Atomic Habits Flashcard Deck


if you can get 1 percent better each day for one year you’ll improve approximately by:

A) 20%
B) 40%
C) 60%
D) 80%


B) 40%

1 % better every day for one year 1.01365 = 37.78
1 % worse every day for one year 0.99365 = 00.03

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What is the definition of the Plateau of Latent Potential?

A) A critical threshold to cross in order to unlock a new level of performance
B) A period of time required for habits to persist long enough before change is possible
C) A only
D) B only
E) Both A and B


E) Both A and B

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Goals are good for _________________, but systems are best for _________________.

A) setting a direction / making progress
B) staying motivated / setting a direction
C) making progress / setting a direction
D) creating habits / analysis


A) setting a direction / making progress

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True or False: Goal setting is necessary for continuous success.


False, for several reasons.

1) Goal setting suffers from a serious case of survivorship bias and creates a belief that only winners created clear goals or believed in their goals more strongly. Winners and losers have the same goals.
2) Achieving a goal is only a momentary change, not a lasting one. To create lasting change, change your system.
3) Goals restrict your happiness. The problem with a goals - first mentality is that you’re continually putting happiness off until the next milestone.
4) Goals are at odds with long - term progress. After a goal is achieved, it is common to stop working since the goal is no longer there to motivate you. The purpose of setting goals is to win the game . The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long - term thinking is goal - less thinking.

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Write out 3 habits you want to implement during the next 30 days. The 3 habits can consists of new habits you want to adopt and/or existing habits you want to eliminate.


The 3 habits I want to adopt or change in the next 30 days are:

1) _________________
2) _________________
3) _________________

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Your identity emerges from your _________

A) Self belief
B) Childhood
C) Emotions
D) Habits


D) Habits. Although your identity is shaped by your self belief, experiences in your childhood, and even genetics, the habits you practice and repeat long enough play more of a significant role than anything else for shaping your identity. Each time you do, think, and feel something, you are adding one more brick to the identity your are building. And just like a building, habits can be torn down and reconstructed to build a new identity of self belief, experiences, and emotions. According to the author, “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”

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Break up your 3 Future Habits into smaller habits.

For example, if your 3 Future Habits are 1) work out 5 times a week, 2) spend more quality time with my loved ones and 3) save more/ earn more money than I did last year, you might break them down like this:

Future Habit #1: Work out 5 times a week
Put my gym clothes in my backpack the night before
Put my backpack in front of the door in the morning so I take it to the car with me
Put my backpack in the passenger side so it’s easy to see when I leave work
Set an alarm on my phone to go off just before I leave work to remind me to drive straight to the gym
Review my diet plan in the morning so I know what to eat for breakfast and what to pack for lunch

Future Habit #2: Spend more quality time with my loved ones
Use a pomodoro timer at work so I can be more productive and won’t have to work late or work on weekends.
During my 5 minute pomodoro breaks communicate with my loved ones via text or social media
During my weekly review, I will spend 10 minutes planning something special to do with my loved ones during the week ahead.
During my morning reading session, I will spend 10 minutes learning how to improve my communication with my children and partner

Future Habit #3: Save more money/ earn more money than I did last year
For every morning I don’t spend money on buying coffee, I will add $5 to my savings account.
For every afternoon I don’t spend eating out for lunch, I will add $15 to my savings account.
When I am in a stressful situation at work, I will use the physical reminder exercise I created which includes box breathing and pinching the inside of my left wrist. I know the less I am bothered by stress the more productive I will be, and I will have a greater chance of receiving a promotion.
During my morning planning session before I start work, I will review my affirmations, write in my gratitude journal, and plan out my work day.

Break Your Habits Down to 5 Minute Habits

Future Habit #1: Work out 5 times a week
Go to the gym and workout for 5 minutes
Spend 5 minutes during my morning planning session either searching for a gym close to work, finding a personal trainer, downloading diet and fitness apps, signing up for a gym membership online, reading about training programs, or thinking about what habits a healthy person uses.

Future Habit #2: Spend more quality time with my loved ones
Spend 5 minutes during my pomodoro break to text my loved ones
Spend 5 minutes during my weekly review to write down how I would like to spend time with my loved ones
Spend 5 minutes reading in the morning about how to improve the relationships with the people I love
While driving home from the gym after work, turn off the radio for 5 minutes and think about the qualities I love about my partner and children before I come home to see them

Future Habit #3: Save more money/ earn more money than I did last year
Spend 5 minutes writing out my daily work plan
Spend 5 minutes meditating during lunch
Spend 5 minutes making a snack for lunch
Spend 5 minutes


PROVIDE EXAMPLES HERE OF WHAT TO CHOOSE FROM. I believe this is the 5 minute rule. FIND CLEAR’S EXAMPLES AND INCLUDE THEM HERE THEN WRITE OUT MORE. I’ve written some small habits below as well.

