ASVAB PC 2 Flashcards
Reading more can help build your vocabulary. Try reading things that seem a little more difficult than your usual reading materials. Be alert for new, unfamiliar words. Try to figure out what they mean by looking at the context in which they occur. If you are not sure, jot the word down and look it up later in the dictionary.
According to the passage
reading is a good way to build your vocabulary.
World War II was a global conflict fought from 1939 to 1945. This war was fought on land, sea and in the air. The conflict was between the Axis and the Allies. Great Britain, France, the United States and the former Soviet Union were known as the Allies; Germany, Italy, and Japan were the countries of the Axis.
The main idea of this paragraph is
World War II was a worldwide conflict fought between 1939 and 1945.
Many students are not able to show how much they know on a test because they are “test shy.” Some students do well on tests, even though they may not know the material well, because they are good test takers. In other words, it is just as important to know how to take a test as it is to know the material being tested.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
It is as important to know how to take a test as it is to know the material being tested.
The grizzly bear is mentally superior to the horse, the dog and the wolf. It has instinct and the ability to reason. The grizzly gets first place in the animal world for brain power. Its senses are developed to the point that it is constantly supplying its brain with information it uses intelligently.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
The grizzly is first in the animal world for brain power.
Test taking courses can help you raise your test scores, but they offer no miracles. Unless you work on your own to improve the skills that the test measures, you won’t raise your scores as much as you’d like.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
You need to practice your skills if you want to improve your test scores
Wildlife refuges, no matter how close to populated areas, offer safety and protection for endangered species. Here people can be only observers and temporary visitors. Several endangered species owe their continued existence to wildlife refuges. With increasing pressures from expanding cities, farms, and industries, the refuges remain the endangered wildlife’s only hope of survival.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
Several endangered species owe their continued existence to wildlife refuges.
Some test takers are convinced that tests contain many trick questions. They waste a lot of mental energy trying to spot traps and outwit the test makers when they should be concentrating on answering the questions to the best of their abilities. If test takers could talk to the people who created the tests, they would realize that there are few trick questions.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
Test takers waste energy looking for trick questions.
When you move as a member of a buddy team, you must communicate with each other. Make sure that one person covers by fire any movement by the other. When moving as a member of a fire team, watch and listen to your team leader, who will lead you along the best route available and insure that covering fire is provided when you move. Stay with your team leader, and follow his or her example.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
Communication is the key to moving as a team.
Students often think that they will improve their reading comprehension if they read slowly. Studies have shown, however, that students who learn to read quickly will usually understand the paragraph’s meaning better than the slower reader. If you learn to read for understanding of whole sentences, rather than each individual word, you will improve your paragraph comprehension score.
This paragraph best supports the statement that:
Learning to read at a faster pace will often help you improve your reading comprehension score.
Baseball, as we now know it, has been called the national pastime in the United States. The game was first played in 1839 in Cooperstown, New York. Sacks were filled with sand and placed 60 feet apart in a diamond shape. These sacks were the bases that players had to touch. Seven years later a New Yorker planned the game using a 90 foot base to base diamond.
The Civil War interrupted a growing interest in baseball, but soldiers in the Union army camps and prisons continued to play. After the war, in 1869, the Cincinnati Red Stockings became the first all professional team. The popularity of baseball grew from then on.
The paragraph best supports the statement:
Baseball has been called the national pastime in the United States.
During the War of 1812, a man known to his friends as “Uncle Sam”, Samuel Wilson, inspected supplies for the U.S. Army. When boxes of supplies were checked, he marked them “EA-U.S.”, meaning that it had been inspected by the contractor Elbert Anderson for the United States. People began to refer to packages marked “U.S.” as “Uncle Sam’s.”
Thomas Nast drew the picture of Uncle Sam as we see him today, in about 1860. He drew the picture out of anger at the British newspaper cartoonists who were drawing Uncle Sam as a strange looking, poorly dressed man.
The picture of Uncle Sam drawn by Nast and the title “Uncle Sam” started by accident, but today they symbolize the United States and its government.
The name “Uncle Sam” and the drawing of Uncle Sam were started by accident, but still stand as symbols for the United States and its government.
In 1445, Charles VII of France founded Europe’s first standing army since the days of the Roman Empire. It was composed of “Bandes” (regiments) which were divided into eight companies. The senior Noncommissioned Officer of each company was given the title of “serjeant”. His assistant was called the “corporal”, derived from the Italian Cazo de Squadra or head of the squad. Subordinate to him, the Lance Spessada (lance corporal) became an element in the chain of command.
the make up of the first standing army in Europe after the Roman days.
