attatchment Flashcards
kagans definition of attachment?
an intense relationship between two people that endures over time and in which prolonged separation from the partner is accompanied by stress and sorrow
actions of a person that elicits a response from another
Interactional synchrony
two people who mirror each others behaviour
Meltzoff and moore
A- study interactional synchrony in new born babies and caregivers
P- adult displays 4 stimuli and the childs reaction is filmed and then observed based on behavioural categories
F- Children as young as 2/3 weeks old imitated adult behaviour
92% agreement between observers
C- the stimuli caused the child to behave differently
M+M evaluation
> children can be hard to observe
high inter rater reliablity
no supporting studies
children’s behaviour is intentional
Schaffer and Emerson aims
A- forming of attachment in the first 18 months of life between infant and caregiver
stranger anxiety?
Seperation anxiety?
social referencing?
- response to arrival
- distress when seperated
- looks at carers/response to new things
S+E findings
- asocial: social and asocial in response
- indiscriminate: enjoy human company/react equally to all carers
- Specific: special preference for a single attachment figure/fear of strangers
- multiple: forms several attachments
S&E evaluation
- rated by parents
- high IRR
- validity
- determinism
Lamb et al (1978)
Studied many pieces of research about parenthood and found it is not as simple as just 1 question. Fathers have 3 interactions with their child
- involves direct interactions with a child such as helping a child with school work
- stays close enough to be available for his child without directly engaging/eg.reading a newspaper in another room
- tasks a father should perform to ensure the welfare of their child
A- to see how attachment forms in geese
P- imprinted appearance/voice into the geese, observe attachment
F- geese became attached to Lorenz
C- geese formed attraction to the first figure they saw because they felt protection
A- to investigate attachment in infant monkeys to see if food is enough to form attachment
P- bring up monkeys using wire mother who gives food/also place a cloth monkey and see which one the monkeys prefer
F- monkey goes to the wire mother for food then moves to the cloth mother/ 17 hours with cloth
C- comfort is more desirable than food so comfort love is not viable
44 thieves
- studied 44 emotionally disturbed children who got into trouble
- compared to controls
- found that most of the thieves had affection less psychopathy
- the thieves had been significantly more seperated from their mothers before 5 years old
PDD model
there are three stages following separation
> protest
> despair
> detachment
Strange situation assessment
> used on children from 12 to 18 months and their parents
child’s response classified into 3 main types
- securely attached sksue
- insecurely attached
- insecurely avoidant
ainsworth argued that the better the quality of the attachment to the mother the more stable a child would be
Criticisms of Bowlby
- Freud & Dann: studied orphan children raised in camps and found they mad rapid improvement over time with few long lasting effects
- Koluchova: studied pairs of twins brought up in isolation until 7 and found they had few lasting effects
- Robertson: effects of institutional care can be reduced if child is allowed to visit place of care, have a familiar daily routine and is allowed to talk about what happened to their mother
secure attachment
> distressed when mother leaves
avoidant of stranger when alone, friendly when mother is present
positive and happy when mother returns
uses mother as safe base to explore
resistant attachment
> intense distress when mother leaves
avoids strangers ,shows fear
infant approaches the mother but resists contact
infant cries more and explores less than other types
avoidant attachment
> no sign of distress when the mother leaves
infant is ok with stranger and plays normally
infant shows little interest when mother returns
mother and stranger comfort the infant equally well
strange situation evaluation
> inter rater reliability is 94%
external validity is high because it relates to other research
low internal validity