Journal 5 minutes a day. Write out what’s on the top of your mind. INCLUDE CLEAR’S EXAMPLE OF ONE SENTENCE JOURNALING HERE.
Make your bed first thing in the morning. It will provide you with an easy win which will motivate you to keep winning and to stay in action. Additionally, it will get you moving physically, which increases XXXXX, and help you XXXXX.

Set deadlines to hit your goals. Are you having trouble getting motivated? Are your habits and tasks getting pushed farther and farther out? If so, take 5 minutes to write down your due dates. Better yet, tell someone such as your accountability partner when your going to do something then commit yourself to doing it, sign up for a time to give a presentation, join a club, complete the assignments in this book marked for Low or 5 minutes (you can search for them by…….)
Set reminders and alerts to help you stay on track.

Here's a list of things you can do in 5 minutes every day:
Plan your day
Text a loved one
Break down your biggest tasks into smaller ones
Clean your workspace, room, or living room
Learn a new word to increase your vocabulary
Quick exercise
Unsubscribe to emails
Make your lunch
Write out your goals
Determine how you will reward yourself for small wins
Say your daily affirmations
Turn off your notifications on your phone, laptop, and tablet
Make your bed
Review your expenses 
Write a love note
Write in your gratitude journal
Fill out your diet journal
Complete a memory exercise 
Doodle, draw, or write creatively
Review your vision board
Write a thank you note or email
Get outside
Set up an automated payment or savings 
Walk outside
Review your systems

Circle the following habits you can add to your existing Future Habits to ensure you adopt them. Rewrite your 3 Future Habits with the new habits you just created.


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Your identity emerges from your _________

A) Self belief
B) Childhood
C) Emotions
D) Habits


D) Habits. Although your identity is shaped by your self belief, experiences in your childhood, and even genetics, the habits you practice and repeat long enough play more of a significant role than anything else for shaping your identity. Each time you do, think, and feel something, you are adding one more brick to the identity your are building. And just like a building, habits can be torn down and reconstructed to build a new identity of self belief, experiences, and emotions.

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According to Wikipedia, “A principle is a proposition or value that is a guide for behavior or evaluation.”

Oxford Languages defines values as “The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.”

Say What?
Take 5 minutes and write out your principles and values. If you get stuck review some of the prompting questions below. Remember, there are no right answers and you can always modify your answers later.

Prompting Questions
What qualities do you like most about yourself? What qualities do others say they like about you? What qualities about yourself would you not give up? Some of your qualities might include how you treat others, how you treat yourself, your humor, your discernment, your morals, your character, your work ethic, your discipline, your emotional IQ, your integrity, your communication skills, your empathy, your intelligence, your manners, your open mindedness, and more.

What is most important to you? Is it your career, your physical health, your family, your mental health, your spirituality, or something else? What would you not give up? What would you not want to compromise on?




Refer back to your 3 Future Habits. Are your principles and values in line with your Future Habits? If not, go back and adjust your Future Habits to be congruent with your principles and values. It will make completing them and other habits in the future, much easier. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer here.

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Now you are ready to define your identity, the thing that will ultimately motivate you and keep you fighting tooth and nail to accomplish not only your 3 future habits and goals, but your system and process as well, to provide you with a lifetime of growth, grit, and determination.

Ask yourself, “Who is the type of person that could get the outcome I want?” Spend 5 minutes writing this down. The clearer you get, the easier you’ll develop a vision, an identity and a game plan for adopting the habits you need to in order to become the person you want to be.

The author states, “it’s important to let your values , principles, and identity drive the loop rather than your results.” “The focus should always be on becoming that type of person, not getting a particular outcome.”


“For example , “ Who is the type of person who could write a book ? ” It’s probably someone who is consistent and reliable . Now your focus shifts from writing a book ( outcome - based ) to being the type of person who is consistent and reliable ( identity - based ) .”

As the author puts it, “Your habits shape your identity , and your identity shapes your habits.”

If you have a hard time figuring out what the values are of the identity you want to try on, first ask questions about what that person is like that has that identity. Then ask what that person values. For example:

Hard Worker
Questions to ask
How do they respond to stress, what is their tonality like when discussing a stressful topic, how easily do they appear emotionally upset, how do they confront others, do they appear to worry much, what are they thinking about, are they compassionate, do they take criticism well, when asking for a raise do they seem sheepish or confident, are they able to express themselves clearly the first time, what is their diction like, do they have a good vocabulary, what do they do to connect with others?

They probably value handling stressful situations without getting attached, they value hard work and determination, they try to see the best in themselves and others, they value getting ahead, making plans for success and sticking with it, they value the work they do and see their work as meaningful.