In February 1985, the Heart Center at Louisville, Kentucky, was the site of the third artificial heart implant operation. Murray Haydon, a retired autoworker, underwent surgery to receive an air-driven, plastic and metal pump, the Jarvic-7. Medical scientists believe that implanting artificial organs will soon become a true alternative to transplanting donor organs.
The paragraph best supports the statement that
the Heart Center at Louisville, Kentucky was the site of the third artificial implant operation.
Cross-country, or Nordic, skiing is quickly becoming one of America’s most popular winter sports. Experts rate it along with swimming and bicycling as the healthiest way to exercise. Unlike the down-hill, or alpine, skier, the cross-country skier need not get aggravated in slow-moving lift lines or on highly populated slopes. There is no rush to take advantage of a daily or weekly lift-ticket. Nordic skiers have plenty of time to enjoy the tranquility of their surroundings while gliding through a true winter wonderland.
This paragraph best supports the statement that
Nordic skiing is fast becoming one of the most popular winter sports in America.
U.S. Representatives from textile producing states initiated a major effort to save the ailing domestic textile and apparel industry. They proposed legislation to drastically limit textile imports from countries where low labor costs allow producers to swamp the U.S. textile market with low-priced merchandise.
This paragraph best supports the statement that
some Representatives are initiating a bill that will limit the import of textiles from other countries.
The usefulness of the peanut crop is not limited to the production of roasted cocktail peanuts and peanut butter. Peanuts are often ground and mixed with corn meal to bake protein rich breads. Like most nuts, they yield a rich oil that is used for salads and cooking. The residue from the oil production is used to manufacture glue and textile fiber.
This paragraph best supports the statement that peanuts are
not limited to cocktail nuts and peanut butter.
In the pioneer days, the first great highways to the west were the Ohio, Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Along these waterways, potential settlers traveled on canoes, rafts and flatboats.
The paragraph best supports the statement that:
waterways were the first highways to lead to the western territories
The importance of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a manufacturing center was closely related to the natural resources found around the city. At one time, almost one quarter of the coal mined in the United States came from the Allegheny district. Beside coal, steel, pig iron and glass were important products made in Pittsburgh.
The paragraph best supports the statement that
the importance of Pittsburgh as a manufacturing center was closely linked to the natural resources.
In March 1985, dignitaries from many countries paid their respects to the late President of the Soviet Union, Konstantin U. Chernenko. Many diplomats took the occasion to arrange for meetings with the new Kremlin leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev. For many of the visiting politicians, this was their first personal contact with the new Soviet leader.
The paragraph best supports the statement that
diplomats from many countries attended Chernenko’s funeral.
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter became the first American recipient of the World Methodist Peace Award. President Carter was chosen for the award for his support of human rights, his active involvement towards peace in the Middle East, and his current involvement in providing housing for the poor.
The paragraph best supports the statement that
Jimmy Carter received the World Methodist Peace Award for his various works.
Mountain ranges on the moon are very short and irregular but reach great heights. Craters on the moon are usually very large. Many of them range in size from 20 to 50 miles in diameter, but some, such as Clavius, are as much as 142 miles across. The mountains, volcanic craters, and dark areas, called seas, are the most conspicuous features of the moon.
The main idea of the paragraph is:
mountains, volcanic craters, and seas are the most conspicuous features of the moon.
The Australian natives used the boomerang for hunting and warfare. Originally, the boomerang was about three feet long and made of a curved piece of wood. One side of the boomerang was flat, the other slightly rounded.
There are two types of boomerang, the returning and the non-returning. The smaller type of boomerang returns when it is thrown. It is used mostly for sport and hunting birds and smaller animals. The non- returning type, which can be thrown as far as two hundred yards, is made with a sharp, knife-like edge, and is used for hunting larger game. It was also used as a weapon by the natives in times of war.
The main idea of this passage is:
Australian natives use the boomerang for hunting and warfare.
Every year in March, the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada launch St. Patrick’s Day festivities with a meeting called the “Shamrock Summit”. The major topic for the meeting in 1985 was the issue of acid rain, one of the biggest problems in American-Canadian relations. Both the American and the Canadian heads of state promised to exchange special envoys who would examine the sensitive environmental issue and report to their leaders when they met on the next St. Patrick’s Day.
