Atonement Quotes Flashcards
“…the imagination itself
“was a source of secrets”
“refugees from a…
“bitter domestic civil war”
“an impression of…
“timeless, unchanging calm”
“she could write the scene…
“three times over, from three points of view”
“Marshall took control..
“of the conversation with a ten minute dialogue.”
“a mottled..
“diseased appearance… rotting away”
“Order must..
“be imposed”
“There was a two-inch scratch….
“from the corner of Marshall’s eye”
“You’re bruised…
“up to your elbows”
“he was a…
“hobby of Jacks”
“Within the half hour…
“Briony would commit her crime”
“It was her story…
“the one that was writing itself around her.”
“If her poor cousin was not able…
“to command the truth, then she would do it for her.”
“It was further confirmation of…
“his guilt, and the beginning of his punishment.”
“I can never forgive..
“what they did.”
“wretched fantasies”
“First, his own life..
“ruined, then everyone else’s”
“No one would ever..
“know what it was like to be here”
“episodes of terror”
“Everyone was guilty, and no one was….
“All day we’ve witnessed each other’s crimes”
“I promise…
“you won’t hear another word from me”
“The model behind….
“this process was military”
“the age of…
“clear answers was over”
“the war might…
“compound her crime”
“Half his face had been…
“shot away… Private Latimer had become a monster”
“Lola- barely more than a child..
“prised open and taken- to marry her rapist”
“She knew what was…
“required of her… a new draft, an atonement”
“London, 1999”
“I have…
“vascular dementia”
“I count myself…
“an unreliable witness”
“There was our…
“crime- Lola’s, Marshall’s, mine”
“No atonement…
“for God, or novelists”
“Robbie Turner..
“died of septicaemia”
“Cecilia was…
“killed in September of the same year”
“But now…
“I must sleep”
Final line of the book