Business Owner
Questions to ask
Who is the person that can become a successful business owner and grow a company to $X revenue per year? What do they do during their down time? What do they focus on? What questions do they ask themselves? What books, articles, and videos do they consume? What habits do they perform? How are they productive? What do they do differently than I do? What are the most important qualities of a successful business owner?

They probably value hard work and deferred gratification. They value staying focused and seeing projects through to the end. They value self awareness and solving problems. They value their emotional health and are cautions of internal and external negative influences. They value a growth mindset and ambition.

Sexy/ attractive
Questions to ask
Who is a person that is sexy? What makes them sexy? Is it their clothes, the wan they hold themselves, the way they think about themselves, the way they communicate with others? What makes someone attractive? How do they influence others? What can I do to be more like them? Do they take better care of their physical appearance than I do? If so, how? What steps can I take to improve my appearance?

They are probably someone that values fashion, skin care, personal grooming, and physical fitness. They probably stay on top of trends and can talk about a variety of things. They value communication and communicate easily with others.

A good parent
Questions to ask
What is a good parent like? How do they communicate to their children? How do they react when their children are obstanent, rude, or disrespectful? How do they keep their cool?

They probably value learning how to communicate with their children and their partner in the most effective ways possible. They value spending quality time with their loved ones and set aside plans to
A great partner

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What are the three levels of change for creating habits?

A) Belief change, emotional change, and action change
B) Outcome change, process change, and identity change
C) Motivational change, mindset change, and system change
D) Internal change, external change, and global change


B) Outcome change, process change, and identity change. The author identifies and addresses these three level of change for forming habits.

Outcome change is what most people seek when setting goals. They think, “I want to be skinny (outcome) and if I stick to this diet, then I’ll be skinny (process).” They set goals and determine the actions they should take to achieve those goals without considering the beliefs that drive their actions. They never shift the way they look at themselves (identity change), and they don’t realize that their old identity can sabotage their new plans for change.

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Why do habits matter?

A) They can help you get better results
B) They can change your beliefs about yourself
C) They require you to take action, which in turn creates your identity
D) All of the above


D) All of the above. However, the real reason why habits matter according to the author is, “


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As habits are ________, the level of activity in the brain ________, and freedom ________.

B) solidified, increases, decreases
D) created, decreases, increases.


D) created, decreases, increases.

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Outcome Change

Outcome change is the "what" you'd like to achieve. For instance your outcome might be:
Loose weight
Feel less stressed
Spend more quality time with my family
Be happier
Take a vacation
Get a raise
Be more social
Get a date with the guy/ girl I like
Be admired by my friends

Write down 3 outcomes you’d like to achieve.

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Process Change

Process change addresses how you’d like to achieve your outcome. For instance, if your outcome was “loose weight” your process change might be “exercise 3 times a week.” Here are some process changes paired out with outcome changes.

Outcome Change Process Change
Loose weight Change my diet
Feel less stressed Meditate
Be happier Write in a gratitude journal
Take a vacation Save $100 for every $1,000
Get a raise Write out your
accomplishments, take
more responsibility, talk
with your manager
Be more social Join toastmasters
Be admired by my friends Adopt positive non-verbal
communication and active
listening skills


Write one process change you can incorporate for the three outcome change you created.

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Provide the definition of, or an example of Identity Change.
Identity Change


Ask yourself who is the type of person who already accomplished my 3 Future Habits? Is the person a celebrity, a family member, a character from a movie or TV, an influencer, a colleague, a friend, or someone else? It is best if this person is someone you admire

After you identify the person or persons that best exemplify the identity you want to try on, write their name(s) down. Then think to yourself, how they embody this identity? How do they hold themselves, how would they respond to someone, how are they perceived by others, how do they handle conflict, etc.

Now imagine you are that person, you have that identity. How would you act, how would you respond differently to people than you used to, how do you hold yourself, what do your non-verbal communications say about you, and what do others think of you now?

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Review your 3 Future Habits. Write O next to the habits that are Outcome Change focused, P next to habits that are Process Change focused, and I next to identity focused habits.


If any of your 3 future habits are “O” Outcome Change focused, rewrite them as either Process Change or Identity Change focused.


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CCRR - The habit loop
Define what each of the 4 steps in the habit loop are - cue, craving, response, and reward.

Cue: A cue is a stimulus that is designed to remind you to complete a habit. The more obvious the cue the easier it is to remember to complete the habit. Successful cues are highly visible, associated with existing habits (which is called habit stacking), and occur before the habit you want to adopt.

Select some of the cues below that you can use to remind you to complete your habit. If you don’t find one you like, think of something you can use and write it down below:

Make it Obvious
Write a note, create a message on your screensaver of your computer or phone, set alarms on your calendar, phone, watch, or software (such as INSERT SOFTWARE AND CHROME EXTENSIONS HERE).

