Attitudes and behaviours Flashcards
What is an attitude?
- “A favourable or unfavourable evaluative reaction towards something or someone, exhibited in beliefs, feelings, or inclination to act” (Olson and Zanna, 1993).
- “People’s evaluation or almost any aspect of the world” (Olson and Kendrick, 2008)
- there’s a question of what attitudes are composed of.. can’t simply be positive or negative attitudes
What are negative attitudes?
- They’re expressed freely (overtly) when we know that we won’t be judged
- We can work out quickly if it’s okay to say by observing the social world
Attitude strengths
- Some attitudes are stable and resistant to change
- Whilst others are more unstable and show variability depending on the situation
- Some attitudes are held with certainty whilst others are held with more uncertainty
Centreless of attitudes in social psychology quotes ..
- “The concept of attitudes is probably the most distinctive and indispensable concept in Social Psychology (Allport, 1935).
- Thomas and Znaniecki (1918) and Watson (1930) defined social psychology as the scientific study of attitudes.
How have attitudes evolved over time?
1920-1930 -> focused on attitude measurement
1950-1960 -> focus on attitude change
1980-1990 -> focus on social and cognitive structure and function of attitudes
How are attitudes seen/defined in today’s society?
- They’re viewed as a construct
- Not directly observable
- Precede our behaviour and guide our choices
Attitude dimensions: ABC model (3 components)
Fishbein & Ajzen (1970) ; Jain (2014)
- The tripartite model of attitudes breaks them down into their components:
- Affect – how we feel about something (positive or negative towards something)
- Behaviour- what we do about something (faultable or unfavourable towards something)
- Cognition- how we think about something
Criticism of the ABC model
- Positive thoughts about something doesn’t mean that we act that way towards it
What is attitude valence?
- A positive or negative evaluation of an object
- positive, neutral and negative valence
What is implicit association?
- A method for measuring implicit attitudes by calculating the automatic association between attitudes held in memory.
- The more rapidly attitudes are categorized as being associated with one another the more strongly they are thought to be connected with each other in memory
- Explicit attitudes: Consciously accessible attitudes that are controllable and easy to report.
- Implicit attitudes: Unconscious associations between objects and evaluative responses.
What are the three ways attitudes can be formed?
1) Classical conditioning
2) Instrumental conditioning
3) Social learning theory
Classical conditioning
- learning based on association
- e.g. advertising to create positive attitudes towards their products
Instrumental conditioning
- the right view
- Attitudes followed by positive outcomes are more likely to be strengthened and repeated
- Process of instrumental conditioning through differential rewards and punishments
- As children we tend to have similar views to our parents (political, social, religious). But peers can become more important as you get older. (New people, new experiences, new social networks) (Oskamp & Schultz, 2005)
Social learning theory
- Observational learning, even when direct rewards are absent.
- Used in advertising, showing people you may identify with using a product.
- Social comparison (Festinger, 1954). Our views, ideas, attitudes must be correct if others agree?
- People often adjust their attitudes to hold views closer to those of others they value and identify with- their reference groups.
- Terry & Hogg (1996) found that positive attitudes towards sunscreen depended on the extent to which participants identified with the group advocating the attitude
Why are attitudes important? (functions of attitudes)
- The tendency to evaluate something as positive or negative helps in our efforts to make sense of the world
- We have these because they are useful (cognitive energy savers)