study of atmosphere
atmospheric sciences
In metereology, What is the main focus of atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics?
weather forcasting
It is the study of atmospheric changes
It is the study of the upper layers of the atmosphere where dissociation and ionization is important
the study of the atmosphere of the planets of the solar system
Planetary science
alternative term for atmospheric science-the study of earths atmosphere
what are the major subdivisions of atmospheric science
- Atmospheric physics
- Atmospheric chemistry
- Atmospheric dynamics
- Climatology
- Meteorology and forecasting
- Extraterrestrial Planetary atmospheric science
What is the difference between climatology and meteorology?
climatology- long term and short term changes in the atmosphere
meteorology-weather and short term forecasting
Where does the word meteorology came from?
- Aristotle’s Meterologica- describes weather and climate
- “Meteor”- things that fell from the sky or can be found in the sky
- “Meteors”- high in the air/ raised lofty and alteration
Meteorology + Climatology= ATMOSPHERIC SCINCE. What is the goal in studying atmospheric science?
Understanding and predictions of the evolution of planetary atmospheres
What is being observed in atmospheric science?
discrete measurement of actual conditions of T, dew point, precipitation etc
What are the different surface instruments?
radiosonde sounding, radar, and satellite data
Atmospheric science is a combination of?
observation+ analysis+forecasting
Is long-range weather prediction accurate?
What does a weather related observations made of?
- Surface stations
- Upper air stations
- Ground based weather surveillance radar
- Satellite imagining