Fail Safe Win: Make Your Cue Obvious
Place your cue some place obvious such as in, on, or next to your:
car, mirror, wallet, purse, nightstand, backpack, pillow, microwave, door, laptop, TV, phone, tablet, trash can, kitchen table, desk, refrigerator, sofa, or chair.

Putting it All Together:

Craving: Habits are easier to complete if there is desire to do so. If you don’t have a craving to complete a habit, then you won’t likely complete it, no matter how clear the cue is.

Response: The response is the action you take to complete the habit. BUILD THIS OUT

Reward: Humans, like the rest of nature value the easiest and quickest path to achieve a gold. We are all geared for instant reward but our habits take a long time to achieve the outcome we seek. The best way to stay motivated is not through sheer will but rather through continuous small rewards. Without a reward to keep you motivated to see your long term habit through fruition, you are not likely to complete it.


Have students write out what cue, craving, responseand reward they can have for each of the 3 habits they want to adopt. Provide them with a list of examples to help prompt them.


Rate Your Motivation

Whether a response occurs depends on how motivated you are and how much friction is associated with the behavior .


Ask students to rate on a 1-10 scale how motivated they are and how much friction they face. If a low rating for motivation or a high rating for friction, ask them what they can do to change that.

Prompting Questions
What is interfering with completing your habits? Is this something you can manage? If so, what can you do to reduce the friction?

Are you spending any time elsewhere that you can reduce? Can you use your downtime for completing a habit? Do you need to make your cue obvious and in plain sight? Is your habit stacked on the appropriate habit? Can you break your habit down to smaller chunks? What can you do in 5 minutes? How can you improve tracking your habit? Can you use additional alarms or other prompts to remind you to track your habit? Can you track your habit right after you complete it? How can you automate completing or tracking your habit? How important is it that you complete your habit? How can you reward yourself in the short term? What might it look like to complete your habit? How would you feel when you complete your habit? If someone else whom you admire routinely completes this habit what do they do? What clue do they leave? If you were to 10X your habit completion what would that look like? What does the habit require to complete it? Can you complete your habit with little thought or do you need creative energy? How can you prompt yourself to be in a better state to start your habit? Would changing your posture, your breath, and your thoughts help? If so, how can you remind yourself to do this before you start the habit? Do you need to add smaller habits to this larger habit so you can complete it?


Provide examples on what they can do. Cite other books, tweets, podcasts, etc. on how to become motivated.


“If a behavior is insufficient in any of the four stages , it will not become a habit . Eliminate the cue and your habit will never start . Reduce the craving and you won’t experience enough motivation to act . Make the behavior difficult and you won’t be able to do it . And if the reward fails to satisfy your desire , then you’ll have no reason to do it again in the future . Without the first three steps , a behavior will not occur . Without all four , a behavior will not be repeated .”


Ask students to review their 4 stages and ensure their success. If they are uncertain they can succeed, have them review the 4 steps and rewrite/ improve.


The 4 Laws of Habit Creation

  • How to Create a Good Habit The 1st law ( Cue ) : Make it obvious . The 2nd law ( Craving ) : Make it attractive . The 3rd law ( Response ) : Make it easy . The 4th law ( Reward ) : Make it satisfying .”
  • How to Break a Bad Habit Inversion of the 1st law ( Cue ) : Make it invisible . Inversion of the 2nd law ( Craving ) : Make it unattractive . Inversion of the 3rd law ( Response ) : Make it difficult . Inversion of the 4th law ( Reward ) : Make it unsatisfying .”



Help the student revise their 4 steps by describing each in more detail. For example for Cue, the 1st Law, ask them how they can make the cue more obvious. Then provide them with examples on how to do that.

If the student responded that they are trying to break one of their 3 habits, then have them answer these inversion of the 4 laws.


“*Whenever you want to change your behavior , you can simply ask yourself : How can I make it obvious ? How can I make it attractive ? How can I make it easy ? How can I make it satisfying ?”


Ask students to write out these questions or print it out and tape it to their mirror or copy and paste it into their screen saver on their phone or laptop.


The Point and Call Method

“As the psychologist Carl Jung said , “ Until you make the unconscious conscious , it will direct your life and you will call it fate . ”

*Before each train departs , staff members will point along the edge of the platform and declare , “ All clear ! ” Every detail is identified , pointed at , and named aloud . *

“Pointing - and - Calling reduces errors by up to 85 percent and cuts accidents by 30 percent .”


Ask students to write out ways they can make their habits more consciousand be morepresent while doing it. Add in tips from other references on how to be more present/ in the moment/ conscious/ mindful. Provide them with examples to choose from. Provide digital tools as well.


The Habits Scorecard

“Once you have a full list , look at each behavior , and ask yourself , “ Is this a good habit , a bad habit , or a neutral habit ? ” If it is a good habit , write “ + ” next to it . If it is a bad habit , write “ – ” . If it is a neutral habit , write “ = ” .”

