Atavistic Form (bio Explanation) Flashcards
What does the explanation claim criminals are
Genetic throwbacks, primitive subspecies who are genetically different from non-criminals
-lack evolutionary development and are therefore savage and untamed and as a result find it difficult to adjust to society so turn to crime
Physical characteristics of criminals
Cranial- narrow sloping brow, prominent jawline, facial asymmetry
Additional physical markers- dark skin, extra toe/finger/nipple
Murderers- bloodshot eyes, curly hair, long ears
Sexual deviants- glinting eyes, projecting ears
Explain Lombroso’s research
Examined facial and cranial features of
-383 dead Italian criminals
-3839 living Italian criminals
-40% had atavistic form
Expand on limitation that is biologically reductionist
-reduces criminal behaviour to physical level and explains it in terms of physical features
-does not consider environmental and cognitive factors, only 40% of criminals show atavistic form suggesting there are other factors that weren’t considered
-diathesis stress model may be more appropriate, individuals may have bio predisposition for criminal behaviour but only through an environmental stressor/traumatic event will this be triggered
Expand on limitation that approach uses correlational research
-cannot conclude cause and effect as could be third variable eg poor diet/poverty/drug use causing both
-suggests that if third variable causing correlation then criminal behaviour is not the result of delayed evolutionary development
Expand on limitation that explanation based on research with limited sample
-only researched Italian criminals
-cannot generalise findings to wider pop so theory lacks population validity
-physics features in dif countries may be different/those identified at atavistic form may just be typical features at time in Italy
-ethnocentric explanation that may tell us little about physical features of criminals in different countries
Expand on evidence that there is contradictory evidence
-Goring set out to establish whether there were any physical/mental abnormalities among the criminal classes
-conducted comparison between 3000 criminals and 3000 non-criminals and concluded there was no evidence that offenders are a distinct group with unusual facial/cranial characteristics
-questions key element of Lombroso’s theory that criminals are different in terms of their appearance