ATM Flashcards
Semi-annual NVD requirements (RL1):
9 hours (3 NVG, 3 NVS)
FAC 1 hour requirement for Dual seat designated aviators:
70 hours, of which 15 hours must be flown in each crew station
NVG currency:
1 hour flight every 60 days
Tasks restricted if OGE unavailable:
1) Visual Meteorological Conditions Takeoff (confined area altitude over airspeed).
2) Visual Meteorological Conditions Approach (termination to an OGE hover).
3) Respond to Engine Failure (OGE).
4) Instrument Takeoff.
5) Terrain Flight (nap of the earth [NOE] flight).
6) Perform Masking and Unmasking (unmasking at a hover vertically).
Common standards for all tasks:
Perform crew coordination actions per chapter 6 and the task description.
Do not exceed aircraft limitations.
Utilize applicable terminology in accordance with (IAW) FM 1-02.1.
Common standards for Hover:
1) Heading ±10 degrees.
2) Altitude ±2 feet or ±10 feet OGE (80 feet AGL)
3) Do not allow drift to exceed 3 feet IGE or 12 feet OGE
4) Establish and announce a forced landing or single engine flyaway plan when operating at an OGE hover.
5) Ground track within 3 feet.
6) Maintain a constant rate of movement for existing conditions.
7) Maintain a constant rate of turn.
Common standards for Flight:
1) Heading ±10 degrees.
2) Ground track alignment with minimum drift.
3) Altitude ±100 feet.
4) Airspeed ±10 knots.
5) Rate of climb or descent ±200 feet per minute (FPM).
6) Trim ±ball width.
7) Acknowledge the low altitude warning audio.
Ground Taxi (ground track & torque setting)
Ground track ±3 feet
27-30% TQ
Firing position operations (ABF/SBF/BP) considerations:
Nature of target Obstacles Range to target Multiple firing positions Adequate area to maneuver
Firing position considerations:
Background Range Altitude Sun and moon Shadows Cover and concealment Rotor wash Adequate area to maneuver Fields of fire
When do you initiate a climb during a level acceleration takeoff?
Accelerate through VSSE prior to establishing a climb.
This reduces the risks associated with operation in the avoid region should an engine fail.
Low level flight altitude:
80 to 200 ft AHO
Contour flight altitude:
25 to 80 ft AHO
NOE flight altitude:
Up to 25 ft AHO
When are additional power checks required?
Significant increase in load or environmental conditions.
1000 lbs GW, 1000 ft PA, 5 deg C
Aircraft hovers how many degrees left side low:
3 deg
When conducting limited power takeoffs, the P* should consider accelerating to _________ airspeed prior to initiating the climb and maintaining that airspeed until achieving the desired altitude.
What are the APU common standards?
Maintain airspace surveillance
Apply appropriate environmental considerations
What is minimum safe altitude (MSA)?
Minimum safe height above the surface or obstacles to which the aircraft can descend in a masked condition.
What is minimum maneuvering altitude?
The altitude above the mask or barriers at which the aircraft can safely hover.
VMC takeoff standards:
- Takeoff Heading +/- 10 deg below 50 ft or clear of obstacles, or minimum power takeoff until through ETL
- Ground track alignment w/ takeoff direction
- Trim above 50 ft or appropriate for obstacle avoidance
- Accelerate to desired airspeed +/- 10 knots
- Takeoff power not to exceed max TQ available, VSSE, or as conditions permit.
VMC approach standards:
- Select a suitable landing area.
- Evaluate power required versus power available for the type of approach selected.
- Maintain a constant approach angle to the desired point of termination (hover or touchdown) with deviations for surface conditions or obstacles at the point of termination.
- Maintain ground track alignment with the landing direction with minimum drift.
- Maintain rate of closure appropriate for the conditions.
- Align aircraft with landing direction below 50 feet or as appropriate for obstacle avoidance.
- Perform a smooth and controlled termination to a hover or to the ground at the intended point of touchdown.
How do you validate the PERF page?
Verify GW
Compare PERF vs PPC
Conduct hover power check
Simulator semiannual minimums:
15 hours
4.5 in each crew station