Atmosphere Flashcards
Trace gases
Steam, methane, co2, n20, 03, neon, helium,
Percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in atmosphere
N 78% 0 21%
Instant state of the atmosphere, daily values of temperature, precipitation, pressure, windspeed. Short period of time
Average values, average behaviour of continents, oceans, atmosphere. Long period of time
Difference between weather and climate
Measure of time. Weather= conditions short period of time. Climate= how the atmosphere behaves in long periods of time
Atmosphere functions
Solar radiation filtration Breathing photosynthesis Regulation of: Earths temperature Biogeochemical cycles Hydrological cycles
Radiative (climate) forcing
Difference of insolation absorbed by earth and energy radiated back to space.
Insolation absorbed- energy back release
Radiative forcing is quantified at the
Positive forcing means
More incoming energy, so warms the system
Negative forcing
More outgoing energy, so cools the system
Climate factors
Physical and geographical conditions that are relatively constants in time and space, and related to energy transfer (heat)
Examples climates factors
Latitude, altitude and distnce from the sea, ocean drifts, vegetation coverage, water bodies, pressure and wind system
Earths atmosphere is moving due…
Differential action of the surface warming
Tropics receive more heat than poles due….
Solar rays are more perpendicular, cross sectional area is smaller, and thickness of atmosphere higher at poles
Earth atmosphere gets THINNER the HIGHER altitude because……
Higher ground presents less atmosphere material to store heat