boundary between the solid and semi-solid state
Shrinkage Limit
Boundary between the semi-solid and plastic state
Plastic Limit
boundary between the plastic and liquid state
Liquid Limit
plastic limit will be determined by rolling a soil paste into ____ diameter threads until it crumbles, and determining the moisture content.
“Atterberg Limits” is named after
the Swedish scientist Albert Mauritz Atterberg
Originally, six “limits of consistency” of fine-grained soils were defined by Albert Atterberg: the upper limit of viscous flow, the liquid limit, the sticky limit, the cohesion limit, the plastic limit, and the shrinkage limit. In current engineering usage, the term usually refers only to the liquid limit, plastic limit, and in some references, the shrinkage limit.
Atterberg Limits
the relative ease with which a soil can be deformed.
the water content, in percent, of soil at the arbitrarily defined boundary between the semiliquid and plastic states.
Liquid Limit
the water content, in percent, of soil at the boundary between the plastic and semi-solid states.
Plastic Limit
a soil that has a range of water content over which it exhibits plasticity and which will retain its shape on drying.
Plastic Soil
the range of water content over which a soil behaves plastically. Numerically, it is the difference between the liquid and plastic limits.
Plasticity Index
Rotate the handle of the liquid limit device so that the cup lifts and drops at the rate of _______ drops per second.
1.9 to 2.1
is the difference between the liquid and plastic limits.
Plasticity Index
Roll the bass on the glass plate until it forms a thread about __ inches or ___mm in diameter.
⅛ inches or 3.2mm
ASTM used for LL and PL
(ASTM D 4318 - Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils)