ATP Energy General Knowledge Flashcards
ADP is formed when
An enzyme helps the third phosphate molecule split From the ATP and becomes the energy deficient ADP.
ATP stands for
Adenosine Triphosphate
The process of resynthesis ATP from ADP and phosphate is called
Phosphocreatine (PC) is
A high-energy phosphate is stored in small amounts in muscle cells, that releases large amounts of energy quickly when broken down
Phosphocreatine breakdown results in
The rapid resynthesise of ATP from ADP
ARP resynthesis is suited for
High-intensity, short-short duration physical activity with ATP supply being used up in roughly 10-12 seconds.
Carbohydrates are
Chemical compounds consisting of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms in specific arrangements
Types of carbohydrates
-Simple carbohydrates:
Sugars that are found naturally in fruits milk and milk products.
-Complex Carbohydrates
In foods such as breads, grain, pasta fruits and vegetables
Once digested, carbohydrates are converted into
Simple sugar glucose
The body can store small amounts of the energy from digested carbohydrates to form
Carbohydrate loading
A nutritional strategy to maximise muscle glycogen stores prior to endurance competition
High energy-dense nutrients that can produce large amounts of ATP
Fats are in foods such as dairy products, nuts, fatty meats, and oils
Fatty acids
are chains of molecules that are the building blocks of fat
Adipose tissue
Connective tissues in the body containing deposits of fat
Submaximal exercise
Exercise at less than maximum intensity and/or duration