ATP 6-22.1 Flashcards
What publication covers the counseling process
ATP 6–22.1
What is the fourth stage counseling process?
One identify the need for counseling to prepare for counseling three conduct a counseling session for follow up
What form is used for developmental counseling
DA form 4856
What opportunities does counciling Provider leaders?
Evaluate subordinates potential for development. Identify issues before they come significant problems.
What are categories of developmental counseling?
Event, counseling, performance, counseling, and professional growth counseling
What is an event oriented counseling?
An event or originated counseling involves a specific event or situation. It may proceed events, such as participating in promotion boards, attending training, courses, and preparing for deployment or redeployment. It also addresses events such as noteworthy duty performance, an issue with performance, her mission, accomplishment, or a personal issue. 
What are some examples of oriented counseling?
Crisis counseling and promotion counseling
To be effective, counselors must have what basic counseling skills?
Active, listening, responding and appropriate questioning
What is the fourth stage counseling process?
Identify the need for counseling, prepare for counseling, conduct a counseling session and follow up
What are the four basic components of the counseling session?
Open the session, discuss the issues, develop a plan of action and record and close the session
What regulation covers suspension of favorable personal actions?
AR form 600-8-2
What form is used to submit a flag?
DA form 268
When will a DA form 268 be submitted?
Within three working days when I soldier status changes from favorable to unavailable
How often will active flag cases be reviewed?
At least monthly
Who receives flags over six months old?
BN level commanders