The paragraph best supports the statement that
as a tradition, every year on St. Patrick’s Day, the American and Canadian heads of state have a summit meeting.
The devastation was total. People were screaming, homes and businesses were destroyed, and cars were thrown all about. Venice, Florida, had suffered more than a million dollars worth of damages and reported two people killed and over forty injured. At least forty-five people were driven from their homes and had to find shelter with friends and more fortunate neighbors. Venice, Florida, had been hit by a tornado.
This paragraph best supports the statement that
Venice, Florida, was struck by a tornado.
Search prisoners for weapons and documents as soon as you capture them. Take weapons to prevent resistance, and take documents, except individual identification papers, to prevent the prisoner from destroying them. Prisoners from whom personal property is taken, including personal documents, should be given a written receipt for the property.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
search prisoners for weapons and documents.
Many of us are irritated by the tremendous mass of advertising materials we are subjected to. Envision this: You’re coming home from work. The first thing you do is check your mail box. What do you find? Along with bills from the power and phone companies, are neatly typed letters, addressed with your name and “or current resident.” Advertisements! Next, you carry your junk-mail to the garbage can, turn on the TV set, and someone tells you about the advantage of one car model over another. You don’t get upset, however, because you have grown accustomed to TV commercials and were even caught whistling one or two of the more catchy tunes.
But now, unless you’ve signed up for the “No-Call” list, you have additional advertising hassles. You have just made up your mind to get something to eat while a commercial is running on TV and your phone rings: “Hello, I’m a computer!…May I send a specialist on solar energy to your house?”
The main idea of this passage is
people are irritated by the amount of advertisement they are subjected to.
In order to orient a map, using a compass with the map in a horizontal position, place the compass parallel to a north-south grid line with the cover side of the compass pointing towards the top of the map. This will place the back index line on the dial of the compass, parallel to the grid north. Since the needle on the compass points to magnetic north, we have a declination diagram on the face of the compass formed by the index line and the compass needle.
The main idea of this paragraph is:
how to orient a map using a compass.
He had chalked up his first victory of the season at the Daytona 500. Now the question was not whether his car would endure the punishment of another 328 laps around the Atlanta International Raceway. It was whether his broken leg would let him start, and above all, finish the race. The driver in question, Bill Elliot, not only finished the race, he won the Coca-Cola 500 and became the first double winner of the 1985 NASCAR season.
The paragraph best supports the statement that
Bill Elliot won the Coca-Cola 500.
An obstacle may be an advantage or disadvantage and must be considered on its own merits, in view of a specific mission. For example, obstacles perpendicular to a direction of attack favor the defender by slowing or canalizing the attacker. Obstacles parallel to the direction of attack may assist in protecting a flank of the attacking force.
The paragraph best supports the statement that
obstacles may be either an advantage or a disadvantage.
The position of the Non-commissioned Officer (NCO) is epitomized by Rudyard Kipling in his poem “The Heathen”; in that poem he states, “The backbone of the Army is the non-commissioned man.” Non-commissioned Officers are the foremen in the Armed Forces of our nation. They execute plans and policies of officers, conduct the daily business of the Army, train soldiers, and focus standards, care, and professionalism of NCO’s and enlisted personnel. Throughout history, the NCO has truly been the backbone of the Army. The regularity of the service has indeed been dependent upon the performance of non-commissioned officers.
Non-commissioned Officers
are the backbone of the Army.
Coffee is a universal beverage that is served in different ways around the world. In London, for example, some Englishmen dip mustard into their coffee, while in Denver, a person might add a dash of ketchup. Strips of orange and lemon peel, cloves, and cinnamon sticks are not unusual additions to the brew in Europe. An Asian delight consists of coffee brewed in boiling sugar. Perhaps the richest cup of coffee can be enjoyed in Ireland where whiskey and whipped cream are important ingredients. In Australia a waitress will ask, “Do you want black or white?” Black is plain black coffee, but white is half coffee and half warm milk. If an Australian orders ice coffee, he will be served a cup of streaming coffee with a scoop of ice cream. It sounds like the Australian version of a “snowball in hell.”
Which statement best expresses the main idea?