“If you’re still having trouble determining how to rate a particular habit , here is a question I like to use : “ Does this behavior help me become the type of person I wish to be ? Does this habit cast a vote for or against my desired identity ? ”


Create a one day assignment - journal throughout the day (set automatic reminders so students don’t forget) and observe and write down any good habits they want to expand and bad habits they want to eliminate. They can go through this guidebook as often as they like repeating the same steps to enhance or adopt good habits and eliminate bad ones.

Ask students to fill this out. Consider putting this toward the beginning of the book to make it easy to accomplish and provide motivation since 1) they already use a lot of habits so they can be rewarded for doing habits and doing good habits, and 2) this is something easy that will provide a quick win.

Provide other insights on identifying habits.


The Implementation Intention

Broadly speaking , the format for creating an implementation intention is : “ *When situation X arises , I will perform response Y . ”


Have students fill in the Implementation Intention to potential challenges they will face in changing their habits, as well as when and where they will perform their new habit.


The Implementation Intention

Broadly speaking , the format for creating an implementation intention is : “ *When situation X arises , I will perform response Y . ”

  • The simple way to apply this strategy to your habits is to fill out this sentence : I will [ BEHAVIOR ] at [ TIME ] in [ LOCATION ] .
  • If you aren’t sure when to start your habit , try the first day of the week , month , or year . People are more likely to take action at those times because hope is usually higher . If we have hope , we have a reason to take action .

Have students fill in the Implementation Intention to potential challenges they will face in changing their habits, as well as when and where they will perform their new habit.


Habit Stacking

“When it comes to building new habits , you can use the connectedness of behavior to your advantage . One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behavior on top . This is called habit stacking . Rather than pairing your new habit with a particular time and location , you pair it with a current habit . *Fogg’s habit stacking formula is : “ After I [ CURRENT HABIT ] , I will [ NEW HABIT ] . ” The key is to tie your desired behavior into something you already do each day .”

Provide this and more examples:
*After I pour my morning cup of coffee , I will meditate for sixty seconds . After I meditate for sixty seconds , I will write my to - do list for the day . After I write my to - do list for the day , I will immediately begin my first task .”

“Or , consider this habit stack in the evening : After I finish eating dinner , I will put my plate directly into the dishwasher . After I put my dishes away , I will immediately wipe down the counter . After I wipe down the counter , I will set out my coffee mug for tomorrow morning .”


Thought: If I am going to have students rewrite their 3 Future Habits several times, I want to be sure it is useful to them as a tool for them to use and not just a learning exercise. For this reason, I may want to have them write out 3 large Future Habits and break those 3 habits into 3 medium and 3 small habits. Then, as they rewrite their future habits, they will be developing it for small and medium habits they can create and do in case they don’t have the motivation or inclination to work on larger habits. Also, the rewriting might fit better with smaller and medium sized habits. Go through this process and make sure that is the case.

Ask students to write out their own habit stack for the 3 habits they are trying to adopt/ change and to be specific.

  • Create a list with two columns . In the first column , write down the habits you do each day without fail . * For example : Get out of bed . Take a shower . Brush your teeth . In the second column , write down all of the things that happen to you each day without fail . Armed with these two lists , you can begin searching for the best place to layer your new habit into your lifestyle .
  • Habits like “ read more ” or “ eat better ” are worthy causes , but these goals do not provide instruction on how and when to act . Be specific and clear : After I close the door . After I brush my teeth . After I sit down at the table . The specificity is important . The more tightly bound your new habit is to a specific cue , the better the odds are that you will notice when the time comes to act .”

Make it Obvious

When the cues that spark a habit are subtle or hidden , they are easy to ignore . By comparison , creating obvious visual cues can draw your attention toward a desired habit .


Review your list. Ask yourself “Can I make these cues more obvious?” If so, adjust your list. If you find you are still not noticing your cues, consider adding in multiple cues throughout the day. This takes advantage of the “safety net” theory, which states that if you want to ensure your success, create multiple safety nets for the times you will fail so you have a higher chance of completing the race successfully.


Motivation is Overrated, Environment Often Matters More

For example , many people drink more in social situations than they would ever drink alone . The trigger is rarely a single cue , but rather the whole situation : watching your friends order drinks , hearing the music at the bar , seeing the beers on tap .

We mentally assign our habits to the locations in which they occur : the home , the office , the gym . Each location develops a connection to certain habits and routines .


Ask students to write out where they perform the existing habits they want to change. Then ask them how they can change their environment. Provide examples.

