ATP written Flashcards
Figure 46 and 47 V1 and Vr speeds
If Vr = 117, Vr = 130, Vr = 133.7, or one Vr = 143
If not, choose highest Vr
Weight and balance low mid high
WS - 2
WS - 4
AC- 10
“At landing weight”
Operating conditions low
Except X-5 is 2h55 Z-2 is 1h46
W-2 Distance
Operating conditions Mid
W-2 weight
W-4 weight
What is the required flight visibility and distance form cloud if you are operating in Class E airspace at 9,500’ with a VFR on top clearance during daylight hours
3sm, 1,000’ above, 500’ below, 2000’ horizontally
What is min flight vis and cloud clearance for a flight under VFR in Class E airspace above 10,000’
5miles, 1, 1, 1sm
The flight instruction of other pilots in ATO service by and ATP is restricted to
36hrs/7 days
What effective runway length is required for a turbojet powered airplane at the dest airport if the runway is forecast to be wet/slippery at ETA
115% of the runway length required for a dry runway
If no quick donning o2 mask, max flight level allowed without one pilot wearing one?
Max hours in 7 days as PIC?
32 hours
If a supplemental air carrier has a diversion, who is responsible?
PIC and director of operations
The purpose of diluting ethylene glycol deicing fluid with water in non precipitation conditions is to
Decrease the freezing point
Adding water decreases the freezing point
Freezing point depressant (FPD) fluids are highly soluble in water, however
Ice is slow to absorb it, and slow to melt when in contact with it.
What is the expected duration of an individual microburst?
Seldom longer than 15 minutes from the time the burst strikes the ground until dissipation
Maximum downdrafts in a microburst encounter may be as strong as
6,000 ft/min
What is the definition of ‘severe wind-shear’
Airspeed changes greater than 15 knots
Which areas of the Northern hemisphere experience a generally E to W movement of weather systems
Arctic and subtropical
How will an area of thunderstorm activity, that may grow to severe intensity, be indicated on the convective outlook chart.
SLGT within any area
For international oceanic flights, a U.S high level sig wx (SIGWX) chart is prepared for use
Between FL250 and FL630
What information is provided by a convective outlook (AC)
It provides prospects of both general and severe thunderstorm activity during the following 24 hours
The hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service (HIWAS) is a continuous broadcast over selected VORs of
SIGMETs, CONVECTIVE SIGMETs, AIRMETs, Severe Weather Forecast Alerts (AWW), And Center Weather Advisories (CWA)
AWW, CWA are the two that you need to differentiate
On the constant pressure analysis chart, aircraft and satellite observations are used in the analysis over areas of sparse data. An aircraft observation is plotted using
A square
The tropopause varies from
20,000’ or below at the poles
65,000 at the equator
SIGMETs (other than convective SIGMETs) may be valid for not more than
4 hours for continuing phenomena
A SIGMET is issued when weather affects
3,000 square miles or more
Maximum turbulence potential charts (GTG-2) are issued
Flight duty periods are limited to _______ hours in any 168 consecutive hours
How does the minimum landing distance increase if the airplane landing weight were increased 10%
At what speed does drag divergence occur relative to the critical mach number
5-10% higher
Flight duty periods is limited to _____ in 168 consecutive hours
How does the minimum landing distance increase if the airplane landing weight were increased by 10%
Hight thrust to weight ratio 10% incr in gross weight increases takeoff distance by
1000’ increase in density altitude for high thrust to weight ratio, increases takeoff distance by
Friction braking becomes effective at
70-80% touchdown speed
The Specific fuel range of a turbojet at 40,000’ is approx ____% greater than at sea level
A rule of thumb states for a 1000’ increase in density altitude for a low thrust ti weight ratio will cause a takeoff distance increase of
10% increase in Takeoff weight for low thrust to weight ratio increases distance by
Supercooled water droplets have been observed at temps as low as
For turbulence areas you would do well to avoid areas
40kts wind-shear over 150 miles
Max hours in a calendar month
The authority to exercise operational control lies with the
Air carrier
Convective sigmet is issued when winds usts greater than or equal to
50 knots
A dry line indicates
An area where the easterly boundary of high humidity increases the probability of TS activity
Severe turbulence not associated with a TS will result in the issuance of a
If no takeoff mins are prescribed, minima is
1 SM
How can a pilot identify a military airport at night
Green and white beacon light with dual flash of the white
LAHSO lights consist of
Pulsating white lights
IFR minima
Non precision
For flight planning, a designated ETOPS up to 180 mins Need;
ICAO fire fighting Cat level __ unless it can be augmented within __ mins
30 mins
If your environmental system fails and the cockpit is much cooler than anticipated
You will have reduced blood flow in the ETREMITIES
Cause of degradation to anti ice fluid
High wind velocity
Human error contributes to ___ % of air crashes
The lowest ILS Cat II minima is
DH 100 RVR 1,200
Predisposition is
To respond in a given manner
What are FDC NOTAMS and what are D NOTAMS
FDC = IAPs and charts D = Taxiways etc
Dew point fronts result from
Air density difference due to HUMIDITY LEVELS
What conditions are required to be cleared a visual approach
1,000’ 3 miles
With the runway centre line lights INOP and no FD or HUD, minima on CATI is
200’ 2400 RVR
Max flight time sign on before 0400 is
8 hours
Standard Takeoff minima
900 1 1/2
1000 1
Attitude is a motivational predisposition to
____In a given manner
Without schedules rest opportunities, no flight crew member may accept an assignment for how many consecutive night shifts
3 that infringe on window of circadian low
You just touched down faster than planned, what illusion?
Atmospheric distance illusion
If the VGSI and vertical descent angle do not coincide
The VGSI will be below the descent angle
If you have to taxi back in, how long do you have before you void your clearance
30 mins
One typical takeoff error is
Excess rotation decreases takeoff acceleration