Attacks on Cryptography, Hashing, Digital Signatures Flashcards
attack using the entire key space (every possible key) and every single combo
can be time consuming
brute force
prevents brute force attacks by adding 1-2 seconds to password verification
key stretching
Similar to frequency analysis but rather looks for common pairs of letter (TH, HE, ER)
Diagraph Attack
Attacker secretly relays and may alter communication between two parties who believe they are directly communicating to each other
man in the middle
An attacker takes over a web user’s session ID and masquerades as the authorized user.
Session hijacking
aka TCP hijacking
Precompiled lists of plaintext and matching ciphertexts
rainbow tables
attacker knows plaintext and ciphertext and by using those can figure out the key
known plaintext attack
Similar to known plaintext but attacker also chooses the plaintext then tries to figure out the key
chosen plaintext attack
same as chosen plaintext but attacker ‘adapts’ to following rounds dependent on the previous rounds
adaptive chosen plaintext attack
A known plain text attack, the intruder knows some parts of the plaintext and ciphertexts which have two or more secret keys for multiple encryptions using the same algorithm
meet-in-the-middle attack
attacker knows something about the key
known key attack
tries to find difference between related plaintext
differential cryptanalysis
attacker has a ton of plaintext and ciphertext pairs and studies the pairs to learn information about the key
linear cryptanalysis
differential and linear cryptanalysis combined but the attacker looks for non randomness
differential linear cryptanalysis
Using physical data to find flaws in a system. This can be CPU cycles or power consumption etc…
side channel attack
Attack where a vulnerability is left from the implementation of an application
Implementation attack
When 2 different symmetric keys used on the same plaintext produce the same ciphertext, both can decrypt ciphertext from the other key
key clustering
Attacker steals hashed password and gains access to the system by using the stolen hash
pass the hash