*Go to a new place — a different coffee shop , a bench in the park , a corner of your room you seldom use — and create a new routine there .
Want to think more creatively ? Move to a bigger room , a rooftop patio , or a building with expansive architecture .
Take a break from the space where you do your daily work , which is also linked to your current thought patterns .
When you can’t manage to get to an entirely new environment , redefine or rearrange your current one .
I know a writer who uses his computer only for writing , his tablet only for reading , and his phone only for social media and texting .

The mantra the author finds useful is : “ One space, one use.” *Whenever possible , avoid mixing the context of one habit with another . When you start mixing contexts , you’ll start mixing habits — and the easier ones will usually win out . If you want behaviors that are stable and predictable , you need an environment that is stable and predictable .


Reflection Time


Ask students to rate how well they followed the instructions in this chapter. Use Anki or similar tools so if they choose “low” then they will see a flashcard reminding them what action to take. Ask students to set a reminder, tell a friend, or don’t allow them to proceed until they check off all activities. If students aren’t motivated to complete the assignments, ask them to review their goals, and provide them with motivational statements and reasons why completing the assignment will help them - use the qualitative “soft” reasons the author provides in the book along with links to research they author includes as well as any other research I find.

Set up weekly review/ check in periods asking student s to rate their work, and review the progress they’ve made, Ask students to write out what they’ve done


Habit Cheat Sheet

1) Print this out and put it in a place where you can easily reference it such as on your desk next to your laptop, on your bathroom mirror, on your nightstand, or frame it and put it on your wall above your desk.
2) Copy and paste this into your computer or cell phone and places it where you can easily see it such as your screen saver, your wallpaper, or wall paper on each tab you open on your browser (I believe their is a chrome extension that allows people to create workspaces with notes on it for every tab they open).


The 1st Law : Make It Obvious
1.1 : Fill out the Habits Scorecard . Write down your current habits to become aware of them .
1.2 : Use implementation intentions : “ I will [ BEHAVIOR ] at [ TIME ] in [ LOCATION ] . ”
1.3 : Use habit stacking : “ After I [ CURRENT HABIT ] , I will [ NEW HABIT ] . ”
1.4 : Design your environment . Make the cues of good habits obvious and visible .
The 2nd Law : Make It Attractive
The 3rd Law : Make It Easy
The 4th Law : Make It Satisfying

Inversion of the 1st Law : Make It Invisible 1.5 :
Reduce exposure .
Remove the cues of your bad habits from your environment .
Inversion of the 2nd Law : Make It Unattractive
Inversion of the 3rd Law : Make It Difficult
Inversion of the 4th Law : Make It Unsatisfying



Make Your Habits Irresistible

In Byrne’s case , he bundled watching Netflix ( the thing he wanted to do ) with riding his stationary bike ( the thing he needed to do ) . Temptation bundling is one way to apply a psychology theory known as Premack’s Principle .

You can even combine temptation bundling with BJ Fogg’s habit stacking strategy we discussed in Chapter 5 to create a set of rules to guide your behavior . *The habit stacking + temptation bundling formula is : After I [ CURRENT HABIT ] , I will [ HABIT I NEED ] . After [ HABIT I NEED ] , I will [ HABIT I WANT ] .


Create a task for students who are not motivated. Provide the example of finding another boyfriend - instead of thinking about past memories, think about and write out the qualities of the boyfriend that you liked and realize that you attracted those qualities before so you can do it again. Have them write out their past successes and realize they can attract that and more since they are growing.

Ask students to write out what their temptations are, then fill in the blanks for the Habit stacking + Temptation bundling formula.

If you want to check Facebook , but you need to exercise more : After I pull out my phone , I will do ten burpees ( need ) . After I do ten burpees , I will check Facebook ( want ) .



The Role of Family and Friends Shaping Your Habits

We don’t choose our earliest habits , we imitate them . We follow the script handed down by our friends and family , our church or school , our local community and society at large . We imitate the habits of three groups in particular : The close . The many . The powerful .


Describe the influence of the Close, the Influential, and the Many. Then have students write out what they can do to change the influence on them by the Close, the Influential, and the Many. Provide examples such as evaluate the people who pop up in your social feeds and ask if they feel better or worse for engaging with that content. Have them write out people they want to be like, encourage them to not only follow them but to read their biographies, and write out what actions they will take to adopt the characteristics they find most appealing. They can also join groups, clubs, associations, Club House groups, follow influencers on social media, watch Ted Talks, etc.


Changing Your Identity


Get Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Way to Stop Smoking” and include his tips here. Not available on Kindle Unlimited

” It tells you : ‘ Stop lying to yourself . You know you don’t actually want to smoke . You know you don’t really enjoy this . ’ It helps you feel like you’re not the victim anymore . You start to realize that you don’t need to smoke . ” He says things like : You think you are quitting something , but you’re not quitting anything because cigarettes do nothing for you . You think smoking is something you need to do to be social , but it’s not . You can be social without smoking at all .”


