Reative mass and charge of proton
1, 1+
Relative mass and charge of neutron
1, 0
Relative mass and charge of electron
Behaviour of protons in an electric field
Deflects towards the negative plate
Behaviour of neutrons in an electric field
Because they dont have a charge
Behaviour of electrons in an electric field
Deflects towards the positive plate
Greater deflection than protons because electrons have a smaller mass
Where is most of an atoms mass concentrated at?
Define isotopes
Atoms of the same element with same number of electrons and protons but a different neutron number
Define orbital
A region holding upto two electrons w/ opposite spin
Describe the shape of an s and a p orbital
s-orbital: spherical
p-orbital: dumb-bell
Define a subshell
Division of electron shells into different orbitals
Subshells- s,p,d,f
How electrons fill up orbitals?
They fill up the lowest energy orbital available
How many orbitals and electrons are present in s, d, & f subshell?
- s: 1 orbital, 2 electrons
- p: 3 orbitals, 6 electrons
- d: 5 orbitals, 10 electons
- f: 7 orbitals, 14 electrons
which shubshell orbital has the lowest and highest energy levels?
s has the lowest energy level whilst
d has the highest energy level
What subshells are found in shells 1-4?
What is the max no. of electrons that can be found in each shell?
shell-subshell-no. of electrons present
what is principal quantum number (n)?
n= the shell that the electron occupies
greater the ānā is the higher the energy is, and farther the shell is from the nucleus.
Define first ionisation energy
The energy required to remove an electron from each atom in one mole of gaseous atoms to form one mole of gaseous 1+ ions.
Is first ionsation of energy exo or endo thermic?
Trend in first ionisation energy across period 2 & 3?
As you go along the period, first ionisation energy increases.
why does first ionisation energy increase across a period?
- Nuclear charge increases
- Atomic radius decreases
- Shielding remains the same
- Hence electrostatic attraction increases, so more energy is required to overcome these forces to remove an electron from an atom, Ionisation energy therefore increases
Trend in first ionisation energy down the group
Ionization energy decreases down the group
Why does the first ionisation energy decrease down a group?
nuclear charge increases but-
* atomic radius increases
* shielding increases
* electrostatic attraction decreases, so less energy is needed to overcome these forces to remove an electron from the atom.
atomic radius and shieliding outweigh the nuclear charge
Which two elements have an exception and do not follow the electronic configuration pattern?
Copper with +2
Explain the decrease between beriliyium and boron
across period
Fifth electron of boron is in the 2p subshell, which is further away from the nucleus than the 2s subshell of beryllium
Explain the decrease between nitrogen, oxygen and phosphurus
This is due to spin pair repulsion in the 2p orbital of oxygen.