ATP test study questions Flashcards
What is meant by a ‘low-tech’ and a ‘high-tech’ assistive device? Give an example of each.
‘Low-tech’ - Inexpensive devices that are simple to make and easy to obtain.
Ie. Paper & pencil boards, eating utensils, simple splints.
‘High-tech’ - Expensive devices that are more difficult to make, and harder to obtain.
Ie. Wheelchairs, elec. communication devices, computers.
Chap 1, pg 6
How are assistive technologies included within the WHO ICF?
Assistive technologies are included within the classification of environmental elements related to ADLs, mobility, communication, religion and spirituality, education, employment and culture, sport and recreation.
Chap 1, pg 4
Distinguish between hard and soft technologies.
Hard technologies are tangible. Readily available components that can be purchased and assembled into AT.
Soft technologies are intangible. Human decision making, strategies, training, concept formation, and service delivery.
Chap 1, pg 6
Give three examples of assistive technology appliances and three examples of assistive technology tools.
An appliance is independent of the users skill. A tool is dependent on the users skill.
Appliances: eyeglasses, splints, seating
Tools: joystick, push rims, keyboard
Chap 1, pg 6
What is the difference between minimal and maximal technology? Give an example of each.
Minimal tech generally augments an impaired function.
Ie. Letter board, powerchair due to low endurance.
Maximal tech generally replaces a function.
Ie. Communication device, wheelchair for totally dependent.
Chap 1, pg 7
Why are standard commercially available products less expensive than special commercially available products? Why are the latter less expensive than modified or custom-designed devices? Give an example of each of the four classes.
Standard commercially available products are mass produced for the general population. Large-scale Maas production = lower cost.
Special commercially available products are mass produced on a lower scale than standard. Lower-scale mass production = higher cost.
Standard or special commercially available products that must be modified are not mass produced and therefore more costly.
Custom designed products are one of a kind and therefore typically very costly.
Chap 1, pg 7,8 Fig 1-1
Why do we distinguish assistive technologies from rehabilitative and educational technologies? Can one device play a role in both areas?
Assistive technology typically refers to technology that helps an individual to carry out a functional activity.
Rehab or educational technology is typically used as a tool for remediation or rehabilitation rather than being a part of the person’s daily life. Technology can cross into both arenas.
Chap 1, pg 5
Distinguish between specific purpose and general purpose technologies.
Specific purpose tech is intended for one specific purpose.
General tech can be used in many different applications.
Chap 1, pg 7
What has been the influence of federal legislation On the availability of assistive technology devices and services?
- Rehab Act 1973 - reasonable accommodation all federally funded programs.
- Individuals w Disabilities Act 1997 - every child has the right to a free + appropriate education with their peers, accommodated if needed.
- Assistive Technology Act 1998 - first legislation to specifically address AT, supports advocacy and grants
- Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act - provides grants, protection, advocacy, training, and assistance to improve access
- Americans w Disabilities Act 1990 - prohibits discrimination, Title II entities must communicate w the disabled
- Medicaid - income based, state funding for AT
- Medicare - Federal funding for AT
Chap 1, pg 11, table 1-2
List at least four ways in which U.S. Federal legislation has affected the practice of assistive technology service delivery.
- Assistive Tech Act 1998 - expands the AT devices and services that are available for delivery.
- Americans w Disabilities Act 1990 - must be able to effectively communicate during the delivery of AT
- Medicaid - largest funding source for AT to be delivered to low income
- Medicare - federally administered w consistent rules for delivery in all states
Chap 1, pg 11,table 1-2
Compare the situation today regarding assistive tech w that in 1972.
In 1972 there was no reasonable accommodation, no equal access, no equal opportunity.
Chap 1, pg 10
What is at the focal point of the industry of assistive technology? What are the other industry components?
The focal point is the consumer and direct consumer services. The other components are: 1. Basic research 2. Applied research 3. Product development 4. Manufacturing 5. Product distribution 6. Information and Referral 7. Education and Training
Chap 1, pg 18, fig 1-2
Pick any piece of legislation shown in Table 1-2 (page 11) and describe its influence on the development and application of assistive technologies.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997.
Because it emphasized the right of children to have a proper education despite any disabilities they may have, thus has led to great advancement in the field of communication device technologies because the child must be able to effectively communicate back to the teacher what he/she is learning.
Chap 1, Pg 11, Table 1-2
Why should the consumer be considered a “codeveloper”?
Because the consumer or ‘end user’ should be involved in all aspects of the AT industry. It is people with disabilities, their families, and the professionals serving them who’s needs the research activities must be responsive to.
Assistive technology practitioners may have a background in a variety of disciplines. List some typical disciples.
These backgrounds may include engineering, occupational therapy, physical therapy, recreation therapy, special education, speech pathology, vocational rehabilitation counseling or DME.
Chap 1, pg 26
Define the characteristics of direct consumer service settings in AT.
- The purpose and mission.
- Functional areas, types of services.
- The type of population.
- The geographical area.
- Telerehabilitation if remote
- The internal operations of program.
Chap 1, pigs 19-21
Describe how you would carry out an ABLEDATA search if (1) you know the manufacturer, (2) you know the name of the device, and (3) you only know the general name of the device.
It is possible to search the ABLEDATA Web site in one of four ways:
1. By keyword or phrase
2. By brand name
3. By manufacturer or distributor name
4. By Boolean search (specifying multiple features to be included in the search)
Or you can call them for assistance
Chap 1, pg 24