Atypical Cystic Fibrosis Flashcards
What are the two categories of cystic fibrosis?
Describe atypical CF
Mild symptoms
Majority have 1 or no CFTR mutations
Carriers have no symptoms
What is the hypotheis for ENaC mutations in atypical CF?
Gain of function mutation
Enhanced Na+ absorption causes a depletion of the PCL
This causes CF like symptoms as cilia are bent
What was found when atypical CF patients were screened for ENaC mutations?
alpha = 11 mutations found
beta = 7 mutations found
gamma = 8 mutations found
Another study also showed similar findings and some mutations were seen again
What was seen when different ENaC mutations were looked at for their amiloride sensitive current?
Some mutations showed a gain of function as ENaC currents were greater
However, some actually were loss of function and some did not have an effect
Describe work which showed that in atypical CF patients their ENaC channels had gain of function
Nasal potential was measured
Normal patients - Vte was measured at -15mV
Low Cl- solution = shift to -16mV = functional CFTR
Add amiloride = shift of potential by approx 6mv =
functional ENaC
Classic CF - Vte is hyperpolarised at - 31mV
Low Cl- = shift of 0.08mV = no CFTR open
Add amiloride = shift of 19.4mV = ENaC function is
enhanced as CFTR is not there to inhibit ENaC
CF Carrier - Vte start potentialis approx -19mV
Low Cl- solution = shift to -20mV = normal CFTR
Add amiloride = shift of 18mV so ENaC is GOF
So we have excess Na+ reabsorption = PCL height depletion
Write a summary for Atypical CF
Some GOF mutations in ENaC were found in atypical CF
These explain the CF like symptoms in patients
However, some LOF mutations have also been found
It is not known how these necessarily cause symptoms
Describe the alpha W493R mutation
Found on the extracellular loop of the matrix
2010 study confirmed this was GOF in ENaC
It was overexpressed in cells on the two different ENaC backgrounds
Amiloride was used to measure function
ENaC currents in the mutant give a bigger increase in current when amiloride is washed out
Mutation enhances the current
What is Na+ feedback inhibition?
ENaC channels are endocytosed from the apical membrane
When it opens Na+ floods in so there is a transient increase
This transient increase promotes removal of ENaC from the membrane
If this endocytosis is not happening then we see larger currents which stay higher for longer
What did they see in terms of Na+ feedback inhibition in the alpha W493R mutant
The starting expression level was not different
In the high Na+ we should see lower currents when the ENaC is being endocytosed
In the mutant the initial currents were higher but there was still inhibition of ENaC
If we do a ratio the percentage drop in the WT and the mutant is similar
So the mutant Na+ feedback inhibition is normal
Describe the cleavage of ENaC
Cleaved ENaC shifts to a higher Po - it is cleaved by proteases
Uncleaved = near silent, Low Po and smaller ENaC currents
Cleaved = very active, High Po and larger ENaC current
I = N.Po.g (Vm-Ei)
What is chymotrypsin?
A protease which cleaves ENaC
What is the response of ENaC to chymotypsin in WT and the mutant?
When added to the WT it increases current as ENaC Po is increased due to cleavage
However when it is added to the mutant the response is lost as there is no increase in current in the mutant
Does this mean the channel is already cleaved?
No - the channels just have a higher Po
How was it shown that the mutant channels were not already and just had a higher Po?
The WT channels had a flickery opening in single channel recordings
However, the mutant had sustained opening events
Adding chymotrypsin to the WT increases the number of channels open but in the mutant the channels are already open so there is no effect
So this is not due to cleavage
What is sodium self inhibition?
ENaC channels means that the amount of Na+ going on to the cell can regulate the Po of the ENaC