Atmosphere I + II Flashcards
What’s the first key process in the atmosphere? what was the early atmosphere made of mainly? Why is this process so important?
The early atmosphere was mainly H2 and He ( the most common elements in the universe)
These molecules have mainly been lost to space because they are light Nd have speeds high enough to escape ( Escape velocity) from the earths gravitational field
Loss or hydrogen of helium is what Is responsible for turning the atmosphere from
Anoxic to oxic.
What is the great oxidation event?
2.5 billion years ago. Loss of hydrogen of helium. Anoxic to oxic. Gives rise to multicellular organisms
What is the key process number two? Give an external example of it
The early earth was continually supplied with volatile gases attached to planetesimals.
These gases were volatilised into the atmosphere. Main gases are methane ( CH4), nitrogen, ammonia and water (vapour)
What did we the internal supply for the early atmosphere? What is the typical gas composition of this early supply?
Volcanoes continue to emit gases into the atmosphere. Typical composition of volcano gases is 70% water, 20% CO2 2% SO2 etc
Does the amount of gas emitted by volcanoes make a significant part of the atmosphere ?
The present mass of the atmosphere is only about 1 percent of the total outgassed material - the rest has been re-cycled e.g as carbonate rocks and sea water
What is the key process number 3?
What is a lot of key process driven by
It’s driven by gaseous solubility in water
Nitrogen - 0.02/litre
Oxygen 0.06g/litre
HCl 700g/litre
HCL good that it’s very soluble as very toxic
What is key process number 4?
Biogeochemical modifications
How was moon formed? Talk about graphs
Known as Theia, the Mars-sized body collided with Earth, throwing vaporized chunks of the young planet’s crust into space. Gravity bound the ejected particles together, creating a moon that is the largest in the solar system in relation to its host planet.1
In proto earth high amount of co2 but low solar luminosity both act to create conditions for life
Loads of co2 greenhouse effect runs away we need co2 so loads of energy gets to earth
Lots of helium and hydrogen in protoearth almost no oxygen. All oxygen produced being rapidly used by oxidative chemical processes. Only after we have had enough helium loss cab oxygen start to build off.
Build up of oxygen linked with first instances of photosynthesis
With oxygen in atmosphere through Chapman reactions you develop a stratospheric ozone column this shields earth surface from UVB and totally screens out UVC and you get development of a habitable earth.
Rock record 4.2 billion years ago that allows us to get an idea of these large scale processes
How is stratospheric ozone formed?
O2 In the atmosphere reacts with uvc ( short wavelength, high energy) . You split the molecular oxygen in half to get O + O
O2 + UV-C -> O + O
O2 + O -> O3
This tends to absorb and block uvc and block it out as a thicker stratospheric ozone column . Totally blocks out UVB and this makes it possible for multicellular live to live on land surface ( oceans)
Discuss oxygen cycling over millions of years
Oxygen in early protoatmosphere linked to photosynthesis
Once you have photosynthesis occurring got potential of oxygen to build up. Decomposition uses up oxygen the leaf generated. So for oxygen to build up can’t just have photosynthesis
So you have carbon burial. So you bury lots of photosynthetic carbon and this turns into coal. A lot of this carbon doesn’t decay. So drives increase in o2
So really as a result of the carbon doesn’t use up oxygen decaying and oxygen generated as a byproduct of photosynthesis is stored in the atmosphere
However rock weathering or combustion ( carbon oxidation) draws down atmospheric Oxygen
What is key process 4.i
Phanerozoic O2 : the rise of land plants
Get from smaller to larger plants and more carbon being locked up in coal deposits
Rise of massive dragonfly meganeura monyi
and arthopleura (millipede )
Gigantism is driven by atmospheric oxygen?
What is the experimental evidence for the link between large insect side and high amounts of atmospheric oxygen?
Fruit fly ( drosophila ) was examined at 21 percent o2 ( current day oxygen conditions) and did generational growth experiments. 5 generations of growth at 35 percent oxygen and you got + 20 percent increase in mass of females and 12 percent increase in mass of males
- this fruit fly useful as can keep in lab and goes through generations quickly
Describe the variability is dissolved oxygen concentration?
Tropical oceans contain low dissolved oxygen concentration
Antarctic oceans have high dissolved oxygen content
Would expect crustaceans in Antarctic to be larger than the tropics
What’s key process 4.ii
Phanerozoic CO2
Early atmosphere has a high amount of CO2 that’s driven by volcanic outgassing
410 ppm co2 now
Evolution of Plants - atmospheric co2 decreases
Weathering sucks co2 from atmosphere. Plants with extensive root system
What is the chemical composition of clean dry air?
Nitrogen - 78 % Oxygen - 21 % Argon - 0.9 % . 2 Ns low key abunfany Neon - 18 ppm Helium - 5 ppm Carbon dioxide - 410 ppm Oct 2019 Pre industrial level - 280 Methane - 1.85 ppm ( and rising)
Is N2O a greenhouse gas?
What has the natural variability of co2 over the last 650 kyrs been?
120 ppm
What had the natural variability of CH4 been over the last 650 kyrs been?
400 ppb
Parts per billion
Human activity is close to pushing the atmosphere Beyond this background response for CH4 and surpassed it for CO2
What is the unique property of water?
How much liquid water is in green plants and many animals ?
What percentage of water covers the earths surface?
It is the only material present in the earth in all three phases : solid, liquid and gas
It moves between the 3 phases, mainly influenced by temperature and the concentration of the gas phase (water)
But because it can exist in these 3 phases the % composition is highly variable, from 0.1 % in cold dry air to 4% in moist warm air. Not like the other gases
Liquid water covers 70 percent of the earths surface and green plants are 90 percent water and many animals are 70 percent water