At the library Flashcards
Hello there! Can I …. you with anything?
help - to help - pomoct
I am ……. … a new book to read.
looking for - to look for - hledat
You are in the right place! What …. of book are you looking for?
kind of book - druh knihy
I am looking for a book with . … of action.
a lot - hodně
Oh, then I think you should look for something in the ……… ……. .
adventure section - dobrodružné oddělení
Can you show me ….. the adventure section is?
where - kde
Of course. Just …… .. .
follow me - následuj mě, pojďte za mnou
Here we are. You can …… any of these books to borrow.
you can choose - můžete vybrat
Do you have any …………… ?
recommendations - doporučení
This book is about pirates and buried …….. .
treasure - poklad
Oh, I ……. read this book last month.
already - už
It was exciting, but it was very long. I prefer ….. books.
short - krátká (o knize tenká)
Then let´s try .. …. a shorter book.
to find - najít
It looks very interesting! …. you …. this book?
Have you read - četl jste? (doslova máte přečtenou?)
Yes, I read it last year. It is a very …….. book with a lot of action.
exciting - vzrušující (zajímavá)