ATP 3-20.98: Scout Platoon Flashcards
What is the mission of a scout platoon?
The scout platoon’s mission is to conduct reconnaissance and security operations to answer the commander’s information requirements and provide early warning to the protected force. Specifically, it conducts tasks to satisfy the commander’s critical information requirements (CCIRs) before the latest time the information is of value (LTIOV) expires.
p 1-1
What is the role of a scout platoon?
The role of the scout platoon is to conduct reconnaissance and security missions that satisfy information requirements to allow commanders to make decisions.
p 1-1
When performing its fundamental role, the scout platoon makes what contributions?
When performing its fundamental role, the scout platoon makes the following contributions (not in order of priority)—
- Provide an effective all weather, reconnaissance capability.
- Maximize security by providing reaction time and maneuver space to preserve combat power through economy of force.
- Facilitate commander’s situational awareness and understanding with timely and accurate reporting.
- Enable the operations and intelligence processes by satisfying information requirements.
- Facilitate commander’s visualization of the operational environment that aids decision making to achieve or preserve the decisive operation.
- Assist in shaping the AO by providing information or directing fires to disrupt the threat.
- Facilitate tactical movement across the AO by conducting route reconnaissance.
- Detect threat cover and concealment, deception, and decoys.
p 1-2
What is the primary focus of the scout platoon?
The primary focus of the scout platoon is to answer supported CCIR.
p 1-3
What are CCIR and PIR, and what is the difference?
CCIR is an information requirement tied to a decision point and identified by the commander as being critical for facilitating timely decision making and successful execution of military operations priority intelligence requirements (PIRs). CCIR includes PIR and friendly force information requirements. PIR is an intelligence requirement, stated as a priority for reconnaissance and security tasks and intelligence collection that the commander needs to understand about a threat, enemy, or adversary or about the operational environment (for example, terrain or civil considerations) (JP 2-01). PIR identifies the information about the enemy and the operational environment that the commander considers most important. PIR, along with friendly forces information requirements, are the two essential elements of CCIR. Scout platoons conduct reconnaissance and security missions to answer PIR, which normally tie to either a named area of interest (NAI) or a target area of interest (TAI).
p 1-3
What are the seven fundamentals of reconnaissance?
Retain freedom of movement
Report all information rapidly and accurately
Ensure continuous reconnaissance
Develop the situation rapidly
Do not keep reconnaissance assets in reserve
Orient on the reconnaissance objective
Gain and maintain enemy contact
p 1-3
What are the five fundamentals of security?
Provide early and accurate warning Orient on the force, area, or facility to be protected Provide reaction time and maneuver space Maintain enemy contact Perform continuous reconnaissance
p 1-3
What are the scout platoon’s five core reconnaissance and security missions?
- Zone reconnaissance
- Area reconnaissance
- Route reconnaissance
- Screen
- Area security
p 1-3
What eight common responsibilities apply to all scout platoon leadership regardless of position?
- Supervise or assist in selection, construction, and occupation of observation posts and firing positions.
- Ensure participation in and execution of mission critical rehearsals.
- Understand the capabilities and limitations of available personnel and equipment in and attached to the platoon.
- Use standardized report formats to keep the platoon leader informed.
- Employ indirect fires and Army attack helicopters.
- Control fires and establishes fire control measures.
- Perform precombat checks and inspections (PCC/PCI).
- Issue a five-point contingency plan when they leave the vehicle.
p 1-6
What are the main responsibilities of a scout platoon sergeant?
- casualty management
- sustainment and resupply
- enforces standards, discipline, and adherence to timelines and SOPs
- maintains platoon status for personnel, weapons, and equipment, submits reports to 1SG
- conducts PCCs
- responsible for the security plan during all operations
- distributes priorities of work during all operations
p 1-8
What are the main responsibilities of a scout section leader?
- responsible for the tactical employment and combat readiness of their section, including the health, welfare, and training of Soldiers, and maintenance of weapons and equipment of their squad
- maintains section status for personnel, weapons, and equipment, submits reports to PSG
- delegate tasks to squad and team leaders, and supervises their accomplishment
- assists the platoon leader in planning direct and indirect fire control measures, and employs indirect fires and Army aviation assets
p 1-9
What are the main responsibilities of a scout squad leader?