How to Find and Fix Your Bad Habits

  • Some of our underlying motives include : * Conserve energy Obtain food and water Find love and reproduce Connect and bond with others Win social acceptance and approval Reduce uncertainty Achieve status and prestige
  • A craving is the sense that something is missing . It is the desire to change your internal state . When the temperature falls , there is a gap between what your body is currently sensing and what it wants to be sensing . This gap between your current state and your desired state provides a reason to act .

Reframing your habits to highlight their benefits rather than their drawbacks is a fast and lightweight way to reprogram your mind and make a habit seem more attractive . For example, “Instead of telling yourself “ I need to go run in the morning , ” say “ It’s time to build endurance and get fast . ”


Ask students to write out their bad habits then to select from the following underlining motives. Then ask them to write out which ones they want to work on changing first. Limit it to no more than 3.

I can create this as an assignment by having the reader add in two or more benefits to a statement they felt they had to do.

Ask students to include 2-3 benefits to their negative statement about what they feel they have to do and change the wording to get to do. Then add the benefit to the end. Have them write this out and put it on their mirror if they still find the habit difficult to incorporate.


Motivation / Clarity

*A craving is the sense that something is missing . It is the desire to change your internal state . When the temperature falls , there is a gap between what your body is currently sensing and what it wants to be sensing . This gap between your current state and your desired state provides a reason to act .

Motivational Reframe
“If you want to take it a step further , you can create a motivation ritual . You simply practice associating your habits with something you enjoy , then you can use that cue whenever you need a bit of motivation . For instance , if you always play the same song before having sex , then you’ll begin to link the music with the act . Whenever you want to get in the mood , just press play .”

*Say you want to feel happier in general . Find something that makes you truly happy — like petting your dog or taking a bubble bath — and then create a short routine that you perform every time before you do the thing you love .

Maybe you take three deep breaths and smile . Three deep breaths . Smile . Pet the dog . Repeat . Eventually , you’ll begin to associate this breathe - and - smile routine with being in a good mood .

The key to finding and fixing the causes of your bad habits is to reframe the associations you have about them .

Include other tips on motivation


To help students who need motivation, ask them if they really want what they claim to want, for instance a boyfriend. I realized I don’t really want a boyfriend right now but I want one in the fall. I want to focus on my business and myself for now throughout the summer and enjoy my time hooking up with guys and working on business and owning a dog.

Ask students to write out what small things make them feel happy. Provide examples like this. Have students circle which ones they can adopt and add their own. There are books on 1,000+ things to do to feel happy, include some of those things and encourage students to purchase the books if they still need more help.


The Two Minute Rule to Habit Change

The Two-Minute Rule, which states, “When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.”

“Read before bed each night” becomes “Read one page.” “Do thirty minutes of yoga” becomes “Take out my yoga mat.” “Study for class” becomes “Open my notes.” “Fold the laundry” becomes “Fold one pair of socks.” “Run three miles” becomes “Tie my running shoes.” The idea is to make your habits as easy as possible to start.

Provide more examples



List out the 3 habits you’d like to change.
Write out what you can do in only two minutes to start working on these habits each day for one week for only two minutes a day.

Week 2 increase time acting on new habit

Week 3 Take more time and reflect, change as necessary

Week 4 Review your systems and celebrate your success


Small Steps to Bad Habit Change

This is a follow up to the Two Minute Rule


Have readers circle which items they can adopt and make it easy for them to implement. For example, include links to UnRoll.Me, TimeOut google extension, send a text to XX number to receive a notification, etc.

These are all small 1% changes that students can adopt in order to help them live healthier, stay focused, think more clearly. Include a lot of different examples for each category and have students select what they want. All them to also write out what they can do. Make it easy to adopt these habits by including links to these items, such as UnRoll.Me, etc.

Have readers write out what immediate pain they could provide for completing a bad habit (assuming I had them create a list of their bad habits already).

Ask students to review their action items for their bad habits and what actions they have taken already. Then, ask them what they can do to shorten the path to breaking the bad habit even more. Provide different examples


The 4th Law: Make it Satisfying

“The fourth law of behavior change—make it satisfying—increases the odds that a behavior will be repeated next time. It completes the habit loop.

But there is a trick. We are not looking for just any type of satisfaction. We are looking for immediate satisfaction.”


Ask student to circle and write out things they can do to incorporate immediate satisfaction in their habits. Include a list of examples and have them write in others.


The 4th Law: Make it Satisfying

“The fourth law of behavior change—make it satisfying—increases the odds that a behavior will be repeated next time. It completes the habit loop.

But there is a trick. We are not looking for just any type of satisfaction. We are looking for immediate satisfaction.”

You live in what scientists call an immediate-return environment because your actions instantly deliver clear and immediate outcomes.

