Attachment Flashcards
Meltzoff and Moore
Wanted to investigate whether interactional synchrony was present in babies as young as 3 weeks old.
Three images of adults were displayed with 3 different facial expressions. They found an association between the facial expressions displayed and the facial expressions made by the infant.
Interational synchrony
Caregiver interacts and infant mirrors. For example, mother sticks her tongue out and baby also sticks their tongue out
Caregiver interacts and infant responds. For example, mother makes silly face and baby laughs.
Meltzoff and Moore Strengths
A strength to Meltzoff and Moore’s study is that the observations were filmed, meaning that the study can be rewatched as many times as need be. Inter-rater reliability can be therefore established by the researcher who can compare their findings with another researchers’ findings.
Lab Experiment- Controlled environment means that extraneous variables can be limited, such as noise or temperature which may also affect babies’ behaviour. Overt studies can also be carried out without the normal affects which cause a change in behaviour.
Meltzoff and Moore limitations
Difficulty observing babies can be an issue. Babies’ facial expressions may not be a direct effect of synchrony itself or rather actually just the baby’s movement. Afterall correlation does not mean causation. Babies are immobile and lack co-ordination. Do not know from a baby perspective.
A further limitation is simply observing behaviour does not tell us about developmental importance.
Feldman points out that ideas such as synchrony are simply just patterns and behaviours. A phenonium.
Russella Isabella Study
A counterpoint to Felman’s argument is Isabellas study which followed 30 mothers and children and level of synchrony also assessed. They found that higher degrees in synchrony led to better quality of attachment.
4 Stages of attachment according to Shaffer
Asocial Stage
0-6 weeks.
Babies are immobile and lack co-ordination, they show little stranger and separation anxiety.
Easily comforted by people
Indiscriminate stage
6 Weeks- 6 Months
Babies become more aware of their surroundings; they have a similar preference to certain people but now show stranger and separation anxiety yet
Specific Stage
7 months-11months
Babies now have a clear preference to a caregiver (65%), typically the mother. They begin to show stranger and separation anxiety
Multiple Stage
12 months+
Babies form secondary attachments such as father and grandparents.
29% of babies form multiple attachments within the same month as specific
Shaffer and Emersons stages of attachment
wanted to study the change in attachment as a baby grows
Study was carried out on 60 babies in Glasgow, mostly working-class families. 29 females and 31 males. Researchers visited monthly and at 18 months. They asked the mother a series of questions, a measure of separation anxiety.
Shaffer and Emersons stages of attachment strengths
Good external validity as most of the observations were made by parents in Everday activities. Unlike in a lab, the tasks are not artificial and do not therefore cause artificial behaviour. Researchers are not present which also could affect validity of the results because babies’ behaviour may change.
Real life application may also be used in day-care because knowledge of the asocial and indiscrimative stage has found that babies are easily comforted but when babies grow could become problematic
Shaffer and Emersons Weaknesses
There is firstly a lack of knowledge on the asocial stage which means that we assume that anxiety levels are low when actually from a baby’s perspective we do not know this. It is also hard to observe the asocial stage as an objectively. Also, the fact parents carry out the observation is also a limitation because they could easily lie or become bias, affecting the validity further.
Lastly, the study is highly ethnocentric meaning that findings generalized, and study was carried out on very specific people
Animal studies- (Harlow)
Harlow anted to study if monkeys referred food or comfort i.e., which was the most important in forming an attachment?
Procedure: 16 baby monkeys were used. ‘2 mothers’, one cloth and one wire monkey, the wired monkey provided food and the cloth monkey provided comfort.
Harlow found that monkeys preferred the cloth monkey, even though the wired monkey provided food.
Found that maternal deprivation is a thing, these monkeys were anti-social, aggressive and not good at attracting potential mates
Harlow A03
One weakness to Harlow’s study is that it has many ethical issues attached to it. Most of the monkeys involved in the study died or became maternally deprived. Some even died. It physically and psychologically harmed the monkeys.
A strength of Harlow’s monkeys is that it was conducted as a lab experiment meaning extraneous variables were limited and cause and effect can be established. External Validity is poor however because of factors such as ecological validity and the environment was artificial causing monkeys’ behavior to be too.
Can be put into practice- zoos- social workers and clinical- Howe and importance of attachment in child development