- responsible for the combat readiness and tactical employment of their squad and scout vehicle
- supervise the health, welfare, and training of Soldiers, and maintenance of the vehicle, equipment, and weapons
- maintain the squad’s status of personnel, weapons, and equipment, and submits standardized reports to the section leader
- delegate tasks to team leaders (known as TLs) and subordinates, and supervise their accomplishment
- plan for aspects of long duration observation posts, dismounted reconnaissance and security patrols, and prepare a range card, DA Form 5517 (Standard Range Card)
p 1-9
What are the main responsibilities of a scout team leader?
- providing direct oversight and supervision of their scouts
- inform the squad leader of preparation status by personally checking on: scout’s readiness of equipment such as vehicle fluid levels, filled canteens, and packed rucksacks according to the tactical SOP
- verifies sensitive items and ammunition status, checking weapons and ammunition,
and prepares their team for PCC and PCI - delegate tasks to subordinates, and supervise the subordinate actions
- prepare to establish OPs and lead patrols
- establish communications security, fill loads into radios, and other equipment
- prepare a range card for the squad/section leader
p 1-10
What are the main responsibilities of a scout platoon RTO?
- maintains communications at all prescribed times and takes actions necessary to regain communications
- sends and receives all reports using standardized formats
- is an expert at employing field expedient antennas
- maintains a copy of the signal operating instructions and assists the platoon leader with information management
- manages battery usage and signal output during operations in accordance with communication windows and SOPs
- maintains communications equipment and employs the assigned crypto key filling device
- performs the maintenance and operator checks on assigned communications equipment
- understand the capabilities and limitations of equipment employment considerations consistent with displaced and dispersed locations
- understand actions taken when they encounter a meaconing, intrusion, jamming and interference threat
p 1-12
How many routes can a scout platoon reconnoiter, and in what conditions?
All scout platoons can reconnoiter two routes in a permissive no-threat environment, one route in a low-threat environment, and one route as a subordinate element conducting reconnaissance as a troop in a medium to high-threat environment.
p 1-14
How many sections can a scout platoon operate in?
Each scout platoon can operate in three scout sections or two scout sections to respond to changes in the mission variables of METT-TC.
p 1-14
How many dismounted patrols can a scout platoon conduct concurrently?
p 1-14
How many observation posts can a scout platoon operate, and for how long?
- Three mounted and three dismounted observation posts for more than
12 hours. - Six mounted and six dismounted observation posts for up to 12 hours.
p 1-14
What is the precise role of the infantry battalion scout platoon?
The Infantry battalion scout platoon serves as the forward reconnaissance and security element for the battalion commander. The primary mission of the scout platoon is to conduct reconnaissance and security to answer CCIR, normally defined within the battalion’s information collection plan. The platoon conducts route, zone, and area reconnaissance tasks. The platoon can also conduct limited screening missions and can participate as part of a larger force in guard tasks.
p 1-26
What are the capabilities of the infantry battalion scout platoon?
The Infantry battalion scout platoon has the following capabilities:
- Provides all weather, continuous, accurate, and timely reconnaissance and security in complex terrain.
- Conducts stealthy reconnaissance and security tasks.
- Assesses situations rapidly and directs combat power, reconnaissance, and security capabilities to support answering CCIRs.
- Employs integrated and synchronized reconnaissance to detect threat deception, decoys, and cover and concealment.
- Conducts insertion by ground, water, and air.
p 1-27
What are the limitations of the infantry battalion scout platoon?
The Infantry battalion scout platoon has the following limitations:
- Limited dismounted capability if operating all eight of the platoon’s vehicles.
- Limited direct-fire standoff, lethality, and survivability.
- Dismounted tasks associated with zone, area, and route reconnaissance.
- Limited organic sustainment assets.
p 1-27
What is “commander’s intent”?
Commander’s intent describes what constitutes success for the reconnaissance and security operation including the operation’s purpose, key tasks, and the conditions that define the end state. Maneuver battalion scout platoons may not receive commander’s reconnaissance and security guidance as described in Cavalry doctrine. They often have to refine commander’s intent into guidance for their subordinates to achieve success. The components of commander’s intent are expanded purpose, key tasks, and end state.
p 2-3