Approach categories on aircrafts are based upon?
A grouping of aircraft based on a speed of 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing
configuration at maximum gross landing weight. An aircraft must fit in only one category.
If it is necessary to maneuver at speeds in excess of the upper limit of a speed range for
a category, the minimums for the category for that speed must be used. For example, an
aircraft which falls in Category A, but is circling to land at a speed in excess of 91 knots,
must use the approach Category B minimums when circling to land.
• Aircraft Category A <91 Max circling speed 90Kts
• Aircraft Category B 91 / 120 Max circling speed 120Kts
• Aircraft Category C 121 / 140 Max circling speed 140Kts
• Aircraft Category D 141 / 165 Max circling speed 165Kts
• Aircraft Category E >165
What is ETOPS?
Extended twin operations. An operator is granted permission to operate a twin engined
aircraft type on flight in which the aircraft is more than 60 minutes away from a suitable
alternative aerodrome in the event that the aircraft suffers an engine failure en route.
What are the various ETOPS categories?
Normal extended twin operations (ETOPS) categories, vary between 60 and 180 Minutes.
IFR and RVSM Flight levels?
MT 000179 odd FL.
MT 180359 even FL.
• NON RVSM airspace vertical separation is only 1000 ft up to FL290 and 2000 ft
above FL290.
• RVSM airspace only 1000 ft for all levels.
Why are Flight Level intervals increased to 2000 ft in non RVSM airspace?
Because of altimeter errors (lower air density). Reduced vertical RVSM to 1000ft
separation above FL290 is granted to aircraft with advanced and more accurate
altimeters, usually crowded routes (Trans Atlantic Routes).
What are the lights on a taxiway?
Blue edge, green center
How long runway remaining when RWY centerline light turns solid red?
1,000ft (305m)
How long runway remaining when RWY centerline light turns alternating red and
3000 ft (600m)
What happens if you move C.G from fwd to aft position?
It will be tail heavy, and the horizontal tailplane will have a short memento arm that will
result in the aircraft is longitudinally unstable because it is too tail heavy for the horizontal
tailplane. Light stick forces for pitch is required. A decreased wing angle of attack which
results in lower induced drag. It will also increase aircraft range.
What is Dutch Roll?
Dutch roll is a type of aircraft motion, consisting of an outofphase combination of "tailwagging" and rocking from side to side. This yawroll coupling is one of the basic flight dynamic modes (others include phugoid, short period, and spiral divergence).
How many % to be considered a contaminated runway?
25% of Rwy
Why are wings swept? Advantage / Disadvantage regarding Swept Wings?
They are swept to be able to fly at a higher speed. The advantages are: higher Mach rise
speeds and stability in turbulence. Disadvantages are: Poor lift qualities are experienced,
higher stall speeds, a wing tip stalling tendency is particular to a swept wing aircraft
mainly because of the high local Cl loading it experiences.
An Aircraft is climbing at constant Mach Number what will happen with TAS?
TAS will decrease
An aircraft climbs at constant TAS through an inversion, will the RAS and Mach
number increase, decrease or stay the same?
Mach Number will decrease, RAS will decrease
When descending at a constant CAS?
EAS Increases
What is Climb Gradient?
The rate, expressed as a percentage, of the change in geometric height divided by the
horizontal distance traveled in a given time
Definition of wet Runway?
A runway is considered “wet” when there is sufficient moisture on the surface to appear
reflective, but without significant areas of standing water. A runway surface that appears
darkened by residual moisture (damp runway) shall not be considered wet or
contaminated except as outlined below
Effect of Forward C.G.?
Longitudinal stability is increased because the aircraft is nose heavy. The aircraft’s pitch
control is reduced because it experiences high stick forces due to the aircraft’s long tailplane moment arm. Increased wing angle of attack, witch will reduce in higher induced
drag. Will reduce aircraft performance and range. The stalling speed will increase
Effect of fwd and aft C.G on performance stability and fuel?
FWD: • Stalling speed increased. • Longitudinal stability increased. • Higher stick force required • Range and endurance decreased due to drag caused by elevators to trim the aircraft. AFT: • Stalling speed decreased. • Longitudinal stability decreased. • Lower stick force required • Range and endurance Increases.
The airplane outside air temperature “probe” measures the?
Total air temperature minus kinetic heating effect in order to obtain the static temperature
The limits of the green scale of an airspeed indicator are?
VS1 for the lower limit and VNO for the upper limit
A trough of low pressure is generally associated with?
Convergence causing increased cloud and precipitation
The mach number is the?
True Airspeed (TAS) divided by the local speed of sound
What is the effect of flap extension on Vx and Vy?
Vx and Vy decreases
The absolute ceiling is defined as?
The altitude where the maximum rate of climb is 0 ft/minute
Aerodrome QNH is the?
Atmospheric pressure at the aerodrome level
Give definition of QNH?
QNH is the station pressure adjusted down to mean sea level (msl) using ISA values for
the temperature between the station and msl. Since the altimeter itself uses ISA values
for its internal calculations, an altimeter with QNH set should read station elevation on the
ground a the station.
Give definition of QFE?
QFE is a reading of station pressure taken on an accurate barometer and adjusted for
any difference in height between the barometer and the field elevation. If QFE is set,
altimeters should read zero on the ground at the airfield.
In the Southern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in an Easterly
direction, the magnetic compass will indicate
An apparent turn to the North
What is a shuttle valve?
A shuttle valve is a type of valve which allows fluid to flow through it from one of two
sources. Generally a shuttle valve is used in pneumatic systems, although sometimes it
will be found in hydraulic systems.
What type of autoland system would be required for the landing to continue
fallowing a single failure below alert height?
Fail operational or fail active
What does Vortex Generators do?
Transfer energy from the free airflow into the boundary layer
GPWS mode 5 provides both visual and audible warnings to the pilot, if the aircraft:
Is below 1000ft RA and more than 1.3 dots below ILS Glideslope
A jetpowered aircraft, flying above the optimum altitude will have
Reduced Range