Coffee is enjoyed in a variety of ways
When work has accumulated to the point where you feel overwhelmed, you can take certain steps to expedite matters. First, list all of the tasks that must be done and decide which requires immediate attention. Next, divide the work into separate piles so you can actually see them disappear as you work. You will avoid a feeling of depression if you can see concrete achievement. Last, assign each task a certain amount of time. If you are realistic and allow yourself a little extra time for each task, you will find that all work will be done with time to spare and a sense of accomplishment will replace the anxiety you felt at first.
Which sentence best expresses the main idea?
Organization saves time and energy.
People the world over recognize the swastika (卍) as the symbol of Hitler’s tyranny, but few realize that its origin can be traced to prehistoric times. In fact, it was once an American Indian symbol of mercy. During the late 1800s the Carlsberg Brewery in Denmark adopted the symbol as its trademark. It quickly became synonymous with excellence. In the early 1930s it became the emblem of Hitler’s Germany. It is ironic that a symbol of love and quality was corrupted to represent power and cruelty.
Which sentence best supports the passage?
There is nothing so evil as the corruption of the best.
Mt. McKinley’s eternal snowcap towers 20,320 feet–the highest point on the North American continent. Wide valleys, worn by such meandering streams as the Kuskokwim and the mighty Yukon, are filled with unique and colorful plants and animals. Big game hunting and fishing are unparalleled. Moose, bear, Dall sheep and caribou are plentiful. Arctic grayling, salmon, and spectacular trout abound in lakes and rivers. About 95 percent of Alaska is still public domain, where adventure can be enjoyed on a grand scale. Alaska, home of the Eskimo, Indian, and Aleut, remains untamed.
Which statement best expresses the paragraph’s main idea?
Alaska, a vast wilderness, offers thrilling opportunities for adventure.
Whaling in the South Seas was not the romantic adventure many popular stories would lead us to believe. Life aboard whaling ships certainly had its moments of danger and excitement, but most of the time the whalers were utterly bored. The thrill and exhilaration of a whale sighting and a “Nantucket sleigh ride” was often followed by endless periods of waiting during which boredom and monotony weighed heavily upon the men. Out of this boredom emerged the creative genius of the whalers as evidenced by their wonderful tall tales and intricate bone carvings as scrimshaw.
Which sentence best expresses the main idea of the paragraph?
Literature had romanticized whaling and ignored the reality.
One hundred years ago, school teachers were expected to provide a variety of services in addition to their teaching duties and to comport themselves in an exemplary manner. They cared for the oil lamps, tended the fire, and supplied their students with sharp pencils. After a long day in the classroom, they were expected to spend some time every evening reading the Bible. Women teachers could not marry and barbershops were off limits to men teachers. Of course, alcohol and tobacco were forbidden.
Which statement best supports the passage?
The teaching profession demanded total dedication.
Teddy Roosevelt, who became the 26th president of the United State after the assassination of McKinley, was known for his energy and many interests. He went on numerous hunting and exploring expeditions; published over 2000 works on history, politics, and his travels; and formed his famous volunteer cavalry troop, the Rough Riders. His most important achievement was his conservation program, which added over 250 million acres to the national forests.
The passage best supports the statement that
Roosevelt had a wide range of accomplishments.
Instead of commuting to a company office each day, thousands of Americans now “telecommute” from their homes. This means that they work at home with the use of modern electronic devices like computers, faxes, scanners, printers, and e-mail. They are able to stay in touch with clients or coworkers with such methods as teleconferencing and multi-party telephone calls and by sending written material electronically. Telecommuting is found to be an efficient, practical change in today’s work scene.
The main idea of this paragraph is that
a person’s office is sometimes at home
The Perseid meteor shower, named after the constellation Perseus, is visible at certain times of the year. The best time for you to view it is between midnight and dawn. While lying on a blanket outdoors, point your feet towards the southeast and look up. If you avoid looking directly at the moon, your eyes will quickly adjust to the dark. Besides Perseid, you will also be able to find the bright planet Mars in the southeastern sky.
This paragraph best supports the statement that
at certain times, it is possible to see a meteor shower.
Globalization is the name given to the ever-increasing tendency for very large companies to be multinational and to do business the world over. Many people feel that this is a good thing because these companies spread wealth to poorer countries, create work opportunities and introduce technologies that raise living standards. Others feel hostile to these companies, which they view as enemies of poor developing countries and as destroying the environment by using up the world’s natural resources.
What is the main idea of this passage?
It explains the meaning and possible effects of globalization.