Atomic weight and number Flashcards
What is the atomic number and weight of Hydrogen?
1, 1
What is the atomic number and weight of Helium?
2, 4
What is the atomic number and weight of Lithium?
3, 7
What is the atomic number and weight of Beryllium?
4, 9
What is the atomic number and weight of Boron?
5, 11
What is the atomic number and weight of Carbon?
6, 12
What is the atomic number and weight of Nitrogen?
7, 14
What is the atomic number and weight of Oxygen?
8, 16
What is the atomic number and weight of Fluorine?
9, 19
What is the atomic number and weight of Neon?
10, 20
What is the atomic number and weight of Sodium?
11, 23
What is the atomic number and weight of Magnesium?
12, 24
What is the atomic number and weight of Aluminium?
13, 27
What is the atomic number and weight of Silicon?
14, 28
What is the atomic number and weight of Phosphorus?
15, 31
What is the atomic number and weight of Sulfur?
16, 32
What is the atomic number and weight of Chlorine?
17, 35
What is the atomic number and weight of Argon?
18, 40
What is the atomic number and weight of Potassium?
19, 30
What is the atomic number and weight of Calcium?
20, 40
What is the atomic number and weight of Scandium?
21, 45
What is the atomic number and weight of Titanium?
22, 48
What is the atomic number and weight of Vanadium?
23, 51
What is the atomic number and weight of Chromium?
24, 52
What is the atomic number and weight of Manganese?
25, 55
What is the atomic number and weight of Iron?
26, 56
What is the atomic number and weight of Cobalt?
27, 58
What is the atomic number and weight of Nickel?
28, 58
What is the atomic number and weight of Copper?
29, 64
What is the atomic number and weight of Zinc?
30, 65
What is the atomic number and weight of Gallium?
31, 70
What is the atomic number and weight of Germanium?
32, 73
What is the atomic number and weight of Arsenic?
33, 75
What is the atomic number and weight of Selenium?
34, 79
What is the atomic number and weight of Bromine?
35, 80
What is the atomic number and weight of Krypton?
36, 84
What is the atomic number and weight of Rubidium?
37, 85
What is the atomic number and weight of Strontium?
38, 88
What is the atomic number and weight of Yttrium?
39, 89
What is the atomic number and weight of Zirconium?
40, 91
What is the atomic number and weight of Niobium?
41, 93
What is the atomic number and weight of Molybdenum?
42, 96
What is the atomic number and weight of Technetium?
43, 98
What is the atomic number and weight of Ruthenium?
44, 101
What is the atomic number and weight of Rhodium?
45, 103
What is the atomic number and weight of Palladium?
46, 106
What is the atomic number and weight of Silver?
47, 108
What is the atomic number and weight of Cadmium?
48, 112
What is the atomic number and weight of Indium?
49, 115
What is the atomic number and weight of Tin?
50, 119
What is the atomic number and weight of Antimony?
51, 122
What is the atomic number and weight of Tellurium?
52, 128
What is the atomic number and weight of Iodine?
53, 127
What is the atomic number and weight of Xenon?
54, 131
What is the atomic number and weight of Caesium?
55, 133
What is the atomic number and weight of Barium?
56, 137
What is the atomic number and weight of Lanthanum?
57, 139
What is the atomic number and weight of Cerium?
58, 140
What is the atomic number and weight of Praseodymium?
59, 141
What is the atomic number and weight of Neodymium?
60, 144
What is the atomic number and weight of Promethium?
61, 145
What is the atomic number and weight of Samarium?
62, 150
What is the atomic number and weight of Europium?
63, 152
What is the atomic number and weight of Gadolinium?
64, 157
What is the atomic number and weight of Terbium?
65, 159
What is the atomic number and weight of Dysprosium?
66, 163
What is the atomic number and weight of Holmium?
67, 165
What is the atomic number and weight of Erbium?
68, 167
What is the atomic number and weight of Thulium?
69, 169
What is the atomic number and weight of Ytterbium?
70, 173
What is the atomic number and weight of Lutetium?
71, 175
What is the atomic number and weight of Hafnium?
72, 178
What is the atomic number and weight of Tantalum?
73, 181
What is the atomic number and weight of Tungsten?
74, 184
What is the atomic number and weight of Rhenium?
75, 186
What is the atomic number and weight of Osmium?
76, 190
What is the atomic number and weight of Iridium?
77, 192
What is the atomic number and weight of Platinum?
78, 195
What is the atomic number and weight of Gold?
79, 197
What is the atomic number and weight of Mercury?
80, 201
What is the atomic number and weight of Thallium?
81, 204
What is the atomic number and weight of Lead?
82, 207
What is the atomic number and weight of Bismuth?
83, 209
What is the atomic number and weight of Polonium?
84, 209
What is the atomic number and weight of Astatine?
85, 210
What is the atomic number and weight of Radon?
86, 222
What is the atomic number and weight of Francium?
87, 223
What is the atomic number and weight of Radium?
88, 226
What is the atomic number and weight of Actinium?
89, 227
What is the atomic number and weight of Thorium?
90, 232
What is the atomic number and weight of Protactinium?
91, 231
What is the atomic number and weight of Uranium?
92, 238
What is the atomic number and weight of Neptunium?
93, 237
What is the atomic number and weight of Plutonium?
94, 244
What is the atomic number and weight of Americium?
95, 243
What is the atomic number and weight of Curium?
96, 247
What is the atomic number and weight of Berkelium?
97, 247
What is the atomic number and weight of Californium?
98, 251
What is the atomic number and weight of Einsteinium?
99, 252
What is the atomic number and weight of Fermium?
100, 257
What is the atomic number and weight of Mendelevium?
101, 258
What is the atomic number and weight of Nobelium?
102, 259
What is the atomic number and weight of Lawrencium?
103, 262
What is the atomic number and weight of Rutherfordium?
104, 261
What is the atomic number and weight of Dubnium?
105, 268
What is the atomic number and weight of Seaborgium?
106, 263
What is the atomic number and weight of Bohrium?
107, 264
What is the atomic number and weight of Hassium?
108, 269
What is the atomic number and weight of Meitnerium?
109, 268
What is the atomic number and weight of Darmstadtium?
110, 272
What is the atomic number and weight of Roentgenium?
111, 273
What is the atomic number and weight of Copernicium?
112, 277
What is the atomic number and weight of Ununtrium?
113, 286
What is the atomic number and weight of Flerovium?
114, 289
What is the atomic number and weight of Ununpentium?
115, 288
What is the atomic number and weight of Livermorium?
116, 292
What is the atomic number and weight of Ununseptium?
117, 292
What is the atomic number and weight of Ununoctium?
118, 293