AUA Curriculum Flashcards
pelvic nerve
hypogastric nerve
pudendal nerve
pelvic nerve –> parasympathetic, activates urination, causes detrusor to contract (senses BLADDER STRETCH of detrusor muscle)
hypogastric nerve –> sympathetic, inhibits contraction of detrusor, and contracts internal sphincter = hold pee
pudendal nerve –> somatic, contract external sphincter
stones of < or equal to ____ will pass spontaneously
-stones > or equal to ____ are unlikely to pass spontaneously
< 4mm
>10 mm
ddx of acute scrotal pain (6)
- ischemia (torsion, infarct)
- Trauma
- Infectious
- Inflammatory
- Hernia
- Acute on chronic (spermatocele, hydrocele, tumor, varicocele - rupture/hemorrhage)
Testicular torsion
occurs on L>R
increased risk with bellclapper deformity
100% salvage if <6 hrs, only 20% if >12hrs
Testicular rupture
2/2 lac of tunica albuginea of testis due to blunt or penetrating trauma
tx: surgical exploration and repair
different from intratesticular hematoma because that would have an intact tunica albuginea
- pain relieved by elevation of the testicle
- on US shows INCREASED blood flow
- gradual onset of pain
- <35 yrs –> gonorrhea or chlamydia
- > 35 yrs –> gram neg rods
when epididymitis extends into the testes and causes pain and enlargement
BPH - where?
TRANSITION ZONE surrounding urethera
PCA is in peripheral zone
proliferation of epithelial and smooth muscle cells
sx: hesitance, nocturia, decreased stream force, incomplete emptying, F/U/D
BPH work up
prostate size
urinary flow rate
AUA symptom score index (aka IPSS) - mild 0-7, mod 7-15, severe >15
BPH treatment
5a-reductase inhibitors = finasteride
a1 blockers = “zosins”
surgery - TURP, prostatectomy, laser, microwaves
combined drug therapy is > than any alone
diagnosis of UTI on culture
voided urine culture –> >10^5 CFU
catheterized urine –> > 10^3 CFU
when to get imaging in pediatric UTI
febrile kid ages 2 months -2yrs at 1st UTI
-get renal US, bladder US, VCUG
treatment of pediatric UTI
ppx - TMP/SMX or Nitrofurantoin
tx - TMP/SMX, cephalosporins, ampicillin, amoxicillin, augmentin
Vesico urinary reflux (VUR)
urine flows from the bladder up the ureter
dx - VCUG
DMSA scans monitor renal cortical function
UPJ obstruction
can be due to poor peristalis of UPJ, narrow segment, aberrant vessels, high insertion of ureter into renal pelvic
sx - flank pain worse with big diuresis
dx - renal US, VCUG
cystic dilation of terminal, intravesical portion of ureter
- often ureterocele drains upper pole of a duplex kidney
- sx - UTI in first few months of lige
ectopic ureters
ureter lying caudal to normal ureter insertion at trigone of bladder
-often complete ureteral duplication + contralateral duplication
sx - boys –> UTI or epididymo-orchitis
girls –> UTI or continuous incontinence
Neuropathic bladder
due to myelomeningovele or trauma to the spinal cord
Posterior uretheral valve (PUV)
obstructing membranous folds within the lumen of prostatic urethra (only in boys)
dx - antenatal US –> thick bladder + hydro + oligo
Eagle-Barrett Syndrome
aka prune belly
absence of abdominal wall musculature, dilated ureter, bladder, urethra, and bilateral undescended testes
remnant of allantoic duct connecting anterior bladder wall to umbilicus
urachal remnants
sx - wet umbilicus, leaks during crying
risks for UTI in general (3)
- decreased urine flow
- promote colonization
- facilitate ascent (e.g. catheter)