Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime Flashcards
9) By embracing faith in the Gohonzon and striving sincerely in Buddhist practice for oneself and others, anyone can realize the state of Buddhahood in this present existence. What is this principle called? (See The Basics, p. 23)
This is the principle of attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.
10) Nichiren Buddhism teaches that people can attain Buddhahood just as they are without having to be reborn or changing their present form as an ordinary person. What is this principle called? (See The Basics, pp. 25–26)
Attaining Buddhahood in one’s present form
11) What does “establishing the correct teaching” mean? (See The Basics, p. 30)
“Establishing the correct teaching” means promoting faith in and acceptance of the correct teaching of Buddhism as the foundation for people’s lives and making the Buddhist teaching of respect for the dignity of life the fundamental motivating principle of society.
12) What does “for the peace of the land” mean? (See The Basics, p. 30)
“For the peace of the land” means realizing peace and prosperity in society as well as safety and security for all individuals in their daily lives.