Atomic Structure Flashcards
n quantum number
principle quantum number, takes any value but 0
l quantum number
orbital angular momentum quantum number, takes value n-1
ml quantum number
magnetic quantum number, takes values -l, 0, +l in integer steps, maximum 2l+1 values
spin quantum number, takes values +1/2 or -1/2
Aufbau principle
to move from one element to the next, add one proton and x neutrons to the nucleus and one electron into the orbital of lowest energy which is available
Pauli exclusion principle
no two electrons in any system can have identical values for all 4 quantum numbers –> ms value ensures this
Hund’s rule
the most stable electronic state is the one with the most parallel spins
s orbital
sphere shaped, no angular dependence, spherically symmetric + contains a radial node where wave function = 0
p orbital
propeller shaped, cylindrical symmetry along one axis + contains a nodal plane
d orbital
petal shaped with 2 nodal planes, 5 different orbital arrangements
What are the solutions to the Schrodinger equation?
eigenfunctions (orbitals) + eigenvalues (energy of the electrons in the orbitals)
What is spin?
A fundamental property of all subatomic particles, angular momentum is possessed by the particle
What does quantum mechanics tell us?
Two different bullet points
Tells us energy is quantised therefore only discrete energies are allowed, nothing in-between.
Tells us we cannot know both momentum + location of a particle simultaneously therefore we discuss probabilities instead.
At what level is quantum mechanics noticeable?
What does solving the Schrodinger equation tell us?
Energy + wave function
State the Schrodinger equation and annotate.
H wave function = E wave function
H: Hamiltonian, describes kinetic + potential energy
E: energy
Wave function: function of coordinates of a particle
How do we solve the Schrodinger equation?
Substitute in the Coulomb potential + solve to obtain energies and wave functions of the electron
What does wave function allow us to find?
The probability of finding an electron in a particular region of space.
State the probability density.
Wave function^2
State the probability density for within a small volume.
Wave function^2 deltaV
What is the energy of an atomic orbital with only one electron?
The energy only depends on principle quantum number n
Draw an s-orbital.
see notes
Draw all 3 p-orbitals.
see notes
Draw all 5 d-orbitals.
see notes