AU 21 - Compilation and Review Engagements Flashcards
Where are compilation engagements in the handbook?
CSRS 4200 - Related Services
Opinion for compilation?
No, not an assurance engagement
What is a compilation engagement?
Assisting in preparing compiled financial info in accordance with a basis of accounting selected by management. Not general-purpose framework - should use review or audit in that case.
Procedures for compilation?
Compilation - two planning steps
- make inquires of management as to intended use of compiled financial info and if it is to be used by third party
- obtain acknowledgment from management of the basis of accounting exptect to be applied
Compilaton - specific terms
Must be identified with management
When can the compilation be continued in the event of a third party getting the compiled info?
- if they are in a position to request and obtain further info from the entity OR
- they have agreed with management the basis of accounting to be applied.
IF neither, practitioner cannot continue unless basis of accounting is ASPE or IFRS
3 things practitioner must gain knowledge of
- entity’s business and ops
- entity’s accounting system and records
- basic of accounting to be applied and policies used
Documentation needed
In CSRS 4200.39 - enagement letter, description of entity’s business, rec of accounting records to compliation etc
Primary evidence gained in review
Inquiry, discussion and analytical procedures
Acceptance and engagement letter needed for review
Materiality for review?
4 steps in a review performance
- perform, supervise and review work performed
- evaluate adequacy and sufficiency of evidence
- design additional procedures where statements may be materially misstated
- document results of work performed and conclusions reached
Type of assurance
Negative - nothing has come to our attention