You work in what scientists call a delayed-return environment because you can work for years before your actions deliver the intended payoff. The human brain did not evolve for life in a delayed-return environment.

Behavioral economists refer to this tendency as time inconsistency. That is, the way your brain evaluates rewards is inconsistent across time.* You value the present more than the future.


Ask student to circle and write out things they can do to incorporate immediate satisfaction in their habits. Include a list of examples and have them write in others.


Review Your Systems

How are you progressing with the system you’re using? Is it hard and difficult or easy and effortless? If your habits are difficult, select whether are they either invisible, unattractive, hard, unsatisfying, any of the above or all of the above.

For each negative attribute you selected, go back and review your system accordingly. If you selected unattractive, review the tips on how to make your habits more attractive. If you selected hard, review the tips on how to make your habits effortless.

*Behaviors are effortless here. 		Behaviors are difficult here. 
Obvious 					        Invisible 
Attractive 					Unattractive 
Easy 						Hard 
Satisfying 					Unsatisfying

Ask students to set up a regular review time with automatic reminders from tools like Toodledo, etc. Also, create an assignment for them to review their progress by asking them to rate their progress so far, review their previous assignments that they didn’t complete, and give them a period of time to complete the previous assignments if needed.

Have readers identify the challenge that they are facing and pair it up with the one or more of the four laws that will address the challenge the best. Also, have them list out the good and bad habits they want to change and pair it up with the most appropriate law. Give them exercises with short stories of individuals and ask them to circle which law would be best for them to adopt. Include the correct answers at the end for them to look at. Then have them pair up their own good and bad habits with the 4 laws. Make this exercise a template that they can download again and again and fill out whenever needed.


Review Your Systems

How are you progressing with the system you’re using? Is it hard and difficult or easy and effortless? If your habits are difficult, select whether are they either invisible, unattractive, hard, unsatisfying, any of the above or all of the above.

For each negative attribute you selected, go back and review your system accordingly. If you selected unattractive, review the tips on how to make your habits more attractive. If you selected hard, review the tips on how to make your habits effortless.

*Behaviors are effortless here. 		Behaviors are difficult here. 
Obvious 					        Invisible 
Attractive 					Unattractive 
Easy 						Hard 
Satisfying 					Unsatisfying

You want to push your good habits toward the left side of the spectrum by making them obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Meanwhile, you want to cluster your bad habits toward the right side by making them invisible, unattractive, hard, and unsatisfying.


Ask students to set up a regular review time with automatic reminders from tools like Toodledo, etc. Also, create an assignment for them to review their progress by asking them to rate their progress so far, review their previous assignments that they didn’t complete, and give them a period of time to complete the previous assignments if needed.

Have readers identify the challenge that they are facing and pair it up with the one or more of the four laws that will address the challenge the best. Also, have them list out the good and bad habits they want to change and pair it up with the most appropriate law. Give them exercises with short stories of individuals and ask them to circle which law would be best for them to adopt. Include the correct answers at the end for them to look at. Then have them pair up their own good and bad habits with the 4 laws. Make this exercise a template that they can download again and again and fill out whenever needed.

Whenever you’re looking to improve, you can rotate through the Four Laws of Behavior Change until you find the next bottleneck. Make it obvious. Make it attractive. Make it easy. Make it satisfying. Round and round. Always looking for the next way to get 1 percent better.


How to Find a Game Where the Odds Are in Your Favor

Learning to play a game where the odds are in your favor is critical for maintaining motivation and feeling successful. In theory, you can enjoy almost anything. In practice, you are more likely to enjoy the things that come easily to you.

Pick the right habit and progress is easy. Pick the wrong habit and life is a struggle.

In the long-run, if you continue to advance and improve, any area can become challenging. At some point, you need to make sure you’re playing the right game for your skillset. How do you figure that out?

Thankfully, there is an effective way to manage determine your best skillset without having to try every career or play every musical instrument. It is known as the explore/exploit trade-off.

In the beginning of a new activity, there should be a period of exploration. The goal is to try out many possibilities, research a broad range of ideas, and cast a wide net.

If you are currently winning, you exploit, exploit, exploit. If you are currently losing, you continue to explore, explore, explore.

In the long-run it is probably most effective to work on the strategy that seems to deliver the best results about 80 to 90 percent of the time and keep exploring with the remaining 10 to 20 percent.

When you can’t win by being better, you can win by being different. By combining your skills, you reduce the level of competition, which makes it easier to stand out.


Provide students with resources such as the business personality test I took. I think it’s called the Star Method? That’s probably not right.

As you explore different options, there are a series of questions to ask yourself in order to discover the habits and areas that will be most satisfying to you such as:

What feels like fun to me, but work to others?
What makes me lose track of time? (i.e. Flow state)
Where do I get greater returns than the average person?
Where do I get greater returns than the average person?

Add in additional questions