Atronomy Flashcards
What is an Astronomical Unit?
What is the definition of Light Year?
An Atronomical Distance that is the same as the distance light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 × 1012 km.
What is the definition of Parsec?
A unit of distance, equal to about 3.25 light years.

What is a Nebula?
A cloud of dust and gas in space that has distinctive bright patches or dark spots on luminous matter.

What is the definition of constellation?
A group of stars that make a pattern that is named after its apparent form.

What is the definition of a planetesimal?
Pieces that could come together to create a plant by using gravity.

What is the meaning of Protoplantary?
Moon-sized or larger planets that are not born or fully created yet.

What is the definition of Nuclear fusion?
A nuclear reaction in which low atomic pieces fuse to make a larger nucleus.

What is a Terrestrial plant?
A planet that grows on land.

What are Gas Giant Planets?
Large planets made almost entirely from gas.

What is the definition of Comet?
An object made of ice and dust flying through space.
What is an Asteroid?
A rocky body orbiting the sun.
What is a Cosmologist?
An astronomer that studies evolution andth relationships of space and time.
What is angular velocity?
The rate of change of angular position of a spinning or rotating object.
What is orbit?
The curved path of an object around a larger object in space.
What is the meaning of period?
A portion of time.
What does revolve mean?
To move in a circular motion.
What is rotation?
The action of rotating around an axis.
What is the meaning of a sidereal day?
The time between transits that are consecutive.
What is the definition of a solar day?
The time between transits of the sun at a particular place.