not be a token booth clerk at this location and that the stairway wil be closed at some point during a 24 hour day
Green Globe indicates:
that the entrance is open 24 hours a day. There may or may not be a token booth clerk at this location. (no token booth clerk = HEET gate)
Members are advised that where there are colored light posts installed at a subway entrance, the first point of access, if possible, should be?
an entrance with a green globe
MTA NYC transit has provided the FDNY with information found on a see through protective folder which is available at the full token booth of every station. what information do they provide?
Station Map, List of all: Stairways, rooms, & token booths within the station, and a list of all emergency exits which service the station
Each unit has been issued an unlimited FDNY metrocard. When a new apparatus is placed in service, what shall the company commander ensure?
that the assigned metrocard is places on the new apparatus
After each rool call, the officer on duty shall record what in the company journal regarding the assigend Metro Card?
is accounted for and on the apparatus
When a Metrocard is reported lost, stolen, or damaged, what shall the officer on duty do?
immediately notify the PTSU, Bureau of Operations advising them of the particulars, including the ID # – also file police report and loss property report
What color is the plate/cylinder for the 1620 key at HEET gates?
How far apart are the manhattan bridge track ID signs, how high above the vehicle roadway are they, and what is their color?
400’ intervals, 8’ above the vehicle roadway, signs are reflective red background with white lettering
How many inches from top to bottom is the subway emergency exit sign?
“Light Trains” are intended for what?
small fires readily extinguishable by one or two extinguishers, to investigate the source of minor smoke conditions and other similar type incidents
Who makes the decision to use a “Light Train”?
Chief in Charge
The primary means of communication for a “Light Train” shall be via:
FD Unit using the train operators radio – TA command center– FD Boro Dispatcher – Chief in Charge
What is the only reliable means of communications for the FD Units on a “Light Train”?
the direct use of the train operator’s radio
Progress reports while using the “Light Train” must be anticipated, therefore they should be transmitted as soon as possible, but at least once every
15 minutes
Can a “Light Train” tavel past the next station?
yes, but only with the permission of the chief in charge