Attitudes to other religions Flashcards
RC view as sated in Nostra Aetate
Declaration of the Church to Non-Christian Religions - Imolores Christians to follow in the footsteps of Peter and Paul and maintain good fellowship among all the nations. Details what religions have in common and to accept some truths present in other religions in so much as they reflect Catholic teaching and may lead souls to the Christ.
4 Christian approaches to other religions
Only those who hear and respond to the Christian gospel may be saved
Although only Christianity represents the normative revelation of God, salvation is possible for those who belong to other religions traditions
all religious traditions are equally valid paths to the same core religious reality
recognises the obvious divisions between religions and sees each one as valid in that it achieves its own specific goals
The Church’s aim has always been to spread the “Good News” and to convert non-believers
Some believe that only Christians will have eternal life and others believe..
anyone who is genuinely trying to follow God is doing the right thing
The RC church communicating
Pope on Facebook “we recognise that a church that does not communicate ceases to be a church”
Missionary organisations today
Baptist World Mission
Holy Rosary Sisters
Baptist World Mission (BMS) - aims
Call to evagelise but without neglecting the duty to take care of the physical needs of the poor.
BMS work:
Prayer is essential for the work of BMS. As we seek to share life in all its fullness with the worlds peoples – enabling people to know Christ, alleviating suffering and injustice, and improving the quality of life for many. Ask people to pray with them (disaster relief, education, health) Oldest mission organisations
Holy Rosary Sisters aims
missioning - to find, nurture and share the Good News, whith those in any kind of need, esp the poor, oppressed and exploited through ministries of healing, education, pastoral work and community development. Finding the seed of Christ in every culture.
See God in everyone and everything with the eyes of love and compassion.
Missionary work at home
Not just missionary orders or overseas - individuals may preach, distribute leaflets or undertake social works as a means of proclaiming their faith and reaching out to others.
promoting union between religions - especially between Christian churches
Ecumenical movement seeks to…
encourage work and cooperation between different Christian denominations.
Ecumenical movement aims to …
pray, reflect, plan and act together. eg shared services such as the Walk of Witness on Good Friday, copperation in charity work, shared communities eg Taize, joint schools such as Christ College in Gloucester is Anglican and RC
World Council of Churches
forum for debate and includes nearly all members of Protest, Anglican and Orthodox traditions
World Council of Churches goals…
visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship
promote their comon witness in work for mission and evangelism
breakdown barriers between people
RC church and ecumenism
Pope Benedict said ‘the search for Christian unity is irreversable’ he assured the WCC that the church is eager to continue to co-operate .
Parable of community - wants its life to be a sign of reconcilliation between divided Christians and between separate peoples.
Witnesses of peace living alongside the suffering and disadvantaged.